Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 279 273 Anne

Chapter 279 273. Anne
"Your Majesty, according to the spies, after Chaisang fell, the Wu general Bu Zhi led 40,000 troops to confront the Han commander Feng Xi, but was no match for Feng Xi and was defeated twice in a row. Now the Wu has been trapped in Jianye City and has no chance to fight back."

In the Luoyang Palace, the new Grand Commandant Zhong Yao was reporting the latest war situation in Jiangdong to Cao Pi and his ministers. The old Grand Commandant Jia Xu had retired due to old age and frailty.

On the one hand, Jia Xu is really old. He is now in his seventies. No matter how good his brain is, it cannot withstand the baptism of time. Now Jia Xu is really often dazed and distracted, and seems to have transformed into an ordinary old man.

On the other hand, Jia Xu also had some other considerations. Last year, under Feng Xi's operation, many old stories of Cao Wei were dug up to hurt the people of Cao Wei, including the incident of Cao Cao hiring prostitutes in Wancheng.

However, the parties involved either died on the spot, such as Cao Ang and Cao Anmin, or died later, such as Zhang Xiu and Cao Cao. Now only Jia Xu is left alive, so a lot of unnecessary pressure is placed on Jia Xu.

For example, where did Feng Xi know the details of the Wancheng incident that Cao Pi was thinking about? In addition, the people always have to find someone to talk about. Death is the greatest thing, so it is naturally impossible to gossip about the dead. Jia Xu, who has done bad things all his life, became the best target.

Under such circumstances, Jia Xu naturally chose to follow his heart and let his children continue to serve as officials in the court as usual, while he himself retired to the countryside and never cared about worldly affairs again.

Having said that, the Han army's mighty eastern expedition against Cao Wei this year is of course worth paying attention to. I want to see how strong the Han army is now, so as to make a reference for the future, and also want to see if I can find an opportunity to reap the benefits like last time.

"Is Bu Zishan so incompetent? I heard that Bu Zishan pacified Jiaozhou in the past, and I thought he had some ability."

Cao Pi shook his head, seeming somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that Bu Zhi was easily defeated by Feng Xi.

"Your Majesty, this is not Bu Zhi's fault. First, the Pseudo-Wu is short of troops. I heard that the Pseudo-Emperor Sun Quan ordered his soldiers to capture people on the street and use them as soldiers last year out of fear. After only one year, these soldiers who were forcibly recruited had no fighting power at all, so it was natural that they were defeated by the Shu army.

In addition, the pseudo-Han Grand Commander Feng Xi was a sinister and cunning person who was good at using despicable and strange schemes, so it was reasonable that Dongwu could not resist him. "

After becoming the Grand Commandant, Zhong Yao did a lot of homework. He carefully analyzed the situation of the great defeat in Jingzhou last year and found that the problem was Feng Xi and Feng Xiuyuan.

Originally he had been unknown and almost no one had heard of his name. However, he suddenly came to the fore when he followed Liu Bei on the Eastern Expedition and became a dazzling new star. The speed at which he rose to prominence was astonishing.

"Humph, it's this Feng Xi Feng Xiuyuan again. Since he has mobilized a large army, what is the situation in Jingzhou? Is the defense empty?"

Cao Pi snorted coldly. Feng Xi actually dared to say that he would not live for more than five years. Cao Pi was upset about this matter. He had some health problems, but he knew his own affairs well and would not spread them to others. As a result, the other party did this to him, which made Cao Pi very angry.

When talking about Feng Xi and Cao Pi now, it is naturally impossible for them to give him a good face.

"It may be difficult to attack Jingzhou again. According to the report from the Nanyang spies, the Shu army has roughly cleaned up the wreckage of Fancheng, but has no plan to rebuild it. And although Feng Xi has mobilized a large army, there are still tens of thousands of troops in Jingzhou that can fight. Now that Fancheng is gone, and Xiangyang City has high walls and thick walls, it may be difficult for our army to force a crossing of the Han River to attack Xiangyang."

Zhong Yao did not support Cao Pi's idea of ​​scoring twice. After the Battle of Fancheng, Feng Xi meant that Fancheng should be abandoned and not repaired, and this blank area should be used as a buffer zone with Cao Wei. Now if Cao Wei wanted to invade the south, it would have to start from Deng County and force a crossing of the Han River to attack Xiangyang. Xiangyang has been a famous strong city since the time of Liu Biao, and with the powerful navy of the Han army, how many people in Cao Wei could afford to do such a thing?

"What about other regions? Can Wei only watch the Shu army defeat Sun Quan and then slowly digest Jiangdong?"

Cao Pi was a little annoyed when he said this. Both Ji Han and Dong Wu had geographical advantages, which made it difficult for Cao Wei to destroy them. Now he could only watch Ji Han attack Dong Wu fiercely, but he could do nothing.

"Your Majesty, the Huainan region reported that the Han navy has begun to block the river and prohibit ships from passing. Moreover, our Wei is not known for its navy, so it may be difficult for us to intervene in the war in Jiangdong."

Zhong Yao was still quite polite. To put it simply, the Wei navy was just trash. You couldn't really think you could achieve anything in the Xuanwu Pool, right?

As for Guanzhong, Zhong Yao was too lazy to talk about it. He was very familiar with the situation in Guanzhong. The Han army did not respond to Jingzhou and sent troops to the north. He was thankful. What else could he expect Cao Zhen and Zhang He to do?
Cao Pi was also in a great headache. The places bordering Cao Wei and the other two states were not good for military deployment. Shangyong was mountainous, not to mention Guanzhong; the Yangtze River in Jiangdong blocked all Cao Wei's ambitions; Jingzhou, the best place for military deployment, was now like an iron tortoise, and no one knew how to attack it.

"Then according to your opinion, how should our Great Wei deal with it?"

Looking around, Cao Pi was a little unhappy that he couldn't do anything. He could only ask other people to see if there were any other plans.

"Your Majesty, why do you worry so much about the two dogs fighting each other? Since Shu and Wu are fighting each other, why don't we develop peacefully for a few years, deal with the rebellious people in the country, and train soldiers to make up for the losses in the previous Battle of Xiangfan. When the battle between Wu and Shu is decided, our Wei will have already strengthened its army and horses."

Sikong Wang Lang stepped forward and began to speak. The current Si Tu was still Hua Xin, so Wang Lang was not the well-known Si Tu Wang.

"Well, that's the only way. Order all states and counties to start investigating local conditions and severely punish those who commit crimes."

Since there was no way to deal with the outside world, they had to deal with internal affairs. In addition, stabilizing the country was indeed beneficial, so Cao Pi readily agreed and ordered all places to start paying full attention to local government affairs and wait for the outcome of the Wu-Han dispute.

The focus of their attention, the capital of Wu, Jianye, was now surrounded by the Han army. Feng Xi's siege this time was a typical method of surrounding three and leaving one, leaving the east gate of Jianye empty.

To the east of Jianye is Wu County, which is also the hometown of the Sun family. In this way, the intention of fighting to the death in the city is not so strong. As for besieging the city and attacking the reinforcements... In the current situation of Dongwu, it is difficult to defend Jianye, so how can there be extra soldiers to be transferred from the Wu army in the east and Kuaiji County?

The two sides are preparing to start a new round of confrontation around Jianye.

(End of this chapter)

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