Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 230 224 The Charm of Journalism

Chapter 230 224. The Charm of Journalism
After one stick of incense.

The ordinary civilians around watched with some fear as the Han soldiers attacked the Zhi family compound as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

These walls made of mud and bamboo could not stop the battle-hardened Shenwu Camp even for a moment. The wall of the Zhi family was overturned by the Han army like a rag. Then the Han army rushed into the yard and arrested all the people of the Zhi family, regardless of gender, age or status. Anyone who dared to resist was killed on the spot, without exception.

This bloody scene made many civilians silent, but of course many Han people also applauded. These Cham tyrants have been doing evil in the local area for a long time. They bully the Cham people and are hostile to the Han people. It can be said that they have done all kinds of evil.

"Let me go! Let me go! You Han people are so barbaric, aren't you afraid that the millions of people in Jiaozhou will rise up in resistance?"

When the middle-aged head of the Zhi family was tied up and dragged out by two soldiers, he kept shouting and cursing, hoping to incite the Cham people around him.

"Haha, Mr. Weng! According to the new law, except for the things that were stolen by trickery and robbery, which need to be returned to the original owner, everything else is yours!"

Bao Feng sneered and called out Weng Wenlou loudly for no reason, instantly drowning out the inflammatory words of the head of the Zhi family.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on Weng Wenlou. The head of the Zhi family looked in disbelief and confusion, and then suddenly realized. But the ordinary people did not have so many changes. They were only confused and did not understand what the Han general meant by shouting.

"My fellow countrymen! The Governor's Office has issued a new decree to ensure the peace of Jiaozhou. Anyone who provides the Governor's Office with clues about people who instigated or participated in the rebellion will have all the legal gains of the person reported belong to the reporter as long as they are confirmed to be correct! The new decree will be transmitted to all counties soon. If it is inconvenient for you to go there during the day and you are worried about retaliation, the Governor's Office also has people on duty at night who can receive you!"

Seeing that everyone had quieted down, Bao Feng immediately struck while the iron was hot and recited aloud Feng Xi's insidious bill.


When the civilians heard the new decree that Bao Feng had just called out, they were immediately in an uproar. Some people saw that there was no one around, so they quietly entered the crowd without stopping. These people had something to hide, and they were afraid that they would be reported by someone they knew, and then what they had worked hard for half their lives would become someone else's overnight.

Many people's eyes were darting around, looking back and forth between the people they knew, as if they were considering who to report next.

"You bastard! I recognize you! Aren't you a servant of the Weng family? You got to your position by reporting on Weng Guoqian! You are a beast worse than pigs and dogs. Not only did you report on Weng Guoqian, you also reported on my family!"

When the head of the Zhi family heard the new decree read by Bao Feng, he suddenly realized that it was exactly as he had guessed. Just now, the head of the Zhi family found that Weng Wenlou seemed to be a servant of the Weng family and had delivered daily letters to his family. He was wondering how he had suddenly become the head of the Weng family.

When Bao Feng was forcing the Zhi family master out, his words to Weng Wenlou made the Zhi family master understand that the other party must have interests to report him. Sure enough, when the Han general mentioned the new decree, the Zhi family master understood and thought that this boy reported him from the Weng family, and he wanted to take advantage of him!
"Who do you think you are? Do you want to report my entire Cangwu clan? You'd better not sleep too deeply at night, or I will come back for revenge!"

The head of the Zhi family knew that if he was captured by the Han people, he would most likely not be able to escape, so he decided to give up and started to curse Weng Wenlou.

Weng Wenlou was originally frightened, but even a clay man has some temper. Moreover, Weng Wenlou is no longer a lowly servant, but the head of the Weng family after all.

"You bastard, keep talking nonsense! I can enjoy my life outside, but you just wait to be beheaded by all the gentlemen!" Weng Wenlou scolded the head of the Zhi family, and then at Bao Feng's urging, he led the Han army to the next house to capture people.

Originally, what happened in the governor's mansion was spread by the servants who went with Weng Wenlou and Weng Guoqian that day. Now that it happened in front of Zhi's house, everyone immediately understood it.

On that day, Ruan Xiaogou, who later became Weng Wenlou, reported Weng Guoqian in advance, allowing the Han commander-in-chief to kill Weng Guoqian on the spot, and then naturally inherited everything from the Weng family.

The bloody suppression of the Weng family and Weng Wenlou's drunken life all served as evidence for this statement. However, Weng Wenlou was still not satisfied, and subsequently reported other corrupt families in the city to the Han army in order to take advantage of the opportunity to devour their assets.

At this point, countless Cham people were publicly cursing Weng Wenlou's meanness and shamelessness, but they were secretly jealous why it was not them who were the victim that day.

This effect is what Feng Xi deliberately guided, and it is also one of the charms of modern journalism. Putting two seemingly related things together, without any guidance, will make people guess the connection between them, thus achieving the effect of misleading.

Although the parties involved knew that Weng Guoqian was killed and all the Weng family property was transferred to Weng Wenlou, which had nothing to do with the new law, was it useful for the parties involved to know? When everyone believed that it was Weng Wenlou who reported Weng Guoqian's rise to power, then the truth became like this.

After a day of running around, Bao Feng led hundreds of soldiers from the Shenwu Camp to capture hundreds of local Cham tyrants. Because of the new law, not many people were actually dissatisfied with it. On the contrary, everyone was thinking about who to report to make the most profit.

Taking advantage of this interval, Bao Feng successfully captured all the powerful Cham people who usually called the shots and took them all to the governor's mansion.

"The Grand Commander, Governor Li, found these letters from these people's homes, proving that they were indeed connected to the Weng family and instigated two rebellions."

Bao Feng ordered a soldier to carry a large pile of bamboo slips and letters to the meeting room of the governor's mansion. Feng Xi and Li Hui were waiting for Bao Feng's return.

"Have the officials check it immediately. If anyone is confirmed to be correct, drag him to Caishikou and behead him in public tomorrow."

Feng Xi waved his hand, then as if remembering something, he added another sentence.

"By the way, only the male relatives will be killed, and all the young female relatives will be sent to the Weng family."

What Feng Xi wanted was to make Weng Wenlou have no way out and work for the Han people wholeheartedly. Now Weng Wenlou's reputation in the Cham tribe is absolutely ruined, and judging from the situation reported by Bao Feng, his deliberate misleading of the public information has also been successful. Now Weng Wenlou's reputation in Cangwu is that of a villain who rose to power by reporting on his master.

The hostility of many Cham people towards the Han people naturally shifted to how to learn from Weng Wenlou and make a big move, or simply became hostile to villains like Weng Wenlou, and their hostility towards the Han people was reduced a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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