Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 5 New Exercises

Chapter 5. New Exercises
"Brothers, tonight is an impromptu exercise. An exercise is a preview of what might happen. You have all seen the performance of General Zhang's troops tonight. Of course, I don't blame them because this is the first exercise and they haven't received any special training. This reaction is normal."

Feng Xi held the loud speaker that he had rolled up in the afternoon, and his voice was as loud as a bell. Those who were naked also took the time to return to the camp, at least to put on their pants.

"Give Zhang Nanbu an extra meal tomorrow. Although their performance tonight was not satisfactory, at least they were the first batch to participate in the exercise. Even if they have no credit, they have worked hard.

The content of future training will change like this afternoon. There will be various forms of impromptu exercises similar to tonight, but I promise that as long as you train hard, you will definitely be able to cope with it. "

Feng Xi still knew the principle of giving a date after a slap, so he gave the soldiers a little more food, which would not cost much and could also win the morale of the army.

"There are also rewards and punishments. Every impromptu exercise will have a set of judging criteria. For example, in today's exercise, we can count the number of people who are disheveled or kneel down in surrender. Then the three groups will compete with each other. The best group will get extra food, and the worst group, sorry, will have to pick the night fragrance for everyone."

After Feng Xi finished explaining the rules, he looked down. Sure enough, the soldiers were talking about it, but most of them felt that this new type of assault exercise was exciting and novel, and there was not much boredom. After all, there were both punishments and rewards, which was much more motivating than simple punishment.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard tonight, go back and rest. Don't worry, there will be no more exercises, so have a good sleep."

Feng Xi waved his hand, and the soldiers followed their squad leaders and sergeants back to the camp to rest.

"Xiu Yuan, you just said there are more than one kind of improvisation exercise?"

Zhang Nan and Feng Xi walked towards the central army, a little surprised. In his opinion, this one method alone was enough to practice for a while, so why were there other tricks?

"Yes, of course. Will the enemy only set fire to you? What about night attacks? What about strategies to tire the enemy out? Soldiers need to be trained for all kinds of situations. Only when they see them more often will they not be surprised.

The reason why there are night raids, arson and riots is that there is no corresponding plan and we have never seen such a situation before. As long as they practice more, the effect will be guaranteed. We will see."

Zhang Nan shook his head helplessly, not quite understanding.

"I really don't know where you got these weird ideas from. I'm afraid you saw an immortal when you fell on your head."

"Hey, maybe it's really a dream from an immortal. Who cares where it comes from? As long as it's useful and easy to use, that's all that matters."

Feng Xi laughed a few times, and he and Zhang Nan went back to their own tents to rest. Generals like them could go back to the city to rest during their free time, or spend the night in the army, and they were free to do so.

The next morning, the three groups of people did drills in their own camps, which was Feng Xi's request. Although Feng Xi hated running drills in the morning, it did have the effect of waking people up.

The soldiers had to shout one, two, three, four while running, which was also the basic requirement for them to understand the order.

After the running drill, it was time for military posture and marching in step. Military posture was not bad, as we had experienced it yesterday afternoon, and everyone was used to it today, and performed much better than yesterday.

But marching in step really puts a lot of pressure on these rough guys who serve as soldiers and eat their food. Many of them have tangled hands and feet and bow legs. However, Feng Xi doesn't care. He just watches the soldiers below imitate and improve clumsily.

"Xiu Yuan, I think there is nothing wrong with your measures. What is the point of marching in step? Do we have to compete with the other side on the battlefield to see who can march in unison?"

Zhang Nan couldn't help but frown when watching this training. In his opinion, these were just fancy things and not worthy of being shown on the stage. It would be better to let the soldiers train seriously in fighting.

Feng Xi shook his head. These measures may seem simple, but they are like the foundation and seeds, allowing the soldiers to understand directly and clearly what "obeying orders" means. After all, if you fall behind in a march, it will be very obvious, and the positive and negative feedback are very obvious.

Military posture is the first step to eliminate laziness in the soldiers and shape the spirit of the new recruits. If you can stand in military posture well, most of the training will not seem so hard; if you can march in step neatly, other exercises that require coordination will be more effective. "Wenjin, soldiers on the battlefield are not like generals. Generals can be unstoppable with their personal bravery. Soldiers on the battlefield, in addition to their own bravery, must also rely on their comrades. Soldiers can follow orders, not fall behind, advance when they hear the drum, and retreat when they hear the gong, which is already extraordinary. Think about it, three human characters stacked together, isn't it the word "Chong"?"

Feng Xi said this with great emotion, and Zhang Nan gestured with his hands.

"I told you that you are a rough guy, but you still don't believe me. What kind of typo is this for three people..."

"Ahem... don't mind it, it's also a word for the masses."

Feng Xi blushed slightly, having forgotten that traditional Chinese characters don't seem to be written like this.

The soldiers below still need to get used to each other on the first day. After an hour of marching, it is time for the traditional stabbing and thrusting. There is nothing much to say about this. Basic fighting techniques should indeed be practiced.

"Wen Jin, how about we add a real combat confrontation session every few days?"

Feng Xi watched the soldiers draw their guns in unison and felt that something was missing.

"Xiu Yuan, you have to think carefully. Actual combat is different from other things. If you are not careful, someone will die, right?"

Zhang Nan's nerves were almost numb. Why did his good brother have so many weird ideas in the past two days? It seriously challenged his cognitive ability.

"Aren't the wooden swords and spears we had last night good? Use a wooden stick as a spear, wrap the top with cloth, and smear it with dye or lime, so it's easier to see where you hit."

Feng Xi shrugged. Isn't this kind of bloodless combat simple? It's meaningless to just practice fighting against the air. It's better to let the soldiers practice more with each other to gain some practical experience. After all, even if they are comrades, they will dodge when they are holding wooden weapons.

"That's feasible. I'll ask people to prepare it right away." Zhang Nan nodded.

At lunch time, even the faint smell of meat swept away the soldiers' dissatisfaction and increased their enthusiasm for subsequent training.

"That won't work. I have to talk to Prime Minister Zhuge of Ji Han and see if we can get some high-tech tools or scientific planting methods to increase the yield."

Feng Xi thought about how Zhuge Liang would often be troubled by food shortages during the Northern Expedition, and he couldn't help but start thinking about some things that could help with logistics to see if he could help the future Prime Minister Zhuge.

Feng Xi was living a carefree life, but the situation in Chengdu was not so peaceful.

A few days later, in the palace, Liu Bei seemed a little sleepy after reading official documents, so he fell into a deep sleep with one hand on the table.


A deep voice that seemed to come from underground made Liu Bei frown. He looked up and saw that the originally bright palace was actually dark. A tall dark figure stood in the shadows, facing him straight.

"Who are you? Why did you come to see me?"

Old Liu had never been afraid of assassins. When he saw the figure, he did not feel any fear. Instead, he stood up and walked towards the other person, wanting to see the other person's face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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