Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 263 257 Anxious

Chapter 263 257. Anxious

Sun Quan, who was close to madness, was too lazy to refuse every now and then, so he simply went through the process of three requests and three resignations in the court, and decided on an auspicious day ten days later with his ministers, and then adjourned the meeting.

Of course, Sun Quan could take a break, but the people below had to work overtime to sew dragon robes, yellow flags and other items needed for the enthronement. The civilians also had to build a high platform before the coronation ceremony, and all civil and military officials had to prepare something.

"Master Zhang Zhao, why did you just…"

After the court was dismissed, Zhang Zhao walked out slowly, but was stopped by someone next to him. Zhang Zhao looked carefully and found that the person was the new Grand Commander, Zhuge Jin, who had little presence.

Zhuge Jin looked worried, as if he was troubled by something. Zhang Zhao had been in politics for a long time, so how could he not see what Zhuge Jin was thinking?
Zhuge Jin was only worried about Sun Quan's behavior, but he did not mention at all how to resist the Han army.

"Ziyu, do you have some free time? Would you like to come to my house for a chat?"

Zhang Zhao had no intention of saying anything more outside where there were so many people around.

"As you wish."

After a moment's thought, Zhuge Jin took a carriage and followed Zhang Zhao to Zhang Zhao's residence.

Although Zhang Zhao was very important in the court, Sun Quan's attitude towards him seemed to be quite subtle because of the Red Cliff Incident. Although he still valued Zhang Zhao and often listened to his advice, Zhang Zhao's official position on paper was not very high. In some sense, Zhang Zhao should have been a subordinate of Zhuge Jin.

Of course, it's just on paper. Zhuge Jin was aware of his actual power and was very respectful in front of Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Zhao invited Zhuge Jin in, and the two sat opposite each other at a large eight-immortal table. Servants had already brought all kinds of wine and food to the table.

Needless to say, these furnitures are also high-quality goods from Jingzhou. Zhang Zhao is old and his joints are stiff. He can't stand sitting on the floor all the time. Now he sits on a chair and naturally has fewer concerns.

"I also know what Ziyu is worried about. But I wonder how Ziyu thinks we can repel the enemy?"

Zhang Zhao picked up a cup of tea and toasted Zhuge Jin. Zhuge Jin quickly returned the gesture and drank the tea in one gulp.

"I... I don't know. There are almost no soldiers available in Jiangdong now. Only the 30,000 troops of Duke Ding and Duke Miao can be used. But the Han army is now very powerful... Alas..."

Zhuge Jin was extremely depressed. Although Zhuge Jin often served as an envoy to Ji Han, it did not mean that he was a vase and did not understand military affairs.

Although Sun Quan recruited another 20,000 to 30,000 new troops, no one with a little common sense in Jiangdong would count those new troops in their combat effectiveness.

It was a blessing that those strong men who were forcibly brought here did not disintegrate or even rebel on the battlefield. Asking them to fight the Han army? What a joke. They could hardly defend the city.

"Tzuyu, what do you think the future of the world will be like?"

Zhang Zhao took a sip of tea and did not continue the previous topic. Instead, he suddenly changed the subject and asked about the situation in the world.

"This... should be a confrontation between the North and the South."

Zhuge Jin was stunned for a moment, but then blurted out without thinking. Although he was reluctant to admit it, Zhuge Jin also knew that the future would most likely be a confrontation between Han and Wei, and it would have nothing to do with Jiangdong.

"Zi Yu, why should you be in such a hurry? I heard that after Emperor Zhaolie passed away, your brother took charge of all officials and took charge of internal affairs." Zhang Zhao seemed to be saying something irrelevant, but the meaning behind his words was actually very clear.

Why are you so anxious, Zhuge Jin? Even if the Eastern Wu is destroyed, it has nothing to do with you. With your status as Zhuge Liang's brother, no one in the Han army will dare to stop you, whether you surrender to Ji Han or retire.

"This, Lord Zibu, please don't joke. I have been favored by the king. Now that I am the Grand Commander, I should do my best to help the king. How can I be afraid before the battle?"

Zhuge Jin looked embarrassed and a little angry. After all, Zhuge Jin's identity was really awkward and useful. It was useful because there was absolutely no threat to Zhuge Jin's life when he went to the Han Dynasty; it was awkward because at this critical moment, countless people were probably looking at him.

Therefore, at times like this, Zhuge Jin had to act impartial and just, otherwise the first person to cause trouble for him would probably be the King Wu of Wei.

"Then Tzuyu should try her best. Maybe she can recreate the great victory of Red Cliff."

Zhang Zhao knew Zhuge Jin's concerns, but since Zhuge Jin had said so, Zhang Zhao had nothing to say, so he just started eating and drinking like an ordinary old man.

In the end, Zhuge Jin left Zhang Zhao's house with a lot of sorrow.


Zhang Zhao waited for Zhuge Jin to leave and then smiled slightly.

To put it bluntly, except for Bu Zhi and others who were deeply tied to Sun Quan, who in Jiangdong could not rebel? Even Zhang Zhao was the same.

When Zhang Zhao was persuading Sun Quan in the past, he said, "Anyone can surrender except the king."

On the other hand, who else could not surrender except Sun Quan? Even Zhang Zhao himself could. Now the Han army came with a state of troops, and it seemed that they wanted to settle all the old and new grudges. Although Zhang Zhao was not good at military affairs, he could see that Jiangdong seemed to be at the end of its rope this time.

Before, whether it was the Battle of Red Cliff or Liu Bei's Eastern Expedition, Jiangdong still had the confidence. With its elite navy and infantry, as well as its good ministers and brave generals, it was able to fight.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Dong can win countless times, but if he loses once, he really loses. Jiang Dong has no capital to lose.

This situation is actually the same as the Southern Song Dynasty in history. The total winning rate is extremely high, higher than that of the early Tang Dynasty. Does this mean that the Southern Song Dynasty is more powerful than the early Tang Dynasty? Of course not, because many of the Southern Song Dynasty’s battles were defensive battles. If they lost, there would be no Southern Song Dynasty, so they could not afford to lose.

Similarly, Jiangdong can defeat the Jingzhou army countless times, but as long as the Jingzhou army wins once, Jiangdong will face the dilemma of collapse, and Jiangdong will have no future.

Zhang Zhao's original idea was to help Sun Quan as much as possible, at least to give Sun Quan a way out so that he would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

But today, Sun Quan's intention in the court is very clear. There is a common saying in modern times, "Do you want to be a coward for your whole life or a hero for three minutes?" Sun Quan obviously chose the latter. However, he wanted to be the emperor for three months or three days.

Zhang Zhao was relieved after knowing Sun Quan's choice. Since Sun Quan himself had given up the retreat, let him go. After Sun Quan became emperor, there was no possibility of reconciliation with the Han Dynasty. Even Cao Pi would not tolerate him.

If nothing else, keeping a king of a fallen country in his own home is easy to be criticized, and there will always be some people with ill intentions who want to use these people as political tools to achieve their own goals. For example, under his banner, "restore the country." It doesn't matter whether he has this idea or not, what matters is that he is still alive, and this excuse is enough.

Therefore, a dead king who has lost his country is a good monarch who will not bring any trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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