Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 349 343 The Envoy

Chapter 349 343. The Envoy
"...Grand Admiral, to be honest, Ah Hui Nan and I are good friends. I heard that Ah Hui Nan once discussed the future of Nanzhong with the Grand Admiral in detail. I wonder if I can tell Dong Tuna about it today?"

Seeing that Feng Xi seemed a little angry, Dong Tuna didn't want to continue pretending. Instead, he lowered his voice and explained his purpose.

When Feng Xi heard that Dong Tuna seemed to have come to surrender, he felt slightly happy, but he did not show any flaws on his face.

"Oh? Marshal Dong Tuna is also interested in the policies of our Han Dynasty? It just so happens that I don't have any military duties today, so I can discuss it with you."

Feng Xi was so happy in his heart, but he still looked calm. This was the effect Feng Xi wanted. No matter how solid the defense was, as long as a hole was torn, it would be very easy to expand the crack.

Feng Xi took out some Han daily newspapers that he had prepared long ago, which basically contained news about Jingzhou's integration of Wuling Barbarians and Jiaozhou during that period.

As a newspaper controlled by Feng Xi himself, it was natural that it was full of articles praising his achievements. This did not mean that there had been any problems with the ethnic integration in Jingzhou, but Feng Xi occasionally used some methods that were not worthy of being mentioned.

But there is no way, there is a saying in the future, "You can't work with white gloves on."

Although Feng Xi's methods towards the Cham people in Jiaozhou were rather vicious, the effect was really good. Now, after only a year, the internal strife among the Cham people in Jiaozhou has stabilized, and everyone has become accustomed to living under the governance of the Han people.

There was no other way. What Feng Xi had to do was very simple. After classifying the local ethnic groups, those Cham people who wanted independence and refused to change their minds soon began to make trouble. But the problem was that the targets of their troublemaking were not others, but the Cham tyrants and officials who were supported by the Han people, as well as some Cham people who were close to the Han people.

The result was that these Cham people who wanted to seek independence angered everyone. Even when Li Yi led his troops to capture these rebels, some Cham people took the initiative to report them and lead the way for the Han army.

In addition, at Feng Xi's request, Jiaozhou Governor Li Hui also treated the Cham people who were willing to accept Hanization equally. For Li Hui, handling some political affairs was still under his control, so the fairness and justice of the Han people were also warmly welcomed by the Cham people.

As for the Wuling barbarians, they were basically no different from the Han people who lived in the mountains. Because Wuling County itself was not remote, the Wuling barbarians did not even have their own language and still spoke Chinese, so it was almost not difficult to integrate them.

With these fruitful results as evidence, Feng Xi's promise to Dong Tuna was more convincing.

Although Feng Xi's plan for Nanzhong was actually similar to what he said and thought, many people are stubborn and will not turn back until they hit the wall. Even if you talk to him nicely, he will still doubt and refuse. Only after you beat him up or make a comparison, he will wake up.

"Marshal Dong Tuna can also ask Cave Master Yang Feng if he has the chance. He passed through Jiaozhou and saw many counties and villages where the Han people and the Cham people lived together. They were all peaceful and harmonious, just like other places."

Feng Xi explained to Dong Tuna with a smile. Dong Tuna was much easier to fool than Ah Hui Nan. Because Ah Hui Nan could not understand many things, but Dong Tuna could, so many of the tricks Feng Xi prepared came in handy. Anyway, in Dong Tuna's opinion, the Han Dynasty was a symbol of tolerance, benevolence, peace and civilization. Of course, Feng Xi also expressed his sadness about the situation in Nanzhong, because Nanzhong should have lived a better life, but it was ruined by Meng Huo's rash war last year for his own selfish interests.

Feng Xi's words are actually a classic case of generalizing from a single case. It is true that Meng Huo did bad things, but the current situation of Nanzhong where people eat raw meat and drink blood actually has little to do with Meng Huo. However, to smear him, as long as there is a slight connection, it will be fine. After all, Meng Huo is the current ruler of Nanzhong.

However, people of this era were still relatively simple and honest. In addition, although Dong Tuana had an active mind, his vision was limited. He was fooled by Feng Xi's promises of a bright future and unknowingly believed in the statement that "Meng Huo was leading Nanzhong to destruction."

Feng Xi shook his head secretly in his heart. The moon in a foreign land is especially round. Even in the future era with developed Internet and information explosion, people would flock to it. What about this era with information blockade and simple people's hearts?

"Grand Commander, I actually made a decision before I came here. If the Han Dynasty is reliable, I will go back and work with Marshal Ah Huinan to find an opportunity to raise an army and capture Meng Huo..."

Dong Tuna had already seen a bright future, so he couldn't wait to submit his surrender to Feng Xi. For him, what better surrender could there be than to the troublemaker Meng Huo?

"No. Marshal Dong Tuna, as far as I know, although Meng Huo has lost several battles in a row, there are still many people under his command who believe in him. In addition, since the reinforcements from the Wuguo Kingdom will arrive soon, they are still quite loyal to Meng Huo.

If you and Marshal Ah Hui Nan rashly start an army, you will definitely get into a tug-of-war with Meng Huo. Meng Huo is an ambitious man, so it is not surprising what the result will be. But you, Marshal Ah Hui Nan, and the soldiers in Nanzhong are innocent. When you go back, just wait and see what happens, and don't let Meng Huo order you around and make you die.

As for the Wuguo Kingdom, I have my own way to deal with it. Dongdana Cave Master, just wait and see. If the Wuguo Kingdom is defeated and Meng Huo's army is unstable, it will not be too late to take action. "

Feng Xi would naturally not refuse Dong Dana's proposal to kidnap Meng Huo. He was just worried that Dong Dana might be exposed if he acted rashly, so he asked him to wait until the Han army defeated the rattan armor soldiers of Wuguo before making a final decision.

After the two men talked for a few more sentences, Feng Xi still looked upright and dignified. He encouraged Dong Tu with a few words before sending him away from the Han army camp.

After waiting for the envoys from the Southern Central Army to leave, Feng Xi sighed. These so-called "barbarians" in the Southern Central Army were not impossible to assimilate. A population of one million would be very useful in filling the shortage of manpower in the Han Dynasty.

Although Feng Xi worked hard to govern the country, making common natural phenomena such as locust plagues and epidemics rarely occur in the Han Dynasty, the population in the south was still too small compared to Cao Wei, which dominated the north. This is why Feng Xi was willing to cheat and deceive in order to get more people for the Han Dynasty.

As for Dong Tuna, Feng Xi did not lie to him. He just exaggerated some of the statements. At least Feng Xi had no intention of harming Nanzhong from the bottom of his heart. As for Meng Huo... In Feng Xi's opinion, perhaps Nanzhong did not necessarily need a "King of Nanzhong".

(End of this chapter)

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