Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 424 418 Loss of Control

Chapter 424 418. Loss of composure

At this moment in Qianzuifang, time seems to have stopped temporarily, forming a static picture.

The shopkeeper heard what the waiter said, and looked to the left with a little confusion in the direction of the kitchen, which was the direction of the waiter who lifted the curtain. He raised both hands as if to hand over the jar of wine weighing nearly ten kilograms.

At this moment, Cao Rui's guard stretched out his hands, about to take the jar of wine from the shopkeeper's hands, and when he heard the waiter's words, he turned his head to look.

Xiao Cui's mother, who had been sitting on the ground and rolling around, was now struggling to support herself with her left hand, trying to stand up, while her right hand was tightly clutching the twenty taels of silver that the guard had just handed over.

The drinkers next to him were in all kinds of behaviors. Some ignored the crowd and lowered their heads to drink. Some stretched their necks to look here. Some simply stood up to take advantage of the height to look directly at here. Some held chopsticks and pointed at here with a smile. They all looked very different.

The least conspicuous one among them, but the one who should have been the most conspicuous, moved at this moment.

Cao Rui suddenly straightened up, took a step forward at the moment when everyone seemed to be still, snatched the wine jar from the shopkeeper's hand, and smashed it straight on the head of Xiao Cui's mother who was still trying to stand up in front of him as if he was holding a stone.

"You bastard, it's not enough that you killed my mother, now you want to take my throne!"

"Bang! Puff..."

As Cao Rui shouted and cursed, the wine jar weighing more than ten pounds smashed heavily on the forehead of Xiao Cui's mother.

The crown of the head is the weakest part of the human head. The crown of the head is not completely sealed during childhood, and is called the fontanelle. It will slowly close as the child grows older. Even so, the crown of the head cannot withstand the impact of heavy objects.

But obviously, a wine jar weighing more than ten kilograms and filled with wine and made of clay definitely meets the definition of "heavy object". You know, a general meteor hammer is probably about the same weight as this jar of wine, or even lighter.

Now, with Cao Rui's deliberate smashing of such a heavy object, coupled with his high position and the conversion of gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, the wine jar was directly shattered by the recoil force of contact, and the wine exploded instantly, spilling all over the floor. The entire first floor of Qianzuifang was filled with a rich aroma of wine.

But there was not only transparent liquid on the ground, there were also a lot of yellow, white and red substances slowly spreading.

Xiao Cui's mother naturally had never practiced any iron head skills, nor was she some hidden master. How could she react when she was suddenly attacked?

All she saw was a dark shadow coming towards her. Before she could even scream, she felt a pain in her head, her vision went black, and she lost consciousness.

And those idlers who were curious about the situation saw it clearly: the young man who was held in the middle and seemed unconscious and staggering suddenly jumped up, snatched the jar of wine from the shopkeeper's hand, and smashed it directly on the head of Xiao Cui's mother on the ground.

This blow was extremely powerful. Not only did the wine jar break into pieces, but even Xiao Cui's mother's head was smashed. The yellow and white stuff on the ground was her brain matter, along with the filthy stuff that instinctively flowed out of her body and blood.


Everyone was stunned by this thunderous change. All this happened in a flash, probably less than three seconds. Who could have thought, who could have reacted in time? The shopkeeper's attention was on the kitchen, so he naturally didn't react; the guard in front was also talking to the shopkeeper, so he naturally didn't react; the guard driving Cao Rui thought that his master was drunk, and he would not be on guard against his master's sudden attack, and it was even more impossible for him to react; and Xiao Cui's mother thought that the matter had come to an end, and the other party had paid the money to settle the matter, so she would not be on guard anymore.

By some strange coincidence, no one had expected it, so everyone was stunned.

For a moment, the entire Qianzuifang floor was silent. Everyone looked at Cao Rui as if he had lost his soul, as he staggered back two steps and was subconsciously caught by the guards.

If we say that before when Cao Rui and his gang killed two maids everyone was just watching for fun, after all, no one saw it with their own eyes, but now everyone went from gloating to panic.

What if Cao Rui's sudden attack happened to me? Who knows if I will be the next victim?
The idle onlookers quickly turned their eyes away, drank their wine in silence, and dared not point fingers anymore, but they were discussing crazily what had just happened in private.

The shopkeeper and his employees at Qianzuifang were also shocked. They were talking fine just now, why did he suddenly attack and kill people?

The shopkeeper reacted quickly and stopped the guard with a bitter face.

"Sir, today, three people have died in Qianzuifang. If the government asks me to do something, I don't know how to explain it. Please stay and explain it to the officers later."

The one who was now having a headache was the leading guard. Originally, the matter was about to be over. They all hurried back to Marquis Pingyuan's mansion, closed the door and pretended that nothing had happened. But who knew that Marquis Pingyuan would get crazy and beat the shrew to death again. There was probably no way this matter could be resolved peacefully now.

"Why should you do this? You guys should quickly take... ahem, the young master back. Don't cause any more trouble, understand?"

The guard asked his companions to leave, but he had no choice but to stay in Qianzuifang. Although Cao Rui was Cao Pi's biological son, he was not so favored now and could not cover the sky with one hand. Secondly, Cao Pi always treated the emperor as a commoner for the sake of justice, at least on the surface.

Soon, the man who reported to the police came back with a few officers. Both sides explained the whole story, and finally the guards paid some money to Xiaocui's old man and Qianzuifang in the name of Pingyuan Marquis Mansion to settle the matter. After all, both parties were willing to do so, so it was a private settlement, which was also considered a formality.

"Oh, what bad luck! Why is it like this today..."

The guard muttered to himself and hurried back to the Marquis' Mansion. He always felt that today was particularly bad, as if the whole world was against him.

As expected, what happened in Qianzuifang today immediately spread throughout Luoyang like a virus. Pingyuan Hou took advantage of his power to bully others, killed two maids in Qianzuifang, and also beat to death the maid's mother who came to clean up.

This is still considered light, after all, it is indeed the case.

The worst thing was that what Cao Rui shouted was heard by others, and the news that Cao Rui hated someone for murdering his biological mother and seizing his position as heir somehow spread.

Ordinary people naturally don’t know about these royal affairs, but laymen watch the excitement while experts watch the details. Those high-ranking officials and nobles know everything clearly and immediately knew that Cao Rui was talking about his younger brother, Cao Li.

(End of this chapter)

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