Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 409 403 Northern Expedition?

Chapter 409 403. Northern Expedition?

Although Liu Chan felt something was wrong, he still had to keep a calm appearance, otherwise his third uncle and father-in-law, General Zhang Fei, would definitely punish him when he came down.

Perhaps Zhuge Liang and his men still had to be extremely respectful to Liu Chan and did not dare to exceed their status as subjects, but Zhang Fei did not have so many concerns.

Due to the change in the timeline, Zhang Fei, who was supposed to be killed by Fan Jiang and Zhang Da, is not only alive and well, but also participated in the Eastern Expedition and went south to Jiaozhou. Although Zhang Fei is now in a semi-retired state, he is only living out his days in Chengdu and taking care of his younger generations.

As luck would have it, the person Liu Bei entrusted his son to before his death in Yongan also changed. In the original timeline, he really had no choice. All his confidants were killed by Liu Bei. Only Zhuge Liang was the only person who was trustworthy and capable enough.

As for why it was not Zhao Yun, it was because Zhao Yun was over 60 years old at the time, and Zhao Yun's ability was not that high, so he was definitely not qualified to assist the country.

But now Old Liu has too many cards. To spur Liu Chan, he can use his third brother Zhang Fei. With Zhuge Liang inside and Feng Xi outside, the two can also restrain each other so that one side will not completely lose control.

Therefore, due to a series of coincidences, Liu Chan's current life is countless times more miserable than his original timeline.

Seeing Liu Chan's fat body, Master Zhang San, with his leopard head and round eyes, glared at him angrily. Liu Chan could only exercise with Master Zhang San and Zhang Bao in the gaps between handling official documents every day.

Not to mention, after nearly two years of training, Liu Chan is at least not the silly little fat boy anymore, but a handsome boy with a somewhat weak look and who has not yet grown up.

Liu Chan's weight loss was not the end of the story. His hobbies of dog walking and cockfighting were also banned by Master Zhang San early on. Two years ago, a number of students were assigned to Liu Chan to explain major world affairs to him and handle civil matters, in the hope that he would not be a lazy and useless person who only knew how to play and eat.

Strictly speaking, there were some problems with what Zhang Fei did. Zhang Fei did this simply because Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei to take care of Liu Chan before his death, which was a bit too much. But judging from the results alone, it was not bad.

The lazy and fat little Liu Chan in the original timeline has now become a handsome little guy with a well-proportioned body and muscles, but he is a little afraid of trouble.

"Ahem... What's so important that you need the Prime Minister to help you? If it's a trivial matter, the Prime Minister can make a decision with Uncle San and the other adults."

Liu Chan still wanted to turn this matter down tactfully, but he knew that if Zhuge Liang didn't speak up in person, it would be fine. But anything Zhuge Liang proposed would cause a large number of his brain cells to die.

"If it were an ordinary matter, I would not dare to disturb Your Majesty. But this matter is of great importance. Even if I have discussed it with the general, I dare not make the decision on my own. Therefore, I ask Your Majesty to make a wise decision."

As expected, Zhuge Liang bowed to the end, but the implication was that Zhang Fei also knew about this. Liu Chan couldn't help but straighten his posture and sit up straight to make himself look more majestic.

In theory, Zhuge Liang could handle all domestic affairs, and Zhang Fei could make most military decisions for Liu Chan. The only thing that would make both of them afraid to act rashly was probably the matter related to Feng Xi, the Grand Commander of Jingzhou.

Liu Chan's mind turned a little and he guessed what was going on. Although Feng Xi was nominally under Zhang Fei's jurisdiction, in reality Feng Xi always acted on his own and in most cases he "reported the results" rather than "asked for instructions."

The only thing that Liu Chan needs to make a decision now is probably the rare "request for instructions" from the military commander. "But the commander-in-chief has a letter?"

When Liu Chan asked, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but flash a hint of pride and satisfaction in his eyes. Although Liu Chan was still a little lazy now, he would delay things as much as possible. He would rather sit there and do nothing all day than deal with government affairs.

But after nearly three years of training, Liu Chan can only be said to be lazy, not incompetent. Like now, Zhuge Liang only said two sentences, and Liu Chan could guess the general idea. Zhuge Liang was already very satisfied.

"Your Majesty, this is the letter from the Grand Commander. As Your Majesty knows, a few months ago, the southerners rebelled again. The Grand Commander and the generals from Sichuan went to fight them personally, and the results were remarkable. Now, Meng Huo, the leader of the southern bandits, has been brought back to Jingzhou by the Grand Commander, who is personally guarding him. And the southerners have also implemented the Southern Congress as the Grand Commander said, and all the matters, big and small, are decided by voting in each cave."

Zhuge Liang first told Liu Chan the details of the previous southern expedition. Liu Chan only knew that Meng Huo rebelled again, and then Feng Xi went to deal with him, but he was not very clear about the details in between.

"Well, the Grand Commander's talent was highly praised by the late Emperor. His defeats of the Eastern Wu and the Cao Wei shocked the world. Now the South is just a minor problem, and I believe that the Grand Commander will be able to capture it easily."

Liu Chan nodded. Feng Xi was indeed a good fighter, so Liu Chan was not surprised that a group of barbarians from Nanzhong were easily defeated. However, Liu Chan knew that Zhuge Liang was just making a preface and had not yet gotten to the point. This was Zhuge Liang's old trick, and Liu Chan had gotten used to it after being tricked a few times.

"It is just as your Majesty said. Thanks to your Majesty's wisdom and the soldiers' dedication, the rebellion in the south was quelled in an instant. After the Grand Commander returned to Jingzhou, he also mentioned an important matter to me."

When Zhuge Liang said this, his face became serious. He looked up at Liu Chan, which made Liu Chan shudder.

Zhuge Liang's attitude must be related to the country's affairs. However, Liu Chan thought about it and couldn't figure out what it was. He could only nod silently and signal Zhuge Liang to continue.

"The Grand Commander and I discussed the Northern Expedition."

Zhuge Liang's words were like a bolt from the blue. The two words "Northern Expedition" weighed heavily on Ji Han. This was an indispensable procedure for Ji Han to restore the Han Dynasty. Even Feng Xi, who firmly opposed the three-part theory, only changed it to the two-part theory of the confrontation between the north and the south. The Northern Expedition remained unchanged.

A single stone stirs up a thousand waves. When the words "Northern Expedition" were heard, the whole court was in an uproar. There were generals with excited faces and dancing eyebrows; there were white-haired old men with worried brows; there were young civil servants who curled their lips and looked disdainful...

All these are different. Just like what Lu Xun said in the future, people's joys and sorrows are different, even Ji Han, who has the best atmosphere, is the same.

The Yizhou faction had an indifferent expression, as if saying, "You country bumpkins should just stay away from us"; some members of the Dongzhou faction were full of confidence, hoping to fight back to their hometown and return home in glory; those from Dongwu and Jingzhou were very calm, as if they were at the mercy of their hosts.

As the person who brought up the topic, Zhuge Liang also took in everyone's reactions, and it can be said that these people's performance was not beyond his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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