Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 403 397 World Map

Chapter 403 397. World Map
Feng Xi returned to his study and rummaged through the scrolls containing various kinds of scrolls for a long time before finding a scroll made of extremely fine silk.

Feng Xi blew away the almost dust on it and spread it on his desk.

On this silk scroll was a map that Feng Xi had drawn with a brush. What map? A map of the world.

Feng Xi confirmed it again. Europe, the British Isles, Iceland, Greenland... all the way to Asia, the seven continents on the map are almost all clearly marked. Except for some individual islands, there is absolutely no problem with the general outline.

But why do we say almost? Because the place that should have been Australia on the map was replaced by a miniature Australia that is only one-tenth the size of Australia, which looks about the same size as the Philippine Islands.

Feng Xi simply rolled up the scroll again, threw it into his arms, and went out to find Huang Quan.

Riding his bicycle through Jiangling City, Feng Xi attracted another wave of attention, but that was not what he was thinking about at the moment.

He was thinking about the fertile land on the Ganges Plain where seeds could grow easily, the rubber that grew all over the ground in Southeast Asia, the corn, sweet potatoes and peppers in America, and the gold and silver mines in the Philippines.

Of course, it is just a thought now. The specific situation still depends on the naval training situation of Li Yan, the governor of Yangzhou.

"Gong Heng, hurry up, there is something important to deal with."

Feng Xi strode into the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion, frightening Huang Quan, who was reading official documents, and Xu Shu, who was handling military affairs.

"Xiu Yuan, what happened? Why did you leave and come back?"

Huang Quan didn't care about Feng Xi's noisy behavior. Although Feng Xi was less calm than them, he had more vitality that is unique to young people. Moreover, Feng Xi also secured his position with his ability. Since he said so, he must not be speaking without purpose.

"Let the draftsman in the city make several copies of this picture, and then ask the printing factory to see if it can be directly printed out by woodblock printing."

Feng Xi went straight to Huang Quan's desk, ignored the reports on his desk that contained trivial matters, and directly spread out the map in his hand.

"Is this... a map? Where is this map from? Why is it so strange?"

Huang Quan calmed himself down and looked carefully at the map that Feng Xi had spread out, but he couldn't recognize where this strange terrain was.

"It looks like an island... Gongheng, look, this place is isolated overseas, and two larger lands are connected here. It seems to be a map of an island somewhere."

Xu Shu was knowledgeable. He considered Eurasia and Africa to be three large islands and thought Feng Xi had gotten an overseas map from somewhere.

Considering Feng Xi's previous action of ordering people to train the navy, Xu Shu probably guessed Feng Xi's intention, but he did not expect Feng Xi to play such a big game.

"Haha, you are wrong! This is not a map of some island, this is a map of our world!"

Feng Xi smiled slightly and dropped the bombshell directly.


Although Xu Shu and Huang Quan were both outstanding men of their time, they still found it a little hard to believe what Feng Xi said so casually.

Xu Shu immediately leaned over the map, his eyes wide open, as if he was looking for something. "Let me guess, Military Advisor Yuan Zhi wants to find where the Central Plains is, where Jiangling is, right?"

Feng Xi saw Xu Shu's move without thinking. When Feng Tunan, the future, was promoted from elementary school to junior high school, he saw a world map on the wall of the classroom for the first time. The shock that the world map brought to him was also incomparable.

What Feng Tunan did at that time was the same as Xu Shu does now, which is to find out where the small county where he lives is on the world map.


Xu Shu coughed awkwardly. He was almost fifty years old, and his behavior just now was indeed a little unstable. But there was nothing he could do. This was unknown knowledge. As the ancients said, "If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening." It was just like that.

"Come, let me show you. Do you see this river that turns? That's the Yellow River. The one below is the river. This is the territory of Cao Wei, and this is the territory of the Han Dynasty. This is Jiangdong, this is Jingzhou, and Jiangling is over here."

Feng Xi pointed to the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, which were specially marked on the map. In fact, the future Feng Tunan's memory of the world map only includes the outline of the continents and some important rivers, such as the Ganges, the Nile, and the Amazon. It would be difficult for him to mark other rivers.

Feng Xi had just pointed out some of the locations that were now well known to everyone to Xu Shu and Huang Quan. As Feng Xi expected, after seeing them, the two of them stared with their eyes wide open and froze in their places.

Feng Xi could roughly guess the psychological activities of the two of them. They were simply marveling at the fact that the Central Plains, which they thought was so vast, was only a small piece compared to the whole world.

"...Xiu Yuan, is this map of yours really credible?"

Finally, it was the steady Huang Quan who spoke, but he seemed to have not recovered yet.

"It's credible. I saw this picture in a fragment of the Classic of Mountains and Seas that I accidentally came across a few years ago. It was unbelievable, so I copied it many times and wrote it down.

Later, guess why I like to learn about the local terrain in detail and draw maps myself every time I go to a place? It is to verify the authenticity of this map.

Now, through my own investigation and consultation with others, I can be sure that this map is very accurate. "

It is naturally impossible for Feng Xi to say that any child two thousand years later could draw a rough outline of this picture. He just used the "fragmentary scroll" that can no longer be found as an excuse.

"Hmm... I think what Xiu Yuan said makes some sense. According to the Book of the Later Han, this place is Wa Island."

Xu Shu was not as surprised as Huang Quan. He had even gotten used to it. He pointed at the present-day Yamatai, which would be the four islands of Honshu in the future, and he actually recognized it.

"Huh...? Military Advisor Yuanzhi actually knows this place?"

Now it was Feng Xi's turn to be a little surprised. In the novels that the future Feng Tunan had read, no one knew about Honshu Island. They just lied to the ancients and said it was the place where Xu Fu returned. Why was it different here?
"Of course, according to the Book of the Later Han, there were countless tribes living on this island. Later, one of the tribes sent an envoy to the west to meet Emperor Guangwu, who gave the envoy a golden seal and named him Wo."

Xu Shu thought about it for a moment and then told what he had seen about the situation on the Japanese island.

"That's right, but the Japanese island is still a little far away from our Han Dynasty. I mean, we can try it here first."

Feng Xi pointed at the map and made a firm statement.

(End of this chapter)

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