Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 315 309 Sending a Letter

Chapter 315 309. Sending a Letter
Yang Feng thought about it again and again, and decided to test the Han army's attitude first. He had 100,000 people, and migration was no small matter. Moreover, Meng Huo's attitude was also questionable. Yang Feng felt that Meng Huo might not let him go so easily, and he had to discuss it with the Han army.

Yang Feng returned to the study and immediately took out two pieces of paper that he had treasured. He began to write quickly and scribbled two letters.

One of the two letters was to be sent to Mr. Ma in Jingzhou, asking him to ask the Grand Commander on his behalf. The other was to be sent to Chengdu. Yang Feng was worried that Jingzhou was too far away to reach him, so he contacted the Han people in Chengdu just in case.

"You should take a detour from Jiaozhou and go straight to Jingzhou. Do not pass through Nanzhong. Be careful. If you are discovered by Meng Huo, he will swallow the letter. This concerns the lives of 100,000 brothers and sisters in Yinzhi Cave. You can't be careless."

Yang Feng called two of his trusted aides and asked them to go east and north respectively to deliver the letter and contact the Han people.

The two men each took orders and changed into Han Chinese clothing, with almost no difference between them. One headed east to Jiaozhou, and the other headed north, preparing to sneak into Yongchang County and then head straight to Chengdu.

The journey to Jiaozhou was smooth and without any problems, but the person heading north encountered problems.

"call out--"

An eagle's cry was heard in the sky, followed by a rustling sound among the bushes below.

"Ha ha……"

The confidant who Yang Feng had placed high hopes on was now running for his life in the forest, seemingly avoiding something.


The barking of some animal came from the dense forest behind, which made the man quicken his pace, as if the god of death was chasing him.

"call out--"

However, a cry was heard again in the sky. The man raised his head slightly in the midst of his busy schedule and saw a handsome eagle circling above him. The eagle flew in the direction he ran.

"Damn beast..."

The man cursed and could only continue to go deeper into the woods, hoping to shake off the pursuers behind him and the surveillance from the sky.

But unfortunately, the forest was not lush enough, and the hawk followed very closely, leaving the man nowhere to hide.

But human physical strength is limited after all. After running for nearly an hour, the man finally couldn't go on and could only take a few quick steps while panting.


At this time, a roar was heard from behind. The man saw that the situation was hopeless and knew that he probably could not escape. He could only take out Yang Feng's letter from his arms with trembling hands and prepare to destroy it.


However, two black shadows moved quickly and emerged from the bushes roaring. They were two black panthers. One of them pounced directly and pinned Yang Feng's confidant to the ground before he could swallow the letter.

The black-furred beast naturally didn't care about so many things. It opened its bloody mouth and bit Yang Feng's confidant's throat directly, killing him instantly. The sprayed blood also splashed onto the letter paper and seeped into a lot of it.

"Ah, ay, ay!"

After the two black panthers bit Yang Feng's confidant to death, they did not start eating the corpse like ordinary animals, but kept alert in the surroundings until a strange sound was heard. Then the two black panthers roared and lay on the ground to rest.

A man with a mask on his face, a feather crown on his hair, a strange cane in his hand, and very strange clothes came here with some people who were also dressed strangely.

The two black panthers just glanced at them and continued to lie on the ground to rest, ignoring them. The leader ignored the black panthers and walked directly to the body of Yang Feng's confidant and picked up the letter in his hand. Seeing that the blood had destroyed most of the letter, the man seemed a little unhappy. The men who came with him carried two buckets very skillfully and came to the two black panthers. The buckets were filled with some animal organs and flesh, and the two black panthers were not polite and immediately started to feast on them.

Soon, the two leopards finished eating. The leader shouted again, and the two leopards formed an orderly line and went into the woods, disappearing without a trace.

Ma Su had been living a very comfortable life recently. After conquering the Shanyue in Wujun, he returned to Jiangling with the main force. The Grand Commander Feng Xi was generous and specially hosted a welcoming party for these young generals who had conquered the Shanyue.

What made Ma Su feel even more comfortable was that his fussy elder brother now seemed to have realized that he could stand on his own and was not as talkative as before.

Ma Su has been recuperating for the past half month. He reads military books every day, goes out for a walk, and discusses world affairs with the commander-in-chief. He feels very comfortable.

"Sir, someone is looking for you outside, saying he is an old friend of yours from Nanzhong."

One day, Ma Su was lying on a recliner in the yard with his eyes closed, resting, when suddenly a servant from the Ma family came to report and asked Ma Su to sit up immediately.

"An old friend from the South? Please ask him to come in."

Ma Su thought about it for a moment and thought of Yang Feng. Feng Xi had asked Ma Su to treat Yang Feng so politely before, but now there was no one else in Nanzhong who could come to him except Yang Feng.

"Master Ma, I am the cave master's confidant. The cave master has a personal letter for you."

Soon the servant brought in a man who looked very barbaric. Although he was wearing a Han Chinese robe, it could not conceal his rough temperament at all.

"How is Master Yang these days?"

Ma Su took the handwritten letter and asked casually.

"The cave master is not doing well."

Unexpectedly, the visitor shook his head, causing Ma Su to pause for a moment.

"I heard that Cave Master Yang's Yinzhi Cave is also one of the richest caves in South Central China. Could it be that there was some natural disaster or man-made disaster?"

Ma Su was not in a hurry to open the letter, but started chatting with the visitor.

"Alas, there are no natural disasters, but there are indeed many man-made disasters. After Yang Dongzhu returned, the king..."

When the visitor was asked by Ma Su, he did not take it seriously and told Ma Su exactly what happened to Yang Feng when he came.

The speaker may not have intended it, but the listener took it seriously. Ma Su rolled his eyes, nodded, and continued to chat for a few meaningless words before sending the guest away.

"Come here, prepare the car, and go see the Grand Commander."

Ma Su stood up immediately, knowing that the seeds that Feng Xi had planted before had probably sprouted.

Ma Su didn't quite understand why Feng Xi had asked him to go to so much trouble to be so nice to Yang Feng. Later, Feng Xi explained it to Ma Su in person, and Ma Su finally understood the key point. Now that Yang Feng took the initiative to find him, and combined with what the messenger said, Ma Su concluded that Yang Feng must have encountered a big problem and might want to surrender to the Han Dynasty.

He couldn't make the decision on such a big matter, he had to go to the Grand Commander. After all, it seemed that he was responsible for the plan, but in fact, the Grand Commander Feng Xi had been controlling the overall situation behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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