Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 344: 338 Attacking the Heart

Chapter 344 338. Attacking the Heart
Of course, now that times have changed, the army that came to Nanzhong is not the expeditionary army that Zhuge Liang had gone to great lengths to assemble, but a group of young men brought by Feng Xi to gain experience in battle. Generals such as Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Ma Dai, who were supposed to be the main force in the expedition to Nanzhong, are also staying in Sichuan at this time, each busy with their own affairs.

"Marshal Ah Huinan, huh? I heard that you are the marshal of the third cave, and you are assisting Meng Huo together with Dong Tuna of the second cave. Am I right?"

Feng Xi's understanding of Nanzhong naturally could not be entirely based on the original timeline that had already deviated to the extreme. He had also asked people to inquire about Nanzhong's intelligence a long time ago. Although some secrets were definitely unknown, some basic common sense was still a problem.

"That's right. King Meng Huo is the one that the people of Nanzhong support, so we will naturally follow him."

Ah Hui Nan seemed to have great respect for Meng Huo, but Feng Xi also noticed that his tone seemed very calm when he said this, without the feeling of a fanatical believer. In connection with the original timeline, since he was able to kidnap Meng Huo together with Dong Tuna, he was definitely not a die-hard Meng Huo fan.

After thinking about it, there are only two possibilities. The first is that the various caves in Nanzhong followed the path of the minority obeying the majority. Since Meng Huo is the master of Nanzhong, there is no need to whisper about him behind his back. The second is that Ah Hui Nan was forced by Meng Huo's power and had to surrender.

Of course, no matter which one it is, it only shows that there are many people in Nanzhong who are not on the same page as Meng Huo.

"Marshal Ah Huinan's words are ridiculous. Meng Huo is short-sighted and can destroy the lives of millions of people in the 72 caves of Nanzhong for a small profit. How can such a mediocre person win the support of the people? Does a great talent like the Marshal have to go down the same path with Meng Huo until the end?!"

Feng Xi suddenly slammed the table and acted angry, trying to test Ah Hui Nan's thoughts. If Ah Hui Nan was really a die-hard fan of Meng Huo, his expression would be nothing more than extreme anger or repeated agreement.

"We in the South have never intended to fight against the Han army, but we were unable to offer so many things last year, so we had no choice but to raise an army."

Ah Hui hesitated for a moment, but still found some excuses to excuse himself.

"What should we pay tribute to? As far as I know, after our emperor ascended the throne, he not only did not increase taxes, but reduced many taxes to show his benevolence. Southern China should be among them. How can you say that we cannot pay tribute to the emperor?"

Feng Xi had a look of surprise on his face, but he vaguely guessed in his heart that this was the excuse Meng Huo used when he started his rebellion before. It was nothing more than a small trick to take advantage of the information gap and bully Nanzhong for not being able to contact the Han Dynasty to confirm the truth. Now he could take this opportunity to undermine Meng Huo's prestige and establish a great and glorious image for the Han Dynasty.

"This... According to King Meng Huo, after the Han Emperor ascended the throne last year, he asked me to present 300 black dogs, three buckets of mite brains, and 3,000 chopped wood that was over three meters long..."

As soon as A Huinan told Feng Xi the excuse Meng Huo used to start his rebellion, he immediately laughed.

"Alas, our great Han Dynasty is vast and rich in resources. Why should we need this corner of Nanzhong to offer so many things? You have all been deceived by Meng Huo. I heard that Cao Pi, the traitor who usurped the Han Dynasty, had sent people to contact Nanzhong many times. It is estimated that Meng Huo sold you people from Nanzhong as bargaining chips and weapons for some personal interests!"

Although Feng Xi didn't know what Cao Pi had promised Meng Huo, there was no doubt that Cao Wei was behind the unrest in Nanzhong last year.


Ah Huinan was a little dumbfounded. He himself was not good at those intrigues. He was OK in fighting, but when talking about those conspiracies and tricks, he was a little at a loss and couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Marshal Ah Huinan, do you know why Meng Huo wanted to attack Cave Master Yang Feng?"

Feng Xi saw that although Ah Hui Nan was a little shaken, he didn't seem to understand, so he changed the subject and prepared to work on several aspects. After all, there would always be a way that suited Ah Hui Nan.

"I heard something about it. I heard that they were colluding with the Han people... No, they wanted to surrender to the Han people, and they wanted to take away all the people in Yinzhidong." Ah Huinan was about to say "colluding with the Han people", but suddenly realized that the person in front of him was a Han Chinese, so he quickly changed his words.

"It turns out that Marshal Ah Huinan only knows one side of the story. What do you think of the lives of the people in Nanzhong now?"

Feng Xi did not continue Yang Feng's topic, but casually asked A Huinan.

"This...is not very good."

A Huinan was in charge of a cave after all, so he had a relatively good understanding of the situation under his jurisdiction.

"Before, Cave Master Yang Feng had offended Meng Huo, and when our Han Dynasty came to borrow troops, Meng Huo was petty and thought that our Han Dynasty was looking for cannon fodder, so he sent Cave Master Yang Feng out.

As a result, after Cave Master Yang Feng arrived in the territory of our Great Han Dynasty, he saw that our Han people and other tribes such as the Zham people and the Wuling barbarians lived a stable and happy life, so he wanted his Yinzhi Cave people to live such a life as well.

Unfortunately, Meng Huo knew that if all the caves in Nanzhong joined the Han Dynasty, he would be left alone, so he was unwilling to give up the power in his hands. The price was to bring Cave Master Yang Feng, King Mulu, and even Marshal Ah Huinan, and all of you in Nanzhong, to live in poverty together. "

Feng Xi shook his head, looking serious. Of course, the so-called "stable life" of the Cham people in his words still needs to be considered, but it does not stop him from bragging about it.


Although Ah Hui Nan didn't understand politics, he knew how to have enough food. If Ah Hui Nan had to choose between a life of hunger and thirst in the mountains and a stable countryside, he would definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

"May I ask the Grand Commander, can the Han Dynasty really accept us?"

After listening to Feng Xi's boasting, Ah Huinan was somewhat tempted, but she was not sure what the Han man meant.

"Of course, our Han people have always been based on benevolence and virtue. Look at the Wuling barbarians. Now, under the leadership of their leader Shamo Ke, the whole tribe has joined Jingzhou. Those who are willing to continue fishing and hunting can go fishing and hunting, and those who are willing to farm are willing to be taught farming methods by our Han people. Now the Wuling barbarians are no different from the Han people."

Feng Xi was not wrong in this point, but the main reason was that Shamoke was more pro-Han, so the pressure of integration was not too great.

"Of course, I know that Marshal Ah Hui Nan will definitely be calm about this. But my Han Dynasty and Nanzhong are not enemies. It's just that some people with ulterior motives deliberately provoke disputes between us for their own selfish interests and wealth.

To show our sincerity, our Han army will not make things difficult for Marshal Ah Huinan. You can take away all the soldiers from your third cave that our Han army captured this time, and you can leave at any time."

Feng Xi was still as approachable as ever, and what he said made Ah Huinan's pupils shrink.

(End of this chapter)

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