Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 277 271 Decisive Battle

Chapter 277 271. Decisive Battle
"Grand Commander, the Wu army has lost several cities in a row and their morale is completely destroyed. The decisive battle tomorrow will be just the right time to completely defeat the Wu army. Grand Commander, you can display the flags to show the power of our army."

Ma Su stood up, bowed, and put forward his ideas.

"Wang Situ... No, what Ma Zhubu said makes sense. But the Wu army was hiding in hiding, and now they suddenly challenge us to a decisive battle. Could it be that Dongwu has some trick up its sleeve?"

Feng Xi still agreed with Ma Su's remarks that were similar to those of Wang Situ. After all, he was not Cao Zhen who confronted Zhuge Liang at the Weishui River. Now Dongwu really had nothing left to lose.

However, out of caution, Feng Xi still did not quite understand Bu Zhi's suicidal behavior, fearing that the Wu army was coming up with some dirty tricks again.


Even Ma Su could not guess what Bu Zhi was thinking and could only remain silent.

"Well, no matter if it's a mule or a horse, they have to go out for a walk. But now it happens to be the rainy season, so many weapons can't be used. Tell the soldiers to take good care of their equipment tonight, and don't make any mistakes on the battlefield tomorrow."

Feng Xi didn't care so much about Mei Yu. Although the Han army was now mainly covered by hot weapons, the development of cold weapons had not fallen behind much.

The Han army's current equipment was more than enough to deal with the Wu army, which had no large number of cavalry and was mainly composed of light infantry. However, Ren Fengxi could not have imagined that Bu Zhi had bet all his chances on the Han army's inability to use fire and explosions.

"Commendants, you have all heard rumors for a long time that the Han army would use magic and immortal magic."

Early the next morning, Bu Zhi gave a final pre-war encouragement on the high platform.

"I have also heard that when the Han army waved their hands, thunder would explode in the sky or the ground would start a fire. Even the Han army soldiers knew the palm thunder technique."

Bu Zhi's words resonated with the soldiers below, and everyone started discussing in a low voice. It must be false to say that they had never heard of these rumors. Everyone's fear of the Han army basically came from these unfounded rumors.

After all, if you ask a soldier to fight with other soldiers with real weapons, he won't be afraid. But if you ask a soldier to fight with a female ghost or an immortal, he will definitely be nervous.

In the eyes of the Wu army, the Han army is now no different from immortals.

"However, we in Great Wu are also blessed by immortals! This perfect plum rain was specially requested by the immortals of Great Wu because they couldn't bear to see our army fighting alone! With this rain, the Han army's strange magic can hardly be used! Even if they can be used reluctantly, the power will be greatly reduced."

Seeing that the soldiers had successfully brought up this topic, Bu Zhi immediately changed the subject and also played the superstition card, linking the normal subtropical monsoon phenomenon in summer to the legend of gods and ghosts, and solemnly created a "Jiangdong expert".

But you have to say that this feudal superstition is quite effective in this era. Bu Zhi and Lu Dai would definitely not believe it, but some of these big soldiers do believe it.

When these soldiers heard Bu Zhi say that the immortals from Eastern Wu had taken action and hindered the opponent's magic, they immediately cheered, as if the Eastern Wu army would be invincible if they could block the Han army's magic.

The Wu army rushed out of the camp in a mighty force and headed for the decisive battle site, where the Han army had been waiting for a long time.

Every soldier of the Han army wore a conical hat to protect themselves from the rain, and their swords, shields, spears, bows and crossbows were all ready to go. Combined with the continuous rain, there was an indescribable sense of solemnity.


Even Lü Dai and Bu Zhi were salivating when they saw the Han army's vigilant look, but now the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. After the Han army confirmed the arrival of the Wu army, Feng Xi took the initiative and beat the drums to march forward. The Han soldiers took advantage of the Wu army's lack of foothold and attacked them directly amid the drumbeats. "Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

The Han army's crossbows were the first to fire. The range of the Han army's newly made crossbows was far greater than that of ordinary bows and arrows, so when the Han army charged, they could first launch a long-range attack on the Wu army's formation.

"Don't panic! Raise your shield!"

At this time, the area south of the Yangtze River had not yet been developed like in later generations, and there were quite a few forests, so the Eastern Wu might have lacked everything, but the thing they had the most was thick wooden shields.

"Dong dong dong..."

The soldiers of the Wu army raised their shields and tried to block the rain of arrows from the Han army, but the rain of arrows mixed with the rain seemed to penetrate everywhere and still caused considerable damage to the Wu army's positions, causing screams in agony.

The Wu army could only start shooting arrows when the Han army approached. However, the Wu army was in a bit of a mess after the Han army's previous wave of shooting, so the arrows they fired looked a bit scattered.

The Han army also had sword and shield soldiers in the front, wearing leather and chain mail, and were hardly affected by the Wu army's ordinary bows and arrows.

Although Dongwu had enough wooden shields, they could not have enough bows and crossbows. As mentioned before, the good stuff must be given priority to the elite troops. What about the elite troops? The elite troops were killed or wounded in Yiling and Dongting Lake, and their stuff was already damaged or seized by the Han army.

Nowadays, these bows and arrows are common goods stored in the warehouse. They can definitely be used, but we can't expect much from them in terms of power and range.

In addition, it is raining now, and the rain falling on the arrow in the air will weaken the kinetic energy of the bow and arrow, making the bow and arrow shoot shorter and less powerful.

The impact is not obvious on powerful crossbows such as the Han army's Shenbi Crossbow, but it is quite obvious on bows and arrows pulled by human power.

Most of the Han soldiers were only injured by one or two arrows, which hardly affected their combat capabilities. Occasionally, some were unlucky and fell to the ground, but someone would drag them to the rear.

After both sides fired two waves of arrows, the front-line infantrymen began to engage in close combat. Compared with the Wu army, the Han army was obviously much more fully equipped.

The Han soldiers wore rainproof hats on their heads, non-slip and breathable straw sandals on their feet, the weapons in their hands were also well-made, and they also wore chain and leather armor on their bodies.

On the Eastern Wu side, only a few officers could wear iron armor, and the coverage rate of leather armor was not very high. After all, the previous disastrous defeat dealt a heavy blow to the Eastern Wu's supplies, and all the equipment was lost, and it was impossible to replenish them all within a year.

Many soldiers were naked, wearing only cloth robes as they fought the Han army. Needless to say, the result of this asymmetrical battle was very bad.

The Han army almost completely defeated the Wu army.

If you look down from the battlefield from a bird's eye view, you can see that the brown-yellow Han army is like an incoming tide, instantly swallowing up the dark green Wu army on the other side, and dissipating like snowflakes.

If it was the first-line troops of the Eastern Wu, they might not be so bad. But what kind of troops did Lu Dai lead? They were the second-line or even third-line troops in Jiaozhou that suppressed the local Cham people. Their combat effectiveness was only comparable to that of the county troops.

If all the elite troops of Eastern Wu had not died, it would not have been their turn to go to the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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