Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 309 303 Propaganda

Chapter 309 303. Propaganda
These Shanyue people naturally included men and women, old and young. At first, Yang Feng was a little hesitant. After all, they were in front of the Han army, so they had to pretend and not show their true colors.

However, the Han army quickly took away the remaining Shanyue people, as if they didn't care at all about what Yang Feng did. Yang Feng was slightly relieved.

What else could Nanzhong do with these foreigners? Young and strong men could either be directly incorporated into the army as slaves or used as civilian laborers in logistics. In short, they were strong laborers and could be used wherever they wanted.

Women are easier to say. Although Shanyue women generally have sallow complexions and dull hair, the people of Nanzhong, who also live in low latitudes, don't mind.

Those who were a little older did jobs like cooking and washing clothes, while the young and beautiful ones were directly divided among Yang Feng and the leaders of the various tribes under him. Only then did the other barbarians get their turn when they were older.

As for the children, it was easy to deal with them. They could just keep them alive. What else could they do? When they grew up, they would probably forget what race they were from. As for the old, weak, sick and disabled who were completely useless, the Nanzhong people would not show mercy. They would not kill them directly in front of the Han army, but would incorporate them into the army and use them as human shields when they went into the mountains to suppress the Shanyue.

As for Ma Su, what should be done with these Shanyue people? There are two ways to deal with them. The first is to send them back to Jingzhou to do hard labor. Feng Xi is short of manpower for the work of building bridges and roads and renovating the city.

Of course, Feng Xi also gave them some hope. If they could complete the ten years of labor service, they could become Han Chinese like their fellow tribesmen before them and be absorbed into the Han Chinese.

Another part of Feng Xi's behavior was a bit evil. He sent the remaining Shanyue people to Jiaozhou to serve as slaves to those Shanyue people who knew how to make the best use of the times.

Yes, it was a classic case of one ethnic group enslaving another. Feng Xi didn't care what they did, but he had told Li Hui before that the laws for these foreigners must be extremely strict. For example, if the slave owner said something about the slaves, the Han army didn't need to doubt it, they just had to do what the slave owner said.

What does it have to do with the Han people if they falsely accuse or deliberately make things difficult for slaves? When the time comes, conflicts will break out among these "inferior" classes, while the Han people will sit back and relax.

Of course, Feng Xi believed that there would be kindhearted people who were especially good to their own people, but there would also be villains who succeeded. Their behavior was unpredictable. At that time, there would be conflicts between the Shanyue people in Jiaozhou, between the Shanyue people and the Zhan people, and between the Zhan people. The way they dealt with the conflicts was to find the Han people and the government of Jiaozhou to deal with them.

In this way, Jiaozhou went from being stretched to being able to easily control these forces. Li Hui didn't need to do anything, and these foreigners would fight each other because of internal strife. At that time, the Han people would come forward and pretend to mediate, and they would even have a good reputation.

In addition, all the free private schools in Jiaozhou taught Chinese and traditional Chinese culture. In the end, most of the foreigners died, and the next generation was probably no different from the Han people. This is a microcosm of the assimilation of these foreigners.

Back to the Shanyue, although the Shanyue caused more troubles, they only had a few hundred thousand people. If they were to move to Jiaozhou, they would not be able to make any waves at all. It is estimated that they would have a hard time fighting against the local Cham people.

Feng Xi also saw this, so he made arrangements in advance to drag the southern barbarians into the water. After absorbing these southern foreign tribes, the population of the entire Han Dynasty will also rise. And who knows if there are any gifted people among these people who can turn into dragons when they encounter wind and clouds?
However, the preparation for the Nanman is a relatively long process. Feng Xi thinks it will take at least a year at the fastest, and it may take several years at the slowest. The advantage is that there will be no Nanman from now on. Once the blood is integrated, they will become Han people again after a few generations.

Now Ma Su is aware of Yang Feng's behavior and handling methods, but he pretends not to see it. Things happen step by step.

The next day, Yang Feng woke up from the colorful world and came out of the camp to see what arrangements the Han army had made for the day. However, after walking a few steps, he saw a group of soldiers gathered together. One soldier was reciting something, and the others were listening with great interest.

Yang Feng was somewhat curious, so he quietly stopped to listen, and found that the soldier was reading some stories of the Han people, and it seemed that there were many Han Chinese teachings in them. As the cave master, Yang Feng was quite knowledgeable and had a better understanding of Han culture, but these ordinary soldiers had no ability to distinguish right from wrong, so they just listened, thinking that they were just listening for fun, but many things have a subtle influence, and who knows whether the principles in these stories will take root?

After reading the story, the soldier started reading other things, all of which were about the policies of Jingzhou and Yangzhou, or the peaceful and prosperous life of the local people, which made many southern barbarians sigh.

"Ah, the Han people have such a good life. When can we live like this?"

People are always worried about inequality rather than scarcity. They all have two shoulders to carry one head, and the Han people in Jingzhou are well fed and well-dressed, have money to do this and that, and don't have to worry about anything. But they can only sell their cheap lives, go through life and death, and there is no end in sight.

"Hey, don't tell me. It says here that the Han people sympathize with people like us. Now they are recruiting refugees. As long as you come, you can learn the Han language and culture for free, and you can also farm the land and be treated the same as other Han people."

The soldier who was reading something waved the paper in his hand, but what he said made Yang Feng frown. This was clearly an attempt to poach people, and he couldn't just sit back and watch.

"What are you talking about? What is this?"

Yang Feng walked out from the corner, looking gloomily at the soldier in the middle who had just read the paper.

"Master...Master, this is what the Han people sent today. They said it's called a newspaper. It records some recent actions and stories of the Han government."

When the soldier saw Yang Feng coming, he was so scared that he immediately crawled on the ground to show his submission.

Yang Feng picked up the "newspaper" and glanced at it. It was the same as what the soldier had just said, with some interesting stories and some recent policies and situations of the Han people. Not to mention these ordinary soldiers, Yang Feng felt a little jealous and moved when he saw it.

"Don't say these nonsense anymore."

Yang Feng took the newspaper and returned to his tent. Sitting on the animal skin rug on the ground, Yang Feng read the paper several times. It must be said that in this era, it is still very trendy to condense so much information on a piece of paper.


Yang Feng sighed, his eyes slightly dull, and no one knew what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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