Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 155 149 Desperate Situation

Chapter 155 149. Desperate Situation
Unfortunately, after the Wei generals came out of the prefect's mansion, they found that the situation outside did not seem to be much better.

There were flames everywhere. The houses on the streets of Fancheng, which were already incomplete, were even more dilapidated, and there were large sunken holes everywhere. The soldiers were frightened by the earth-shaking noise just now and fled in all directions. For a time, everyone was in panic.

The few of them finally gathered some soldiers who were still mentally stable, formed a group, and walked out, attracting more soldiers to join as they walked.

As for the stables, they had been destroyed by the loud noise and explosion just now. Some of the horses in the stables were burned to death by the fire. Even those who were lucky enough to survive were frightened by the huge noise and flames, and no one knew where they had run away.

Fortunately, everyone finally found a stretcher so they could carry Cao Ren forward without having to take turns carrying him.

When they got close to the gate of Fancheng, they realized how powerful the bizarre explosion was. For some unknown reason, the towering walls of Fancheng collapsed in several sections and fell towards the city.

The gate of Fancheng was even more deformed and could not be closed. The two doors were tilted, leaving a huge gap in the middle, making it useless in blocking the enemy.

"Oh my god... what a powerful force this must be... I'm afraid the power of nature is no more than this..."

Many soldiers were so shocked by the scene that they were speechless. They could only silently pray for mercy in their hearts, hoping that God would have mercy on them and spare their lives.

But unfortunately, it is easy to avoid natural disasters but difficult to avoid man-made disasters.

Because of the explosion just now, parts of Fancheng collapsed, including some places that were originally close to Tangbai River and Han River.

Because of the change in topography, many places that were originally land have become structures like "depression-earth wall-river water". And how can the earth wall, which is not stable to begin with, withstand the erosion of the turbulent river?

As a result, many areas in the east and south of the city turned into a vast ocean, and many soldiers who did not have time to escape were swept away by the river and were tossed up and down in the water.

To make matters worse, the Han navy also took this opportunity to arrive in Fancheng and began to salvage those unfortunate people who were washed into the mainstream of the Han River by the rapids.

"My Grand Commander has summoned heavenly thunder and earthly fire to destroy Fancheng. Why don't the Wei army surrender immediately?!"

From time to time, soldiers holding trumpets shouted loudly, making some soldiers who were already terrified even more frightened.

"Haha, where are you going? Jiangling City is quite big. You are all welcome to come and have fun. If you are tired of playing, you can just stay in Jiangling."

The situation on Cao Zhen's side is not optimistic either.

They had just escaped from the west gate of Fancheng and were preparing to head northwest along the Han River to meet up with Xu Huang and gather the remaining troops.

Unexpectedly, within a few miles of Fancheng, the Han army crossed the river and headed towards Fancheng, and the two sides collided head-on. The leader was Feng Xi, who smiled as he looked at the ragged and dusty remnants of the Wei army in front of him.

Cao Zhen had a bitter look on his face. At this moment they had only gathered a few thousand remnants of the army, all of whom were covered in dust, wounded, and had low morale. They were still frightened by the miraculous scene just now.

Now, before they could recover from the earth-shaking events in Fancheng, a huge Han army appeared before them. Even the well-trained Wei army could not help but waver.

However, this is not the end yet, Feng Xi has another trick to make things worse.

"Where is the old villain Cao Ren? Could he have been struck to death by the magic of 'Heavenly Thunder and Earthly Fire' cast by the master I asked? There is no need to call you all together. I will ask the master to cast another spell so that you can also go down and meet Cao Ren!"

Feng Xi took out his loud speaker and nonchalantly announced to the Wei army that everything they had just encountered was caused by the "magic magic" used by the "experts" invited by the Han army.

The generals of the Wei army were all somewhat surprised and doubtful when they heard this, not to mention the soldiers. They had heard that the Han army had used magic when they fought against the Eastern Wu army at Dongting Lake. Could it be true that the Han army knew magic?

"My fellow Han men! Before I set out on the expedition, I asked the experts to help our army. Tonight, our army will surely be invincible! Thanks to the kindness of God, may God bless our Han people. All the soldiers will follow me and destroy these traitors who usurped the Han Dynasty!"

Feng Xi's few words made the Han army soldiers feel like they were injected with chicken blood. Tonight's "miracle" was really beyond their cognition, so they instinctively wanted to believe what Feng Xi said, thinking that they were really "blessed" and could fight ten people alone.

On the contrary, the morale of the Wei army plummeted after hearing Feng Xi's words. If the enemy could create thunder and fire, it shouldn't be impossible to make the Han soldiers invulnerable and powerful, right? We are just ordinary people, how can we compete with the enemy?
Thinking of this, the soldiers of the Wei army couldn't help but hesitate and their morale was unsettled.

The generals could actually feel the same way, but they couldn't just surrender without a single blow. However, the enemy outnumbered them, so they could only brace themselves and hold their weapons tightly with trembling hands, occasionally one or two drops of sweat would ooze from their foreheads due to nervousness, leaving a clear mark on their dark faces.

"Zi Dan, what should we do..."

Even Wen Pin was somewhat distraught at the moment. Cao Ren, who could stabilize the army's morale, was now unconscious, and he and his men were blocked by the Han army in this way. I'm afraid there was only one realistic question before them: fight to the death, or surrender?

Cao Zhen bit his back teeth tightly, and traces of blood flowed out from between his lips and teeth, which showed how hard he was exerting force.

If he surrendered, he would not be willing to do so. He had already gained an advantage by entering Fancheng, and it seemed that he had a small advantage. But now, in just one night, he had fallen into such a situation. No one would feel good about it.
If they fought to the death, Cao Zhen could see that if all his men died, they would only be able to stop the Han army for an hour or so, and then the Han army could kill their way into Fancheng, slaughtering all the panicked soldiers in Fancheng like killing chickens and dogs.

"There are many big fish in this group of Wei army, don't let them get away! That one is Wen Pin, and that one is Cao Zhen! Don't let them go! Anyone who can capture and kill these Wei army generals will be promoted one level and rewarded with 100 gold!"

Feng Xi saw many familiar faces in the Wei army, grinned a few times, and once again issued orders to the Han army that was already ready to fight. This made the already high-spirited Han army howl even more wildly, and the eyes they looked at the Wei army's generals were already full of military merit and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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