Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 181 Chapter 175 Mountain Strangeness

Chapter 181 175. Weirdness in Zhangshan
However, it was already sunset today, and it was a little late to go to Zhangshan, so in the end Feng Xi and Guan Yinping, followed by dozens of personal guards, rode back to Jiangling City.

The two of them walked side by side on the road, chatting from time to time, and then fell silent for a while, which seemed extremely awkward. It was quite like the feeling of a blind date where the man and woman each asked a question, answered a few questions, and then fell into silence.

Fortunately, the journey was not far. Less than two hours later, the towering city walls of Jiangling City appeared in everyone's sight under the setting sun.

Feng Xi had nothing to do today anyway, so he simply sent Guan Yinping back to Guan's mansion like a gentleman. Although it was unlikely that anything would happen given the security in Jiangling and Guan Yinping's martial arts skills, Feng Xi would not miss the opportunity to make contact.

At this moment, Feng Xi was like a little boy who had just begun to fall in love, clumsily recalling the theoretical knowledge he had learned from later movies and books.

Although the two have an arranged marriage, Feng Xi still does not want the two to have no tacit understanding at all, as that would only cause both of them to go through a painful adjustment period.

"Goodbye, Grand Commander. Don't forget to come with me to Zhangshan in a few days."

Guan Yinping whispered a few words to Feng Xi in front of the mansion, and the two agreed on the way that Feng Xi would take time out in a few days to go to Zhangshan to find out what was going on. As the information provider, Guan Yinping also asked to go with them, after all, the wooden man that could move by himself was also a big attraction for her.

A few days later, Feng Xi worked overtime and took another day off to go to Zhangshan to see what the rumors were.

"Hey, why didn't our Grand Commander bring his guards today?"

Feng Xi rode out of the stable on his white horse, which he used for traveling and showing off, and saw Guan Yinping waiting for him outside the door. She looked around and saw only Feng Xi, not his personal soldiers, so she asked this question.

"Well, after all, the mountain road is rugged and it's difficult to travel with too many people. And if we bring too many people, it's easy to alert the enemy, so you and I are enough."

Feng Xi coughed awkwardly and found an excuse to cover it up. In fact, Feng Xi was thinking that if it was just the two of them, wouldn't it be like a date? Why would he bring dozens of light bulbs for no reason?
As for being in danger, the two men have good martial arts skills, and the hundreds of minions cannot get close to them. Moreover, if they cannot defeat them and want to escape, no one can stop them, unless the other party is a group of Lu Bu in the world.

Guan Yinping didn't think about so many twists and turns. After all, she didn't like many people following her when she went hunting or playing, so she was happy to have some quiet time.

Two people, a man and a woman, sped along the dirt road in Jingzhou that was still covered with dew and smelled of mud in the early morning, all the way to Zhangshan in the northeast of Jiangling.

Zhangshan is located in the east of the Han River and Jingling is in the south. It is located on a major transportation route but is actually very remote. There are not many human settlements around it, let alone big cities or towns.

In addition, Jingzhou had just experienced war, and in many places, nine out of ten houses were empty, so there were really few people living in the Zhangshan area.

The two of them went through great pains to find a small village near Zhangshan. The village was full of old women and old men, without a single young person.

The two men claimed that they were visiting Zhangshan Mountain and used this as an excuse to inquire about the situation from the elderly in the village. At first, the elderly kept silent and seemed to be hesitant, but when Feng Xi took out two pieces of silver, some of them were immediately attracted by the money and threw their concerns behind their backs.

After all, from Feng Xi's point of view, this village survives on a few acres of thin land that was planted at some unknown time. According to the old people in the village, after the Eastern Wu army came, most of the young people died or fled, so only the old and weak like them who were unable to move were left in the village.

The life in the village can only be said to be barely surviving, just barely surviving starvation, so Feng Xi's few pieces of silver are still quite convincing. Not to mention the long-term, it is still possible to change your life or even move to other places. A haggard face, wrinkled skin like bark, and a wretched face are the old man who is greedy for money.

Feng Xi and Guan Yinping went door to door to inquire about the situation. At first, he seemed to be hesitant and was unwilling to say more like everyone else.

However, as soon as Feng Xi took out the two pieces of silver, his eyes immediately became bright, as if he had instantly become ten years younger.

"Old man, my husband and I just want to go to the mountains for a walk, but we are worried that there may be tigers and wild animals in the mountains, so we came here to ask for information."

Feng Xi asked the old man again at this moment. The old man looked greedily at the white silver in Feng Xi's hand, nodded, and reached out to take it.

Feng Xi did not stop him. He smiled and watched the old man carefully take the silver change from Feng Xi's hand, then immediately put it in his arms. He looked around and saw that there was no one else in or out of the room except the three of them. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Sir, there aren't any ferocious beasts or poisonous snakes in Zhangshan. On the contrary, there are many animals like rabbits and wild deer. It should be a good place for hunting, but..."

The old man kept the secret in suspense and rubbed his branch-like fingers gently. The meaning was very clear: you have to pay more!
Feng Xi still had that smiling face and took out a piece of silver, but did not give it to the old man.

"I hope this is the last time you raise the price, or you may end up living without a life to spend it."

As a frontline officer who had fought on the battlefield, Feng Xi carried a murderous aura peculiar to a soldier. He only released a little of it at this moment, and the old man was frightened so much that he trembled with fear, his legs shaking, and he kowtowed and begged for mercy.

After hearing Feng Xi's warning, the old man no longer dared to be greedy and could only tell the truth about everything he knew.

"Master, please spare my life. Master, please spare my life. Although Zhangshan has beautiful scenery and many animals on the mountain, it has been uneasy since more than ten years ago."

The old man was frightened by Feng Xi and could only start to talk about the reason. Feng Xi and Guan Yinping did not speak, but listened quietly to see what the old man could say.

"I don't know when it started, but I often heard human voices and occasionally shadowy figures on the mountain. But at that time, hunters or herbal farmers from several villages around us went up the mountain to investigate, but they couldn't find anything. Until later... later..."

The old man's voice became lower and lower, and he began to look out the window constantly, for fear that he would let the cat out of the bag and attract that thing to come over.

"What happened next? Did you discover anything?"

Guan Yinping was even more impatient than Feng Xi, and hurried forward to ask. This old man was so stupid that he left a suspense here and then suddenly kept silent. Guan Yinping felt uncomfortable and wished that the old man could finish his words like pouring out the beans.

(End of this chapter)

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