Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 172:166 Hidden Dangers in Sichuan

Chapter 172 166. Hidden dangers in Sichuan
"No, Prime Minister, I think it's normal for the late emperor to arrange a marriage for your majesty, but why should he do the same to me..."

Feng Xi was completely paralyzed. Originally, they were discussing military and national affairs in a peaceful and elegant atmosphere, but because of Zhuge Liang's two words, it suddenly became a scene of being tortured by relatives and friends during the New Year.

"This... I don't know either, but the arrangements were made before the late emperor became seriously ill. After the late emperor's body returns to Chengdu, you can get married in less than a month. And Madam Guan will wait until after the wedding before returning to Sichuan."

Zhuge Liang pointed to the marriage decree that he had just handed to Feng Xi. Feng Xi then saw that the date on it was much earlier. According to the timeline, it should have been issued when the Battle of Dongting Lake ended.

Old Liu was quite considerate and directly took care of all the tedious marriage procedures, leaving him and Liu Chan only to wait for their wedding.

"That's really great... what a fart!"

Feng Xi couldn't help cursing in his heart. As a person who holds the idea of ​​free love in later generations, he suddenly gets himself a feudal arranged marriage. Who can stand this?
Although he was familiar with Guan Yinping and she was pretty and heroic, Feng Xi felt awkward no matter what he said, as he was asked to marry her all of a sudden.

However, Feng Xi's brain had regained some sanity from the chaos just now, his IQ began to take over again, and he began to think about the meaning behind this inexplicable marriage.

A man like Lao Liu who is an expert at employing people would definitely not do anything meaningless, so this marriage is no exception.

First, the simplest way is to tie myself up. My mother died early, and as the head of the Feng family, I actually only have some uncles, aunts and other relatives in Sichuan, which are not enough as hostages. If I marry Guan Yinping, then Guan Suo, Hu Shi and even Guan Xing will have to be included in my consideration. There are many more shackles invisibly.

After all, they are Guan Yinping's biological mother and brothers. Even if he doesn't take them seriously and wants to do something, it is a big question whether Guan Yinping agrees or not.

Secondly, it could help him better consolidate his rule in Jingzhou. Guan Yu's prestige in Jingzhou was well known to the world. Just like this Eastern Expedition, there were countless loyal people who were impressed by Guan Yu and the rule of the Han Dynasty, and there were even more people who opened the gates to welcome the return of the royal army.

If he became the son-in-law of the Guan family, he would surely be favored by some people because of the halo effect, and it would be much easier to implement his policies and govern Jingzhou. And Wang Fu, Liao Hua and other Guan Yu elders would certainly be more convinced of him.

Thirdly… maybe it was because Lao Liu felt that it was not good for him to be alone for a long time, so he picked someone who was well-matched for him. Although he was unknown before, he was now the commander-in-chief of the army in three states in theory, which was not an insult to the prestige of the Guan family;

Moreover, Guan Yinping was not young anymore, she was almost 20 years old, which was definitely an old leftover woman in this world. Before, it was Guan Yu and Hu who indulged her, but after the great changes in Guan's family, Hu must have become anxious, otherwise in history, she would have been betrothed to Li Hui's son Li Wei just two years later.

"...I will follow the late emperor's will."

Of course, I understand, but I still feel a little awkward. However, this is the will of the late emperor, and I can't disobey, so I can only agree with a bitter face.

"After Xiu Yuan returned to Jiangling, the wedding should have been planned. Congratulations to Xiu Yuan. It won't be long before he becomes the groom."

Zhuge Liang bowed to express his sincere congratulations, and Feng Xi could only return the greeting with a bitter face.

"By the way, Prime Minister, I wonder how the layout of Sichuan should be planned? I can also provide some support."

The two men eased their emotions and continued to discuss military and national affairs. Almost all of what they talked about was the deployment of Jingzhou, but Feng Xi had no idea about the situation in Sichuan, so he had to ask clearly so that he could make corresponding deployments.

"After returning to Chengdu, Liang first stabilized the situation. Xiu Yuan should also know that although Sichuan seems peaceful, there are still countless people who do not submit to the Han Dynasty.

When the late emperor was alive, he could still rely on his power to intimidate these villains. Now that they have heard the news that the late emperor has passed away and Your Majesty is still young, I am afraid they will have some inappropriate thoughts. "

Zhuge Liang was also somewhat worried about this. Although Jiangdong was very scattered and the aristocratic families were fearless, after all, whoever came had to rely on them to appease the local area, but was it not the same in Sichuan?

Many big families just do their job and get away with it. Many people even think that Liu Bei, a stinking outsider, is bringing a bunch of poor brothers to our Chengdu to beg for food?

Not only did he not express his willingness to submit to Liu Bei, but he was also pretending to obey him while actually disobeying him.

The same was true for the future Yong Kai and Huang Yuan. When Old Liu passed away, their minds inevitably became active, especially since Liu Chan was only in his teens and had basically no ability to handle things. The words "I'm easy to bully" were written all over his face.

In this case, Zhuge Liang probably won't have time to take care of other things in the short term, and can only take the time to deal with these smart people inside first.

However, the situation is much better now than in the original timeline. Zhuge Liang has soldiers and generals at his disposal. It is still unknown whether many people will jump out to rebel as soon as Lao Liu dies, as they did in the original timeline.

Feng Xi was not too worried about this. After all, Zhuge Liang's ability was still there, and those jumping clowns in Sichuan were destined to not cause any trouble.

But South Central...

Feng Xi couldn't make any predictions about the situation in Nanzhong. After all, he couldn't put himself in the mindset of the Nanman. In the original timeline, Yong Kai and Gao Ding rebelled and contacted Meng Huo to rebel together. Now that the Han army is growing stronger and stronger, it's unclear whether Yong Kai and Gao Ding still have the heart to rebel. It's also unknown whether Meng Huo and his men will disrupt the South.

"Prime Minister, internal troubles are one thing, but we also have to be careful of external troubles. The land of Nanzhong has always been unwilling to obey the king, and our Han Dynasty is also out of reach. If someone with ulterior motives takes the opportunity to incite the southern barbarians to rebel, it will also bring a lot of trouble to our Han Dynasty."

In any case, Feng Xi told Zhuge Liang about the risks involved. As for whether it would happen or not, it was no longer his own problem.

Zhuge Liang was also stunned when he heard this, and then fell into thought. After a moment, a smile appeared on his face again and he bowed to Feng Xi.

"Thank you for the reminder, Grand Commander. Liang will save it."

Feng Xi nodded. Since Zhuge Liang said he would pay attention to it, he would most likely really take it to heart. At least if the Southern Barbarians rebelled in the future like in the original timeline, Ji Han would not be unprepared.

However, Feng Xi was not worried about the impact of the Nanman Rebellion. In the original timeline, the Ji Han was defeated in Yiling, and the national strength was so depleted, but they were still able to capture Meng Huo seven times and release him seven times. Now that the army is strong and the horses are strong, can Meng Huo turn the world upside down?
(End of this chapter)

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