Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 384 378 Parliamentary System

Chapter 384 378. Parliamentary System

Hearing that Feng Xi meant to abolish the position of King of Nanzhong, even Dong Tuna and A Huinan were a little confused and unsure of what Feng Xi meant.

"Grand Commander, the situation in Nanzhong is chaotic. If everyone acts on their own, cholera may break out..."

The first person to speak was not Dongdana, but King Duosi who was still among the captives.

King Duosi is not a die-hard fan of Meng Huo. On the contrary, as the wisest man in Nanzhong, although the title is a bit exaggerated, he is still a tall man among short men. Compared with most cave masters who have simple minds but strong limbs, King Duosi is still quite insightful.

Now that Meng Huo's downfall has become a foregone conclusion, the Han army has restored order in Nanzhong and has no intention of punishing himself and others. King Duosi is also willing to cooperate with the Han army to see how much change the Han army can bring to Nanzhong.

Since King Duosi had spoken, everyone else fell silent. After all, King Duosi held a high status in Nanzhong, and he had already raised the doubts in everyone's minds. Everyone was waiting for Feng Xi's answer.

"Haha, don't get the wrong idea. The King of Nanzhong was abolished, but replaced by another of the same position. Think about it, isn't the reason why Meng Huo was able to cause chaos in Nanzhong because he held great power? If a virtuous person is replaced in the future, there will be no worries.

But if there is another Meng Huo, the same situation today will probably happen again. Do you think this is the case? "

When Feng Xi explained the reason, these rough guys who didn't have any opinions nodded. It was indeed true. In fact, this was a big problem with the centralized system, that is, the quality of the entire state apparatus depends largely on the level of the person at the top of power.

"So, in order to prevent power from being monopolized by someone with ulterior motives, I propose that from now on, each hole in Nanzhong will have one vote, and a parliamentary voting system will be used to decide matters of all sizes."

Feng Xi finally revealed his true intention at this point, which is to implement the classic "democratic voting system" in Nanzhong.

"One hole, one vote? Parliament? Please explain clearly, Grand Admiral."

Naturally, it was impossible for everyone to know about this unprecedented system, so they could only ask Feng Xi to explain it in detail with a lot of questions in their heads.

"Okay, first you can find a place to serve as the council's meeting hall. Then if there are any matters that need to be decided, each cave will send representatives to attend the meeting and vote according to their own cave's wishes.

The final result is naturally that the minority obeys the majority, and the opinion with the most votes is carried out. In this way, power will not be monopolized by one person, and everyone's opinions will be fully demonstrated.

Then a position of Speaker will be established, and everyone can nominate capable people. The Speaker has no real power and is only responsible for organizing votes and agenda items.

In this way, all the cave masters will have the opportunity to decide the policies of Nanzhong, and no one will be dictatorial. If anyone has such intentions, we can all attack him together, isn't that wonderful?"

Feng Xi spoke out this simplified version of the majority decision system in a very eloquent manner. The cave masters in Nanzhong had never heard of this policy before, and they all lowered their heads to think about the pros and cons, without saying anything. Feng Xi did not urge them, but just drank water and waited for everyone to finish their consideration.

"Grand Commander, there are seventy-two caves in my Nanzhong. What if the votes are evenly divided?"

King Duosi thought of one of the questions and looked up to ask first.

"Now there are seventy-one holes. King Duosi, don't forget that I, Yin Zhidong, have already left." Yang Feng said from the side. Now there are seventy-one holes in Nanzhong. There is no way that the ticket type can be opened in half.

"This is a simple matter. First, each cave house does not have to agree or oppose, and can abstain from voting. Secondly, if both parties are capable, they can call on those who hold different opinions, and naturally they can change the vote. If this really happens, we can adjourn for a day and then vote again."

Feng Xi waved his hands, as if this was not a big problem.

Seeing that what Feng Xi said seemed to make some sense, everyone couldn't think of any other possible problems and could only nod.

"In addition, I promise that if you cave masters want to change your living environment, you are welcome to contact the Governor of Jiaozhou, Lord Li Hui, or Prime Minister Zhuge at any time. We welcome you to join us at any time. Of course, if you are willing, you can also come to Jingzhou, but the journey is long, but I will definitely arrange for you to be properly accommodated."

At the end, Feng Xi said this again, which planted a seed for everyone. Everyone nodded without saying a word.

"Also, regarding the candidate for the first speaker, I have a recommendation. Meng Huo's brother Meng Jie is a man of high character. He couldn't stand what Meng Huo did and lived in seclusion in the south. I will nominate Meng Jie as the first speaker and take over the power left by Meng Huo. Previously, Meng Huo seized the land and population of other caves, and the cave owners can return them to their original owners."

Here Feng Xi was being generous to others. Meng Huo was a bad guy, and the Han army only needed to return the property to its original owner, and they could also gain gratitude from the people of Nanzhong.

"We thank the Grand Commander for his kindness."

Seeing that there were practical benefits, everyone bowed and offered good words.

"Everyone, please go and rest first. I will discuss the establishment of the South Central Parliament with you later. But everyone, remember, don't repeat Meng Huo's mistakes, otherwise I will be willing to come to South Central a few more times."

Feng Xi used a few soft and hard words to send these cave masters away, and today's business came to an end. Feng Xi still treated these cave masters to a banquet with some food as usual, which was regarded as a few reassurances for them and made them less nervous.

Feng Xi's envoy also set out early the next morning, wrote down the situation in Nanzhong and some of his own arrangements, and sent them back to Zhuge Liang to report.

"Mr. Wei, please take a look at the arrangements made by the Grand Commander."

In Chengdu, just like in the original timeline, Yang Yi was appreciated by Zhuge Liang with his talents and was recruited by Zhuge Liang as a military officer in the Prime Minister's Office to assist Zhuge Liang as his right-hand man.

"Hmph... Prime Minister, the Grand Commander is only a military commander. According to the order of the previous emperor, he can only control the troops of Jing, Yang, and Jiao. Now that he is leading his troops to participate in the affairs of Yinan, it is already against the law. And he has set up this... Nanzhong Council without authorization? This is already an act of usurpation!
The affairs of the South should be decided by Chengdu. The Grand Commander's actions are against the arrangement of the late emperor. I implore the Prime Minister to punish the Grand Commander."

Yang Yi took Feng Xi's letter and report, snorted coldly after reading them, and started to criticize Feng Xi immediately.

Zhuge Liang's expression remained unchanged, and he did not seem surprised by this. Because Feng Xi had once said to him in Yong'an City when they were discussing the talents available for the Han Dynasty that although Yang Yi had some talent, he was narrow-minded and looked down on military commanders, and was a bit like the second Fa Xiaozhi.

Feng Xi and Yang Yi had a feud before, so it was not surprising to Zhuge Liang that Yang Yi slandered Feng Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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