Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 388: Aftermath

Chapter 388 382. Aftermath
After that, things were simple. The Han army showed weakness to the enemy and defeated Wutugu, and then fought with Meng Huo. At Feng Xi's special request, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, who went deep into Nanzhong, took in King Mulu's family according to the list provided by King Mulu.

Otherwise, why do people in later generations in Africa often have dozens of children, while King Mulu had six children?

As soon as King Mulu's family members returned to the Han army camp, escorted by Feng Xi's Shenwu Camp soldiers, they were immediately sent to Jingzhou to reunite with King Mulu who had left early. This was also what Feng Xi had agreed with King Mulu before.

The escort that Deng Ai mentioned to Feng Xi before was just this matter. It was not a big deal, but Feng Xi still took it seriously and let Deng Ai be personally responsible for it.

There was no way, Feng Xi was busy, and Bao Feng was not a thoughtful person, so this matter could only fall on Deng Ai. However, considering that this was the territory of the Han Dynasty, both Yizhou and Jingzhou were considered to be peaceful and prosperous.

Although Liu Chan's accession to the throne caused temporary turmoil in the Han Dynasty, fortunately Liu Chan was not a particularly stupid person. At most, he just didn't care about things, rather than pretending to be knowledgeable and stirring up trouble. This made it relatively easy for Zhuge Liang to deal with the situation.

Those clowns, such as Huang Yuan, who thought that Liu Bei had just passed away, the new ruler was young, and the political situation was unstable, were immediately wiped out by Zhuge Liang's organization of counties and prefectures after he returned to Chengdu.

As for Jingzhou? Jingzhou had just been recovered, and the people were still rejoicing over the return of the Han army. Those who were hostile to the Han Dynasty had long been killed by Feng Xi's Eastern Expedition Army in the Jingzhou Recovery War. It can be said that even the political environment in Jingzhou was much clearer than that in Yizhou.

Because of Liu Bei's entry into Sichuan, the interests of many people in Yizhou were affected, but some people were deeply rooted in the local area, or were dissatisfied but kept it secret. Although Zhuge Liang was talented, he was not good at mind control and had no way of knowing who was harboring malicious intent.

This led to the fact that after Liu Bei's death, although there was no rebellion at the county level on the scale of Huang Yuan's, there were countless rebellions at the county level, and there were also smaller rebellions involving dozens or even hundreds of people.

On the other hand, almost all the civil and military officials in Jingzhou were loyal to the Han Dynasty, such as Gong Zhi, the Xi brothers, Hu Ban and others. Those who were at odds with the Han army had surrendered to the Eastern Wu after the attack. Therefore, after the Han army returned to Jingzhou, they were united. Even if Liu Bei died of illness, it only made Jingzhou sad. There was no rebellion like in Yizhou.

As for Jiaozhou, it had almost always been in rebellion before, so there was no point in discussing it at all.

Therefore, Feng Xi asked the Han army to escort the hostages back to Jingzhou. If they went through Yizhou, there would be no worries at all. Not to mention once they arrived in Jingzhou, the bandits and robbers had almost been wiped out, and the people were prosperous, so there would not be more bandits born.

As for now, the Han army has already returned in groups. Feng Xi asked Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo and Bao Sanniang to return to Chengdu first. They were reinforcements from Chengdu, and the journey was relatively long. In addition, the affairs of Nanzhong had basically nothing to do with them, so it would be better for them to return early so that Hu could rest assured.

Ma Zhong, Zhang Yi and Feng Xi were left behind specifically because they were appointed by Ji Han to guard Yongchang. Therefore, the future situation in Nanzhong was closely related to them, and they had to explain many things clearly.

"Grand Commander, haven't you already established subsequent regulations for Nanzhong and established that... Nanzhong Parliament? Why haven't we withdrawn our troops yet?"

Ma Zhong was somewhat puzzled as to why Feng Xi was still staying in Nanzhong. In his opinion, the young commander-in-chief should have withdrawn his troops back to Jingzhou like Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, so why was he still staying in Nanzhong?

"No hurry. Now Nanzhong has only given them the framework, and many things have not actually been completed. If I leave, you probably won't know what to do, so there are some things I have to teach you by example."

Feng Xi was also frank about his doubts about Ma Zhong, because Ma Zhong and Zhang Yi were not from Jingzhou, nor were they familiar with him, so he had to explain many of his arrangements. Of course, Feng Xi's words made Ma Zhong a little uncomfortable, because Feng Xi undoubtedly looked down on them, but due to his status as the Grand Commander, Ma Zhong could not get angry and could only nod his head.

Feng Xi didn't notice Ma Zhong's little quirks. After all, he had been in Jingzhou for quite a long time. The generals in Jingzhou were well aware of Feng Xi's abilities and rarely "doubted" or "questioned" Feng Xi's behavior.

Even for Ma Su today, when he encountered some orders from Feng Xi that he could not understand, his first reaction was to think about whether he could understand Feng Xi's intentions, rather than doubting whether Feng Xi was confused.

But Feng Xi would not care even if he knew, because his ideas were too advanced, and it was not surprising that people in the late Eastern Han Dynasty could not understand them. What he did were all arrangements with a long time span.

"Grand Commander, Cave Master Mengjie has arrived."

While Feng Xi was still chatting with Ma Zhong and others in the tent, the guard came into the tent to report.

Meng Jie is Meng Huo's elder brother and also Meng You's elder brother. Although the three brothers are biological brothers, they have the same father but different mothers. Meng Jie, Meng Huo and Meng You do not have the same mother, so Meng Jie is more than ten years older than Meng Huo and is now a little old man in his fifties.

Mengjie's mother was Han Chinese, so her education was biased towards Han Chinese. Although Mengjie's mother could not read or write, she was still able to teach Mengjie basic ethical values.

When Meng Jie grew up, he went out to study in his teens. Jingzhou was still very stable at that time, so Meng Jie traveled around Jingzhou when he was young and learned Han culture in a private school. Later, he lived in Jingzhou for nearly ten years, and his life was quite fulfilling by studying and working at the same time.

But the good times didn't last long. Later, Meng Jie heard the bad news that his mother had passed away. Because of her Han identity, Meng Jie's mother was not well received in Nanzhong, so she became ill and died of depression.

As a scholar who had already accepted Han thought, Meng Jie naturally could not remain indifferent. He immediately returned to Nanzhong to mourn for his mother.

However, it was not until Meng Jie returned to Nanzhong that he discovered the reason for his mother's death, or at least one of them.

My father took another wife without my knowledge.

This incident was not considered news in Nanzhong, but it did hurt Meng Jie's mother.

Moreover, Meng Huo and Meng You had already been born at that time. After Meng Jie came back, he and Meng You were almost ten years old. They looked at their brother, who was dressed like a Confucian scholar, with a strange and hostile look.

(End of this chapter)

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