Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 270 264 Immortal Art Reappears

Chapter 270 264. Immortal Magic Reappears
"The Han army has begun its attack, and the first batch of fire ships are ready to set off!"

He Qi in the rear was also not idle. He heard the noise on the other side of the city wall and knew that the Han army had begun to attack the city. So he immediately ordered the small boats and rafts hidden in the city, with their hulls piled with flammable materials such as hay and kerosene, to sail out of the water gate, adjust their direction in the Pengli Lake, and rush straight to the northwest towards Zhang Nan's navy who was still protecting Feng Xi.

At that time, there was a southeast wind blowing on the river. These small boats took advantage of the wind and rushed straight towards the Han navy even though they were going against the current.

"Enemy attack!"

The scouts of the Han army immediately spotted these boats approaching with ill intentions and shouted loudly. Zhang Nan was also prepared for this, and dozens of small boats emerged from the large and small ships and sailed downstream to meet them.


When the fireboats of Eastern Wu approached, they were immediately set on fire, and the Wu soldiers on the boats jumped into the water and escaped, preparing to return to Chaisang through the water gate, leaving these burning fireboats to rush towards the Han army's formation.

Without anyone to man them, these fireboats were easily blocked by the Han soldiers using wooden forks. Without momentum, the fireboats could only burn out on the spot and then sink into the river.

"That's strange... why are there only a few small boats?"

Zhao Lei also saw the suicidal attack from the Soochow on the deck, but he felt something was wrong. If the Soochow had decided to fight to the death, how could they have just set fire to the ship?
"Is it just a feint? We need to inform the governor."

Zhao Lei was a man of meticulous mind, otherwise he would not have been in Jingzhou contacting his old subordinates to respond to Feng Xi. Now, seeing the Wu army's fire attack, which could be said to be a joke, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"And this matter... just in time. We were planning to eliminate these hidden agents. If Wu Jun still has a backup plan, we can take this opportunity to counterattack him."

Zhang Nan agreed with Zhao Lei's opinion, so after some arrangements, a few strange little boats appeared behind the Han army. The cabins were covered tightly with straw and other things, and they slowly sailed to the hidden piles.

The strange thing is that although it is clearly a small boat, it has a deep draft and is stuck by these hidden piles, unable to move.

These ships were stuck here, unable to move, and the soldiers on them didn't seem to care. They actually abandoned the ships, switched to other ships and left.

He Qi in the city estimated that half an incense stick of time had passed since the last wave of fireboats went out, and the Han army might have relaxed their vigilance. So he gave an order, and fireboats several times larger than the previous ones came out from the Chaisang Water Gate again and attacked the Han army ships upstream.

However, the Wu army sailing the ships soon discovered that something was wrong. There were actually more than a dozen Han army ships lying across the water, as if they were blocked by hidden stakes and could not move.

Now it was the turn of the Wu soldiers to be in trouble. It was obvious that these small broken boats were not of high value. If they rushed forward directly, they would probably be stopped. However, if they continued to hesitate, the Han army would probably react.

Finally, the Wu army made up their minds. The first few fire ships lit up the flames and rushed forward to clear the way for the large force behind them.

The fire, driven by the wind, immediately set several small boats of the Han army on fire. The Wu army behind were overjoyed and did not dare to delay. They immediately sailed forward, preparing to pass over the wreckage of these ships and rush directly towards the Han army's fleet.


However, as the burning continued, a small Han army boat made a loud noise, followed by a burst of intense light and heat, covering the surrounding area.

Like dominoes, with the first explosion, a chain reaction occurred in the surrounding twenty or so Han army ships, and explosions sounded one after another, instantly covering many Sun Wu fire ships that had no time to react after approaching. The flammable objects on these fire ships were ignited by the huge heat generated by the explosion before they were ignited by the Wu soldiers, and the scene soon fell into chaos.

"Run! This is the magic of the Han army!"

The Wu army soldiers who had luckily escaped the disaster were frightened out of their wits. They had long heard that the Han army could use magic to activate palm thunder. Now, thunder struck out of nowhere, how could they not be afraid?
There was no time to respond to any orders. Some who were still rational immediately rowed their boats back, while some who were terrified simply jumped off the boat to escape, allowing their fireboats to drift into the sea of ​​fire and burn.

Of course, He Qi in the city knew nothing about this and was just wondering where the thunder came from on such a sunny day. But Sun Shao and his men on the city wall saw it clearly.

The loud noise just now attracted everyone's attention. After they saw the violent flash and the deafening noise, dozens of huge fireballs suddenly appeared on the surface of the river.

"Witchcraft... witchcraft! It's the witchcraft of the Han army!"

Similarly, the Wu army on the city wall also had some commotion because of the sudden loud noise. However, what they didn't know was that the same fate would happen to them soon.

"Hmm? Did that kid Wen Jin start cleaning up the hidden gangs?"

Feng Xi was not deaf, so he naturally heard the explosion downstream, but he was stunned for a moment before coming to his senses. His telescope was not looking at the city wall or the ladder, but at the bottom of the city gate.

The wreckage of the broken siege vehicle lay there quietly, and two soldiers were hiding in the city gate, burying something in the ground. After the burial was completed, one soldier seemed to be sorting something out, then took out a flint, lit something in his hand, and ran out with the soldier next to him holding up his shield.

The Han army quickly responded to them and then retreated away from the city gate, as if they had seen some ferocious beast.

The Han army's offensive suddenly slowed down, giving the Wu army on the wall some chance to catch their breath.


However, suddenly a loud noise was heard from the city gate, and then the city wall directly above the city gate began to shake violently. The city wall actually collapsed in many places. Finally, the city gate tower could not withstand the pressure and collapsed from the middle, crushing the ruins of the city gate underneath.

"This... this is the magic of the Han army..."

Sun Shao stared wide-eyed on the city wall, in disbelief. In his opinion, the heavy city gate was foolproof, with hundreds of new soldiers blocking the gate, but it was destroyed directly by the Han army's magic, and even the solid city wall was destroyed.

"Oh my god, the Han army is made up of soldiers from heaven, this is magic!"

The veterans in front were so frightened that they were stunned. What about the new recruits behind? They had already knelt on the ground and started to kowtow.

The Han army had long known that they could use magic, so their morale was immediately boosted when they saw this. While the Wu army on the city wall was trembling with fear, they filed up using ladders and the ruins of the city gates. The Eastern Wu soldiers completely lost their will to fight, and could only kneel and beg for mercy when they saw the Han army coming.

Sun Shao had not expected that his side would suffer such a defeat, and he was caught by the Han army before he could escape.

(End of this chapter)

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