Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 239: 233 Old Romance

Chapter 239. Old Romance
"The grass-roots people have met the adults."

The person who came in was a gentleman. Although he was dressed simply, his appearance and temperament gave people a sense of transcendence. He did not look like an ordinary person at first glance.

Feng Xi also put down the teacup in his hand and straightened his body. As the old saying goes, appearance is determined by the heart. Although there are occasional exceptions, it is still relatively accurate in most cases.

The man who came in had handsome features, and there was a righteousness between his brows, without any evil aura, which made Feng Xi feel very favorable towards him.

However, the necessary procedures still had to be followed, so Feng Xi cleared his throat, put on a serious look, glared at the man in front of him, and asked in a stern voice:

"Doctor, can you tell what is ailing me?"

The young man raised his head and stared intently, as if observing Feng Xi.

"I need to feel the Grand Commander's pulse for a diagnosis."

The man bowed, which made Feng Xi very satisfied. Several swindlers were scared by him before and didn't dare to take the pulse. What can you tell by just looking? At least this man still has some professional qualities.

"Then come forward and take a seat."

Feng Xi handed over his left hand and let the man feel his pulse. The man placed his fingers on Feng Xi's pulse, closed his eyes and began to feel Feng Xi's pulse, while his left hand touched his beard. In just half a cup of tea, the man took his fingers off and stood up to salute.

"The Grand Commander's pulse is calm and strong, his forehead is bright, and he has no symptoms."

"Doctor, you need to think carefully. Is this true? If I were not sick, why would I make things difficult for you?"

Feng Xi pretended to be furious in order to scare the other party and see what kind of character he had.

"The Grand Commander is indeed healthy, why does he insist that he is ill?"

The man was neither humble nor arrogant. He seemed not to care about Feng Xi's questioning and insisted on his own conclusion.

"May I know your name? Who is your teacher?"

Seeing the doctor's answer, Feng Xi was certain that this man was truly capable. His expression changed and he put away his previous anger. He asked the other person's name in a friendly manner.

"My name is Zhou Bai, from Xiangyang, and I studied under the former Changsha governor, Mr. Zhongjing."

When Zhou Bai talked about his teacher, he was still very serious and bowed towards the southeast.

"You are actually a disciple of Mr. Zhongjing? I am so sorry for your disrespect."

Hearing that the other party was really a big fish, Feng Xi immediately became enthusiastic. Hua Tuo was killed by Cao Cao, and his authentic Qing Nang book had been lost. Zhang Zhongjing died of illness not long ago, but he didn't expect that his disciples were still in Jingzhou.

But what Feng Xi didn't know was that Zhou Bai had some fate with Jingzhou. When Zhang Ji had just passed away, Zhou Bai and his fellow apprentices mourned for their master for seven days, and then went back to their respective homes.

During this period, Zhou Bai traveled from Jiangling with several fellow apprentices who lived in the north. When passing by Zhou Village in Dangyang County, they rescued an unconscious patient. That patient was Zhao Lei, who later contacted the surrendered troops from Jingzhou in various places and personally sneaked into Jiangling to organize an uprising of the Jingzhou army.

It can be said that if Zhou Bai had not accidentally saved Zhao Lei that day, Feng Xi's subsequent journey to recover Jingzhou would not have been so smooth.

But now neither party involved knows this.

"Since the Grand Commander is not ill, I will take my leave first."

Seeing that Feng Xi was fine, Zhou Bai didn't want to continue pestering him and was about to leave. "Wait a minute, sir. I wonder what you are going to do here?"

Feng Xi hurriedly spoke up to stop Zhou Bai. He had finally caught a useful person, how could he let him go so easily?

"Of course, I travel around and heal the sick and save lives."

Zhou Bai also seems to be a person of good character. He seems to have a different approach from Zhang Ji and is a bit like Hua Tuo.

"May I ask, sir, how many people can you save by yourself?"

Feng Xi already had some ideas about how to persuade the other party, and at this moment he spoke in a mysterious way.

"Although my power is limited, it can still save thousands of people."

Zhou Bai didn't understand, but after thinking about it, he gave a reliable answer.

"Doctors like Mr. Hua, Mr. Zhang, or you can only save a thousand or two thousand people in their lifetime. How many people in the Han Dynasty are waiting to be treated?"

Seeing that the other party had fallen into the trap, Feng Xi continued to lay bait.

"How can a man give up because of a drop in the bucket? If I don't save them, then the number will increase by a thousand. If I can save a thousand people, then that's a thousand."

However, the other party seemed to be very determined and did not feel pessimistic because of the huge gap described by Feng Xi.

"Sir, you know that Jingzhou is developing at the moment. I am also concerned about the suffering of the people. Disease is the greatest suffering of the people. What do you think? There may be only a few thousand casualties in the battle, but the plague caused by these thousands of corpses may take away the lives of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people."

Feng Xi sighed, looking compassionate.

Zhou Bai nodded. He knew how serious the plague was. His mentor Zhang Zhongjing had also spent his entire life studying typhoid fever, plague and other diseases. As a disciple, he naturally understood the reasoning behind it.

"Therefore, I intend to set up a hospital like an ordinary academy to train doctors. After they have completed their studies, they will be sent to various counties and even villages to ensure the lives of the people. In this way, the teacher will not be just one person, but thousands of people. Using thousands of doctors to save thousands of people will not be a drop in the bucket."

Feng Xi finally expressed his thoughts at this point. Zhou Bai hesitated for a moment before asking:
"I wonder what advice the Grand Commander has for me on this matter?"

"To establish a hospital, we naturally need someone to teach medicine. Mr. Hua and Mr. Zhang have passed away. Now that Mr. Zhou is Mr. Zhang's senior disciple, I wonder if you are willing to take on this important task and help me treat diseases and eliminate disasters for the people of the world?"

Feng Xi's words were quite inflammatory, and Zhou Bai was shaken. Zhou Bai lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally nodded. What Feng Xi said made sense. Instead of wasting his life, it would be better to add countless doctors to the people of the world.

"That's a good idea. The hospital is just an empty shell now, and Mr. Zhou can be the dean. It would be best if Mr. Zhou could contact his fellow students to come together. After all, there are many students who need to be taught, and it may be beyond the capacity of Mr. Zhou alone."

Now that one person has taken the bait, wouldn't it be logical to use him as a starting point to win over other people in the social network?

"Zhou will write a letter to try to persuade other fellow disciples, but I don't know how the Grand Commander wants to teach?"

Zhou Bai didn't mind finding a few fellow apprentices, but he still didn't quite understand this new thing called the hospital, so he asked Feng Xi.

"This is a simple matter. Jiangling has many death row prisoners, and some have agreed to donate their bodies. You need to lead your students to study the mysteries of the human body and try to cure diseases that are now considered terminal."

Feng Xi smiled slightly, but this smile looked a little scary.

(End of this chapter)

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