Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 476: Fierce Battle

Chapter 476. Fierce Battle
"For some reason, Lord Susa arrived a little late, and Lord Takemikaze was defeated too quickly, so Lord Susa is still organizing the defense at the back line."

After Tsukuyomi explained the situation slowly and leisurely, Himiko breathed a sigh of relief, but it was too late for her to care about the reason.

"Immediately mobilize all the troops that can be mobilized to fight the Han army. We cannot let them defeat us one by one."

Himiko also realized at this moment that she had to make use of her advantage of having more people. If the Han army was allowed to break through like this, then the original 20,000 against 10,000 would become a situation where the Han army's 10,000 defeated 3,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 4,000 people in a row.

Although Susanoo is just a warrior with muscles on his brain, it is a blessing to have someone who can lead the team now. It is better to have someone than nothing.

However, Himiko's feeling of uneasiness became more and more serious at this time. This feeling of uneasiness began when she heard that there were traces of Han people in Kyushu. At first, she was still a little restless, and then she felt palpitations. Now she only felt a sense of panic that a disaster was about to happen.

Himiko also knew that there was no turning back now. If the whole country had surrendered earlier, Feng Xi might have considered his reputation and would not have immediately made things difficult for him and others. Now that he had united more than a dozen countries to oppose the Han people, even if he surrendered, he would probably end up being executed.

Therefore, even though Himiko knew that Susano probably couldn't hold out for too long, she could only let him hold on. A glimmer of hope is always better than no hope at all.

"Sir, I am willing to bring my Shimoshige to assist Susano-sama."

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, who had been extremely calm from the beginning, suddenly asked for orders. Himiko also knew that the Shinobi users he trained all had special abilities, so she didn't care about that at the moment. No matter who it was, anyone who could be used as a fighting force had to be used.

"Okay, go help Susano, and remember to tell him to retreat if he can't defeat him."

Himiko nodded, but she still didn't want her brother to die in battle, so she gave Tsukuyomi a cryptic order.

Tsukuyomi nodded, probably remembering it, and then disappeared from the hill after a few rises and falls.

At this moment, after the Han army broke through the Yamatai headquarters foot soldiers who had built the defenses against thunder at the beginning, they had already rushed into the chaotic formation of the coalition forces like wolves and sheep.

However, the advantage of the coalition forces' large numbers was brought into play. After all, there were still more than 16,000 people left in the coalition forces, and they were fighting with the Han army, and the scene was chaotic.

However, after all, the coalition forces had less than 20,000 people, and they had not yet formed an absolute numerical advantage over the Han army. Moreover, the morale and resilience of the foot soldiers were not as good as those of ordinary soldiers under the Central Plains warlords. The foot soldiers of most small countries almost collapsed at the first touch.

Someone once asked this soul-searching question: "With 100,000 people, it would take them several days to catch even 100,000 pigs. How could they be defeated in just a few hours?"

The answer to this question is, of course, because pigs will not surrender or be defeated in an organized manner.

Now on the battlefield, many foot soldiers were frightened by the bloody methods of the Han army. The Han army was not like the wars in their local countries, where both sides would use bamboo spears and bamboo poles to hit each other for a while and then call it a day.

The Han army was truly a knife-wielding army, and they would chop off heads as military merit. This brutal method had already frightened the foot soldiers recruited from the peasants.

Acquaintances, friends, and even relatives in their own village were chopped off by the Han people, leaving only half of their bodies, and they stared at them before they died. This despair made these Japanese foot soldiers completely unable to resist the attack of the Han army. Some unbelieving servants still wanted to use their blood and courage to stop the momentum of the Han army, but unfortunately, they were like eggs hitting stones, or moths flying into a flame, and were soon swallowed up by the white torrent without a ripple.

"Puff puff"

As the battle deepened, some black smoke inexplicably appeared on the battlefield. The black smoke not only blocked the Han army's vision, but also was accompanied by a pungent smell, causing the Han soldiers who breathed it to cough constantly.

But what did Feng Xi do first? The veterans of the Shenwu Camp who came to the Japanese island this time were also the old soldiers. When they found something unusual, they took out the water bag from their waists without saying a word, poured it on their heads, and then pulled up the wet mask on their necks to block out the irritating smell.

"smoke bomb?"

Feng Xi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the smoke bomb commonly used by ninjas, which frequently appeared in later film and television works, would appear at this moment.

"Great! This is Master Tsukuyomi's spell! With this spell, we can fight the Han people!"

The morale of the allied forces improved a little. After all, it was rumored that Tsukuyomi could block the sunlight. Now, wouldn't the black smoke block the sight of the Han army and relieve their pressure a little?

"It is impolite not to return the favor. Bring the bag of lime."

Feng Xi sneered and gave an order. As he gave the order, the Han army's crossbowmen began to tie a small bag with a fuse on the front of their crossbows.

This thing doesn't have much killing power. It's just that some of the gunpowder inside will explode in the air and blow up the bag, which is not strong to begin with, and the quicklime inside will scatter everywhere due to the impact of the explosion.

Needless to say, the harm of this thing getting into the eyes is of course not worth mentioning. Originally, Feng Xi thought that these things would not be needed to wipe out the forces on the Japanese island, but now that he saw that the other side actually had something like smoke bombs, he could no longer hide it.

As the Han army's archers began to shoot at the rear of the coalition army, crossbow arrows exploded in the air, making crisp sounds. This unprecedented event naturally attracted the foot soldiers to look up. The exploding quicklime immediately caught their eyes.

"Ahhhh! My eyes!"

Some people did not believe in the evil and began to rub their eyes with the back of their hands, which was also the first reaction of people. But it was precisely this first reaction that harmed them. As the quicklime was rubbed deep into their eyes, many Japanese foot soldiers were simply burned and temporarily blinded.

The Han army was naturally not in trouble. Firstly, the crossbows were fired at the rear of the enemy army, not at the border between the two armies. Secondly, the means used by the Han army themselves would naturally teach the soldiers how to deal with them, so as not to harm their own people.

After Feng Xi's disturbance, the situation of the Japanese island, which was not in an advantageous position to begin with, took a sharp turn for the worse. The Han army killed and killed people all over the ground, and corpses of various people wearing different armors and clothes fell to the ground. They were all foot soldiers and samurai from various countries.

Those who were still alive were frightened by the killing of the Han army and their fighting capacity was much lower than before.

(End of this chapter)

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