Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 195 189 Reinforcements

Chapter 195 189. Reinforcements
"Captain, the situation is not good. The enemy seems to have been prepared and has already driven large and small ships to chase us."

Bao Feng squinted his eyes and looked over, and saw that in the distance, large and small ships from Changsha City were taking advantage of the rapids and approaching him rapidly.


Ma Su was a little confused. After his plan was caught off guard by the other party, Ma Su found that he seemed to be unable to keep up with the development of events.

This is just like the Jieting in the original timeline. Ma Su knew how to defend the mountain, and how to fight a desperate battle after the water supply was cut off to boost morale. However, if he failed, he would have no choice but to be killed.

The situation is almost the same now. A water attack that no one had expected has disrupted all of Ma Su's arrangements. Moreover, he is now in the ocean and the enemy is already coming to kill him. Ma Su is at a loss and has no good plans for a while.

"Protect the commander and retreat first! Those who are not afraid of death, stay with me, and together we will kill him without a single piece of armor left!"

Seeing Ma Su panic, Bao Feng did not hesitate and made a decision immediately. Feng Xi's order before departure was to protect Ma Su as much as possible, so Bao Feng chose to lead some soldiers to cover the rear.

Although Bao Feng is a genuine Bingzhou man, he has been in Jingzhou for more than ten or twenty years and has learned how to swim, so he is naturally not afraid of falling into the water or escaping after defeat.

"General Bao...I..."

Ma Su couldn't help but feel extremely guilty when he saw Bao Feng's determination without hesitation. Although the other party was ruthless, it was not impossible to see through him. It was just that he took it for granted and judged him by himself, thinking that the other party would not drown his own people, which led to the current situation.

Now seeing that Bao Feng was risking his life to cover his retreat, Ma Su was not the kind of stubborn person with a heart of stone. For a moment, a few drops of tears mixed with the river water and quietly slid down his face.

These are not only tears of emotion, but also tears of regret and hatred.

I hate myself for being so impatient and careless. I regret why I didn't observe more carefully.

"General, there is no need to say more. Since the Grand Commander has given such instructions, I will certainly obey. Besides, the enemy is not a tough and elite force, so it will not be a big deal if we delay for a while."

Bao Feng's face was serious and he did not waver in the slightest.

"...General Bao, take care! If you can delay for just a moment, you must return immediately!"

Ma Su was already a little choked up, but he forced himself to control his emotions, bowed to Bao Feng, and evacuated with most of the soldiers.

Han Teng besieged Changsha and recruited more than 5,000 young and strong soldiers. Although more than 3,000 of them were washed away by the water, with the county soldiers that Changsha already had, Han Teng still had more than 5,000 people under his command.

Seeing that Bao Feng had only two thousand men left, Han Teng's face became even more ferocious. "We couldn't beat you head on, so how can I not beat you now that you're like drowned rats?"

"Brothers, kill them! Whoever kills the general will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins!"

Han Teng's words boosted the morale of the Changsha soldiers. Although they could only fight when the wind was favorable, this was not the time for a favorable battle. What was a favorable battle? They were outnumbered and their strategy was successful. In their opinion, wasn't this the time to reap the merits for nothing?
The young and strong county soldiers of the Changsha Army rowed their boats and howled, charging towards Bao Feng's two thousand rear guard soldiers.

"Don't panic! Remember what you usually train!"

Although the Jingzhou army on Bao Feng's side had not yet fully recovered from the panic of the water attack, most of those who stayed with Bao Feng were brave and passionate soldiers, and they were ready for battle.

The two sides boarded the boats and immediately began to fight hand to hand. However, since neither side was like Jiangdong, who could swim underwater, they followed the rules and attacked each other just like they were fighting on land, using the boats as land.

However, Bao Feng's side had fewer people, and at the beginning they had a smaller area to contact the enemy, so they could still gain a local advantage. However, as Han Teng's boats approached, the disadvantage of having fewer people was magnified.

However, Bao Feng was extremely brave, and he was able to gain a local advantage by himself, but it was still difficult to hide the Han army's retreat.

"Kill him! Kill him! Capture that man!"

Han Teng was excited watching from behind. He thought that if he could deal a heavy blow to the Han army, it would be a great opportunity to pursue the victory. How could he let Bao Feng ruin his good fortune?

Bao Feng saw that the Han army was doomed to fail, so he had no choice but to lead several ships of brave soldiers and retreat with cross-covering. However, Han Teng refused to let go, and the situation became very tense for a while.


Suddenly, an uninvited group of enemies arrived, disrupting the battlefield situation. The enemy was different from Bao Feng and his men, and was obviously a well-trained Han navy, which rushed south from the Xiang River and entered the battlefield with ease.

"Damn it, damn it! It was so close!"

Han Teng was furious when he saw the duck that he had grasped flew away. He thought that if he had given himself a little more time, he would surely be able to wipe out this group of Han army remnants. However, the sudden arrival of new forces interrupted his plan, and these retreating remnants directly intercepted the pursuing Changsha army.


Han Teng was not stupid. He could see that today's battle seemed to end here. Since the enemy's reinforcements had arrived, he had no way to advance further and could only make other plans.

Bao Feng was rescued by the Han army who came to support him, and he couldn't help but breathe heavily. The situation just now made Bao Feng feel terrified, and he felt like he had escaped death.

After all, two months ago, Cao Wei's famous general Xu Huang was shot and killed by Huang Quan's troops in the chaos. Although personal bravery is useful, it is not so useful sometimes.

"I wonder which general came to the rescue?"

Bao Feng hurriedly went to thank the commander of the reinforcements who came to support him.

"General Bao, you don't have to be polite. I am following the orders of the Grand Commander and Commander Zhang. If anything happens to Lord Ma, you should come to his rescue immediately. Our army is only a few dozen miles away. We will come to his rescue as soon as we know what happened here."

A yellow-faced man came out of the cabin. Bao Feng recognized him. He was the naval general Pang Lin. It was said that he was the younger brother of the former military advisor Pang Tong. He served under Huang Quan during the Eastern Expedition and was later transferred to the navy.

"The Grand Commander had anticipated this?"

When Bao Feng heard that Feng Xi had made arrangements in advance, he could not help but exclaim in amazement. In his mind, the Grand Commander was always unpredictable. How could he have predicted that they would be defeated this time?

"The Grand Admiral has long ago ordered Admiral Zhang to lead our navy to camp on the south bank of Dongting Lake, firstly to train the navy, and secondly to facilitate support for the Changsha war. The Grand Admiral cannot bear to see Lord Ma and General Bao lose their lives because of a defeat."

Pang Lin laughed twice, invited Bao Feng to go into the cabin to rest for a while, and then sent him and the remaining soldiers back to the west bank of the Xiangjiang River.

(End of this chapter)

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