Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 467 We Unite

Chapter 467. We Unite
"Haha, sir, it seems like you have some misunderstanding about me?"

Feng Xi shook his wrist, and the blood stains on the sword in his hand were thrown directly to the ground, forming a string of splattered blood spots.

Shao Yanming admitted that he had indeed underestimated the Han people. He did not expect that this general's martial arts were so terrifying and so overwhelmingly powerful.

"Alright, although I know there will be no results, I still want to ask you, sir, are you willing to tell me what you know about the Yamatai Kingdom and even the entire Wa Island? If you are willing to tell me, you can be spared from death today, and you can also become a guest of honor in the future."

Feng Xi still tried to persuade Shao Yanming to surrender, but Shao Yanming shook his head and, as Feng Xi had guessed, flatly rejected Feng Xi's request.

"I miscalculated today. If the general wants to kill me, then kill me. Don't even think about getting any information from me."

"Then there is no other way. Bao Yi, please go ahead and hang the body and the head of this reckless man under the banner."

Feng Xi was too lazy to try any slow interrogation. The upper limit of Yamatai was right there. No matter how strong it was, it would not be possible for it to break through the level of their future "Warring States Period".

This is also the most cautious bottom line in Feng Xi's mind. That is to say, he treats Yamatai completely at the level of a warlord in the Warring States Period of Japan, such as Oda Nobunaga or Hashiba Hideyoshi.

After dealing with the Yamatai envoy, the Han army did not stop, and continued to encircle and suppress the remaining island slaves of the four countries under the command of Feng Xi. The island slave country was also cunning. After the main force was defeated by the Han army, its leader did not go to the front line like others, but hid in the city to wait for news.

Knowing that his army was defeated, he fled with his family and belongings without saying a word and hid in those villages.

Therefore, this is why the Han army is now searching every household to capture the leader of the island slave country. If he is not eliminated, what if he comes out to cause trouble when the Han army attacks Yamatai? Feng Xi will not leave such an unstable factor behind.

"Himiko-sama, Suohiko-sama and Tenshu Rikio were all killed by the Han people."

While Feng Xi was still hunting down the leader of the Island Slave Kingdom like catching a rabbit, Tsukuyomi Nobuo-no-Mikoto had already informed Himiko of the news of Shao Yanming's death.

Thanks to the spy organization called "Noshishi" cultivated by Tsukuyomi, Yamatai's intelligence is relatively complete, at least it knows everything about what happened on the Wa Island. In addition, the Han army does not have a language advantage, so the Han army seems to be behind Yamatai in intelligence.

The Noshishi under Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto have already discovered the body of Sukunahikona and the head of Tenshu Rikio, which has confirmed the opponent's intentions.

"How barbaric... It was the Han Chinese who said that envoys should not be killed when two countries are at war, but now they are violating this rule..."

Himiko looked unhappy. The death of Shao Yanming was indeed a bit heartbreaking for her. Shao Yanming was the person in charge of the economic development and culture of Yamatai. He even wrote a book on education not long ago. It was also what Himiko planned to take as the foundation of the country after unifying the Japanese island.

Now Shao Yanming died because of a tentative mission, and even Himiko could not have predicted the suddenness of this. After all, who would kill the envoy without saying a word when they met? This is very unreasonable. There was no request, no conditions, and the envoy was killed right away. Even the Han envoys who were famous for seeking death in the past few hundred years had never received such treatment. But this is Feng Xi, and his main trick is to take the enemy by surprise. Of course, Feng Xi also had his own considerations. For example, after killing the two Yamatai envoys, he called the Han slave over, asked some questions, and then thought about it.

The Shikoku region was only that large, and there were very few settlements. No matter how the leader of the Island Slave Kingdom fled everywhere, he was finally captured by the Han army in Awa, the easternmost part of Shikoku.

Of course, the Han army did not show any mercy and directly executed his entire family of seven, and then cremated them on the spot to avoid the possibility that some of them were not fully dead.

In this way, Kyushu and Shikoku were at least superficially controlled by the Han army. However, the current situation on Wo Island was relatively simple, so Feng Xi's troops did not actually receive much support from the main body, only food and grass supplies.

Thanks to the hobbies of those kings and state-owned enterprises, just like the aristocratic families of the Han Dynasty, they like to hoard food. Therefore, after going around the Nine Provinces and the Four Kingdoms, the Han army at least does not have to worry about the problem of food. As for some consumables such as arrows, Feng Xi also asked Xu Sheng's navy to help transport them from Qiantang to him.

But in fact, the current intensity of the battle is too low, so Feng Xi's Eastern Expedition Army not only lost a lot of arrows, not to mention deaths, only a few soldiers were scratched by stone tools, and there was no logistical pressure at all.

The local people of Wa Island were also very cooperative because, in addition to taking away most of the food from the kings and officials, the Han army gave away those small things that the Han army didn't even look at to the local people. Those people who were abducted as slaves and maids were also released back to their homes by the Han army. Not only did the Han army not annoy the local people, but they were also grateful to them.

Since Shao Yanming was killed, Yamatai naturally would no longer think about making peace with the Han army. It immediately mobilized and prepared for a decisive battle with the Han army.

Yamatai was not like those small countries. The surrounding countries such as Yama and Guinu were already its vassals. In addition, the land of Kinki was fertile, and after a long period of recuperation, the population of Yamatai was much larger than that of the wild land of Kyushu.

Himiko also used her prestige to send her subordinates to more countries to lobby, hoping to unite with them to deal with the Han army.

The power of one person is small, but the power of many people is great. Naturally, the other kings also know this truth. Moreover, it has been almost a month since the Han army landed in Jiuzhou. The countries have already known about the changes in Jiuzhou through their own channels, but they have never gotten along well with each other. Many countries even have some hatreds with each other. It would be extremely difficult for them to swallow their pride and unite.

However, now that Yamatai is mediating, it has given many people an opportunity to take advantage of the situation, and it seems that it is not difficult for them to unite.

While Feng Xi was still slowly cleaning up the remnants of the four countries, the rulers of more than a dozen countries surrounding Yamatai had already gathered in Yamato City, the capital of Yamatai.

After the personal testimony of the Shinoshi under Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, who even brought back several civilians from the Kyushu region, these kings finally understood the danger of the Han army and naturally agreed to Himiko's request to form a joint army.

The lips and teeth are interdependent. Although many kings do not understand these four words, the general principle remains unchanged.

(End of this chapter)

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