Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 465 459 Alarm

Chapter 465 459. Alarm
The Kinki region on the west side of Honshu Island is a more prosperous area on Honshu Island. Because there are large plains here, and it is located in the middle of the entire Honshu Island. In order to centralize power, the future Yamashiro Island will choose the capital in Yamashiro Province near Lake Biwa, which is the famous Kyoto in the future.

The southern part is the Yamato and Iga regions, which will also be famous in the future, and the ancient city of Nara is located in it. It is close to the Seto Inland Sea, and can control Shikoku Island to the west, extending from Shikoku to Kyushu in the west, and to the Sanin and Sanyo regions in the north.

To the east, through the terrain of Lake Biwa and the surrounding islands, they controlled the mountains in the Omi area and, relying on Lake Biwa, they could attack or defend, just as countless regimes in the Japanese islands did in later generations.

At this time, the Kinki region was controlled by a force called Yamatai. Yamatai's capital, Yamato Castle, was located on the Seto Inland Sea, on the edge of the bay that would be called "Osaka Bay" in the future.

In the huge city surrounded by stone walls, there is a house in the middle standing on a hill. It has an extraordinary appearance and decoration. It is where the owner of Yamatai, Queen Himiko, lives.

"Lord Himiko, my subordinates reported that a great change had occurred in Kyushu."

In the bright and spacious hall, a man dressed in black with his face covered by a mask, leaving only his two eyes exposed, reported in a low voice to the first person, a woman who looked to be in her thirties.

The woman in the first position was not as naked as the Japanese women Feng Xi had seen. Instead, she was as luxurious as the noble ladies in the harem, wearing a dress embroidered with gold thread and a golden hairpin with a flying bird in her neatly combed hair.

Moreover, this woman was not as pale and thin as ordinary women. Instead, she had skin that was white with a rosy glow, smooth and delicate as if it could be blown away, like the women in later generations. She did not look like a person in her thirties at all, but rather like a person in her twenties.

When the woman heard what the masked man said, she raised her eyebrows and asked in Japanese with a somewhat laziness.

"What happened?"

In the eyes of the graceful Himiko, what new things could happen in a wild place like Kyushu? It was nothing more than trivial matters such as the fact that the Kingdom of Meru got three or five horses from the Kingdom of Goya, or the fact that the Kingdom of Ito and the Kingdom of Fumi had a conflict over border issues again.

"Lord Himiko, it is said that Kyushu has now been unified by a mysterious force."

The masked man spoke slowly, but the content of his words made the expressions of the other people who were dressed differently change. Some of them were surprised, but apart from surprise, there was no other emotion in their expressions.

"Who is it?"

The lady in gorgeous clothes straightened up a little and fixed her eyes on the masked man. She was overwhelmed by the aura of a superior. However, the masked man's eyes were still as deep as dead water, without any fluctuation, and he spoke in the same tone as before.

"I don't know. But I heard that they all speak Chinese from top to bottom, so they are probably Han Chinese."

"Haha! I heard that these Han people are all brave warriors. I have long wanted to meet them! Let's see who is better with their weapons or with my Ame-no-Kurosakumo sword!"

The man who was the first person below Himiko suddenly stood up. He was wearing a piece of armor which was very rare in Japan. He was more than seven feet tall and was definitely one of the tallest and most powerful people among the Japanese.

"Susanoo, stop making a fuss. Let's listen to what Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto has to say first."

Himiko held down the man called Susanoo with just a glance, making him sit back in his seat in disappointment without saying a word.

"Yes, Lady Himiko, according to the intelligence gathered by the Noshi envoys, it started from the country of Maluo. A dozen days ago, a group of guys who looked like Han Chinese appeared in the southwest of Maluo. They seemed to have come to Kyushu by boat.

Later, they were unstoppable and quickly broke through the defenses of the Malulu Kingdom, the Kunu Kingdom and other countries. According to the latest intelligence, they killed the king of the Touma Kingdom ten days ago and occupied all of Kyushu. And now they have crossed the sea again and landed in Shikoku, and are fighting with the Island Slave Kingdom. "The masked man called Tsukuyomi slowly told everyone present the intelligence he had gathered about the Han army.

If the Han army had not already attacked Shikoku and threatened the security range of Yamatai, Tsukuyomi would not have noticed the changes in Kyushu. Thanks to the investigation of his spy "Noshishi", he soon learned the other party's information.

"What does this Han Chinese mean? Is he trying to bully us because there is no one on the Japanese island?"

Among the many civil and military officials sitting upright, a woman who was also quite beautiful spoke up, seeming to be a little angry about the Han people's blatant invasion.

"Shao Yanming, you can speak Chinese, right?"

Himiko, who was at the top, waved her hand and the noise below stopped, showing her dominance and skill. Himiko looked at a young man in fancy clothes sitting next to Tsukuyomi.

"Yes, Lady Himiko."

When the young man heard Himiko's question, he stood up, bowed, and answered respectfully.

"In that case, Shao Yanming, I will order you to be an envoy to the Han people to see what they are like. If they are here to demand tribute, it is not impossible for us to pay tribute."

Himiko was quite familiar with the giant on the other side of the sea, knowing that the Wa country had sent envoys across the ocean to express its submission to it. Now, if this group of Han people were not pirates, they were probably the regular army of the Han Dynasty - at least one of them.

After all, Himiko was well-informed. She had heard that the Han Dynasty had long been plunged into civil strife, with various forces constantly attacking each other, just like the current situation in Wa Island.

It would be best if she could spend some money to get rid of these Han people. After the development of Himiko, several small countries around her have now become in name only. She estimated that within 20 years, she would be able to unify the current Wa Island.

No one would be happy if a troublemaker came along at this time.

"Yes, Lord Himihu."

The young man named Shao Yanming's attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, and was very rude, but Himiko and the others didn't care. They all knew about his weird temper, so no one was surprised.

"Ten Shou Rikio, you go with Shao Yanming and protect his safety."

Himiko thought about it and felt that Shao Yanming, a weak and powerless young man, was not enough, and she needed a guard, so she called for another person.

"Yes, Lord Himihu."

The man named Tenshu Rikio who was called stood up. He was broad-shouldered and strong-willed. Although he was a little shorter than Susanoo, he looked particularly strong and muscular, and he looked like a tough guy.

This is indeed the case. He is the only one who can fight with Susano and is considered to be highly skilled in martial arts. With his protection, Shao Yanming can come and go freely in ordinary Japanese island countries. In Himiko's opinion, even if it is the Han army, even if the castle guard Riki is unable to defeat them, retreating should not be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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