The Lost People of Teyvat

Chapter 82 The meaning of travel

Chapter 82 The meaning of travel

Paimon still couldn't hold on until the second half of the night. At first, he could still chat and laugh with Ying, then he gradually lowered his flying altitude, his eyelids began to droop, and he yawned from time to time, and finally, somehow, he curled up in Ying's arms and fell asleep.

This was the scene Chen Tianfeng saw when he woke up: a blonde girl holding a little white-haired kid, with soft eyebrows and a gentle smile at the corners of her lips.

"Is the little one asleep?"

Chen Tianfeng lowered his voice and suddenly frowned, feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with this sentence and this scene appearing at the same time.

"Well, he's still a child after all."

Ying also answered quietly, looking up at the sky, "It's still early, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Well, I'm already awake, so I won't sleep anymore."

Chen Tianfeng turned over the campfire to allow the firewood below to burn more fully, and then placed a few more pieces of firewood on top of the campfire. Ying was holding Paimeng, so it was obviously difficult for her to take care of the campfire. She could only make sure the flame did not go out.

Ying carefully held Paimeng and put her into the tent. Just as she was about to pull a thin quilt over her, an arm holding a thick blanket appeared in her sight.

"It's quite cold, cover yourself with this."

Chen Tianfeng put down the blanket and sat back down by the campfire.

Ying pursed her lips and looked at the blanket, her eyes flickering. She was very sure that there was no place on Chen Tianfeng's body that could hide such a large blanket, so...this world also has space storage technology?
Ying thought about it, and after settling Paimon down, she returned to the campfire.

"Huh? Why don't you go and have a rest?" Chen Tianfeng raised his eyebrows.

"It's still early. As a young person with a normal schedule, it's far from time to go to bed." Ying shook her head.

"Then do you want to chat?" Chen Tianfeng nodded: "You seem to be ignorant of many things."

“You really figured it out.”

Ying smiled shyly, the orange-red firelight shining on her side face, her round chin looking even softer: "My hometown is very remote, so remote that many people on the continent of Teyvat don't know about it. This is also my first time traveling alone on the continent of Teyvat, and I realized that there are so many things I don't know."

Chen Tianfeng was silent for a few seconds. He felt that these words sounded familiar. They were the same words he used to fool others when he first arrived in Teyvat. If not exactly the same, they were very similar.

That's right, it's normal to be wary when meeting someone for the first time, otherwise there would be no need for him to suggest guarding her until the second half of the night - it could be considered a show of sincerity.

Only such a person is qualified to be called "Traveler in the Starry Sea". It is impossible for a simple and naive person to travel in the starry sea. It is the kindness of the world that a simple and naive person can live a normal life.

".Normal, there is no one in this world who knows everything."

Chen Tianfeng looked normal and found it very interesting.

Did Ying lie? No, she just didn't tell the whole truth.

"Ying, why did you start traveling?"

Chen Tianfeng thought of Wendy's words and looked at this [Senior]: "What is the meaning of your journey?"

"I have always traveled with my brother, but due to some accidents, my brother and I were separated. So the purpose of my current trip is to find my brother."

Ying hugged her knees with her arms, thought for a few seconds, and said, "As for the meaning of traveling, it should be the scenery along the way and the new friends you meet."

"To witness a wider world, to meet more friends, to taste more delicious food, to experience or participate in many interesting or boring stories, are all precious nutrients for the growth of the soul." The blonde girl smiled gently, with a light twinkling in her eyes: "That's why I like traveling so much, it allows me to meet a more real and perfect self."

"What about the end of the journey? The journey always comes to an end. What kind of ending do you expect?" Chen Tianfeng asked.

“Those wonderful processes, stories and beautiful views worth remembering are the endings I expect.”

"That's it"

Chen Tianfeng was thoughtful, his eyes slightly lowered: "Then what do you think of those who don't travel? Those who stay in one place all their lives, can't or don't want to go out, and are just willing to stay where they are and live their lives well."

"That's good too." The girl said seriously, "They must have come a long way in their hearts."

Even those who are taciturn have flowers blooming in their hearts.

Whether you choose to travel or stay where you are, both are life attitudes that cannot be criticized. If you want to live a stable life, stop and make a few good friends. My hometown is where my heart is at peace. If you want to witness the vast world, pack your bags, meet every story unexpectedly, and be a free and easy lone traveler.

Chen Tianfeng was stunned for a long time, and a smile gradually emerged, with some of the youth's recklessness and arrogance.

He didn't like this world at all. Even though this world had magical elemental forces, dragons, gods, and magic, and he could see many magnificent sights that could not be seen in the original world, he just didn't like it.

But now, he has an urge to understand this world and try to like this world.

Traveling and finding ways to become stronger seems to be a good way of life.

Maybe Wendy sent him here to tell him this truth through the traveler: Teyvat is wonderful and worth visiting and witnessing. Now that you are here, wouldn't it be a pity if you don't see more scenery?
——You can't be thinking that he is full of poison, so you try every means to coax him to leave and go to harm other countries, right?
How is that possible? Even though Wendy is lazy and slacks off, often doing things that make people's blood pressure soar and that they can't be helped, she wouldn't do something like this, right?
Wait, Mr. Zhongli seems to be trying to get him to travel.
Chen Tianfeng was silent for a moment, thinking that some things were better not to be delved into.

If this is really what Venti and Zhongli are planning, then when he is tired of traveling and wants to settle down in Mondstadt and Liyue, he can travel back and forth between them - damn, these two old guys are so annoying!
"Thank you for your advice. I'm learning from you."

He looked serious and bowed as a gesture of respect to Ying.


Ying was stunned for a moment, then imitated him and bowed, tilting her head slightly: "You're welcome?"

Why did you say thank you all of a sudden? How strange.

Ying blinked, quite confused.

Chen Tianfeng's expression was normal, not awkward at all, and he changed the subject very naturally: "We still have some time, Ying, do you have anything you want to ask?"

"Hmm, let me think about it." Ying pondered and said, "Mondstadt is the Kingdom of Wind. What is the name of the country adjacent to Mondstadt?"

"Liyue, the kingdom of rock." Chen Tianfeng answered, and without waiting for Ying to speak again, he continued, "There are seven kingdoms in Teyvat: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Fontaine, Solstice, Nata, and Xumi. They correspond to the seven elements of wind, rock, thunder, water, ice, fire, and grass, and each kingdom has a god."

He recalled and thought, deleting and reducing things, and finally told a set of information that was like an introduction to the world.

Ying opened her mouth, her eyes flickering slightly, vaguely suspecting that Chen Tianfeng knew something. She thought about it, and listened quietly to what Chen Tianfeng said, which was very important to her at the moment, and she chose not to point it out.

Chen Tianfeng had no ill intentions, this was something she was sure of, and that was enough.

The stars were shining brightly and the night was quiet. A rhythmic "splashing" sound could be heard from the river in the distance. The moonlight fell, casting shadows of trees on the ground. When the wind blew, the shadows of the trees swayed gently.

(End of this chapter)

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