Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 445 439 Primitive Village

Chapter 445 439. Primitive Village

A clear female voice timidly spoke something in Chinese that almost no one present could understand. Fortunately, Zhuge Zhi finally realized that it seemed to be Chinese and hurriedly pulled the two generals next to him.

The Han army's eyes were fixed on a young girl who had just come over with a few strong men. She was the one who suddenly spoke a few words in not very authentic Chinese.

Suddenly realizing that everyone was looking at her, the woman panicked, blushed, and stepped back, as if she was not used to being exposed to the sight of so many people.

"Lady over there, do you understand Chinese?"

Pang Lin spoke Chinese to the woman on the other side with a loud speaker. The woman seemed to think carefully for a moment and then nodded.

"Some, I can understand."

The woman nodded quickly, raised her hands, and slowly walked towards the Han army. The Han army just clenched their swords and guns. Without orders from their superiors, they would not give way.

"Bring this woman here."

Pang Lin and the other two looked at each other and decided to communicate with someone they could communicate with first. They were over the excitement of landing on the island, and now it was a bit difficult to move around on the island. If they could communicate with the local natives, it would be a good thing, at least they wouldn't have to kill more people.

The native woman was pushed by several Han soldiers to within a dozen meters of the three men. The three men were extremely careful. After discussion, Pang Lin came forward to inquire, while the other two disguised themselves as ordinary soldiers and hid aside, in case the woman carried out the assassination and left the Han army leaderless.

"Why can you speak Chinese? Are you from Eastern Wu?"

Pang Lin first asked the most puzzling question, which was how could there be a woman on Izu Island who could speak Chinese for some unknown reason. It was really suspicious.

"I am the father of my father, a Han Chinese. The ship is broken and here we come."

The woman seemed to understand a few of Pang Lin's words and tried to explain. However, it was not so much that she could speak Chinese, as she only knew a few words, and there was no coherence at all.

Pang Lin automatically translated it in her mind. What the woman meant was that her grandfather went out to sea on a boat, but the boat was damaged due to some problem, and he probably drifted to Yizhou and survived there.

"Where is your grandfather?"

Pang Lin also taught the girl how to speak the name of her father's father, asking about her grandfather's whereabouts. If someone could speak Chinese, communication would be very convenient.

"Grandfather, it's bad, don't go, take a rest."

The woman used all her hands and feet. At first Pang Lin thought she meant that her grandfather had died, but after careful consideration, he realized that she must be saying that his health had failed and he had to stay at home.

"Can you take us to see your grandfather?"

Pang Lin knew that the other party was not very fluent in Chinese, so he spoke and gestured at the same time, and managed to convey his ideas. The woman nodded in agreement.

Pang Lin asked the Han army to escort the woman back to the natives. The natives seemed relieved to see that the woman returned safely. It seemed that they were not at ease just now either.

The woman chattered something with those people, probably repeating what she had just communicated. The leader, a man with dark skin who had been exposed to the wind and sun for many years, was silent for a while, and then nodded with difficulty. In this tribe that was similar to savages, this hunter who was obviously the most powerful had a lot of say in the tribe. After all, being able to bring back the most food was already the greatest contribution.

However, for the Han army, these so-called most powerful hunters were nothing to be afraid of. Ding Feng had already used a telescope to see that these people had wooden spears and the bows and arrows were the most crude sharp stone arrowheads. There was no trace of any iron or even metal. Weapons of this level could not even penetrate the leather armor of the Han army, let alone shields.

And judging from the current situation of these people, it is estimated that these one hundred or so people are all the available young and strong people in this settlement village, even including women.

Judging from the proportion, there are probably only one or two thousand people in this village, which is less than the total number of Han troops that landed on the island this time.

However, it is better to be safe than sorry. After a brief discussion, the three generals decided to proceed with caution. As the general who had just negotiated with the natives, Pang Lin naturally had to continue to maintain his settings.

Pang Lin led more than a hundred Han soldiers and these half-dressed natives back to their village to see if they could find the old man the woman mentioned to serve as an interpreter. If there was an interpreter, it would probably be much more convenient in Yizhou, at least they wouldn't have to train from scratch.

Ding Feng would bring a group of people to follow Pang Lin and act as a support and surveillance. In case the other party really fell out with Pang Lin, they would at least be taken care of.

Zhuge Zhi will continue to command the nobles to explore the islands and search for resources.

"Let's go and meet your grandfather."

Pang Lin selected more than a hundred Han soldiers, came to the front of the natives, and continued to talk with the only woman who understood some Chinese with gestures and excitement.

"it is good."

The woman nodded, but looked at the hunter next to her, as if asking for advice.

The tall and strong hunter glanced at Pang Lin, who was fully armored and had a sword hanging on his waist, with some fear, then looked at the well-armed Han soldiers again, and finally nodded.

Pang Lin and his companions followed the group of natives through the woods and headed towards the northwest of Izu Island.

The terrain of Izu is high in the middle and low in the north and south, with the east high and the west low. This is why most of the major cities in later generations are located in the west of the island.

Even the indigenous settlements would generally choose to build their villages in open areas with flat terrain and abundant water resources to facilitate defense against wild beasts and expansion of the village.

After walking with them for more than half an hour, they saw a village at the foot of the hill in the distance. The village was protected by fences made of wood and vines, and the "houses" inside were also hastily built of wood. Many children wrapped in animal skins, palm leaves or grass skirts were seen running around barefoot, and some older women were sitting around a fire, seemingly cooking food.

Pang Lin and those natives numbered nearly two hundred people in total, so they were naturally discovered by the village at once. A teenager standing on the two-story wooden building shouted a few times, causing a commotion among the people in the village.

Several middle-aged women drove their children back to their own thatched huts or wooden houses, and then looked at the returning hunters and the Han troops behind them with some confusion and uneasiness.

Pang Lin also saw the other party's fear, so he waved his hand to signal the Han army to stop a few hundred meters outside the village and let the hunters in the village go back and talk things out first.

Otherwise, in a panic, a misunderstanding might occur, and then both parties would have a grudge.

(End of this chapter)

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