Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 54: The Old Story of Maicheng

Chapter 54: The Old Story of Maicheng (Part 53.5)

months ago.

"Ah... Dad! He's resurrected!"

The young man named Gou'er was so frightened by the two coughs of the general of Jingzhou army who had a huge wound on his chest that he sat on the ground and backed away repeatedly.

Seeing that there was no one around, his father gave his shovel to the dog to carry, changed the general's clothes, and carried him back to his home.

"Old dog, what's on your back...?"

When the middle-aged man returned to the village, the villagers naturally noticed the person on his back.

"Hush, this is a general who was still alive when I went to bury General Guan's Jingzhou army."

The old dog whispered to the villagers.

The people of Jingzhou have always been grateful for Guan Yu's governance, and the Wu army had just conquered Jingzhou and was unpopular, so with the help of the young and old in the village, the seriously injured general of the Jingzhou army was quickly settled in the home of this middle-aged man.

The only barefoot doctor in the village did his best to treat the general.

However, it is not known whether the general was seriously injured or for some other reason, but although the wound on his chest had begun to heal, he still had a high fever that was difficult to subside.

The barefoot doctor in the village could only boil medicine every day and feed the general, hoping that he would get better one day.

Ten months later, one day, several middle-aged men in white clothes passed by Lao Gou's village, smelled the smell of medicine in the air, and their occupational disease struck, so they couldn't help but start a conversation.

"Brother Zhou, this smell seems to be a medicinal herb for reducing internal heat, right? But why does it smell so strange?"

A young man whispered to the middle-aged scribe in front of him.

"Sniff, it's obvious that the person who administered the medicine only has a rough understanding of pharmacology. This kind of medicine can at best prevent the condition from getting worse, but it has no effect on the treatment."

The middle-aged man sniffed the smell of medicine in the air carefully and shook his head.

"Uncle, is there any patient in your village?"

The young man did not hesitate and found a middle-aged man in the village to ask.

"Patient? I don't know."

The middle-aged man couldn't tell the identities of these people and was worried that they were from Dongwu, so he denied it flatly.

"Who are you, then? Why are you dressed in white?"

The middle-aged man looked at the group of people carefully. Everyone was in mourning, and it was obvious that they had encountered a funeral, which made people curious.

"We are the disciples of Mr. Zhongjing. Mr. Zhongjing passed away a few days ago. After observing mourning for him, we plan to return to our hometowns and continue practicing medicine."

The young man was also a little sad when he heard the middle-aged man's question.

"Could it be the former governor of Changsha, the disciple of Master Zhang?"

The middle-aged man still had some knowledge. After all, Zhang Ji was the prefect of Changsha at that time. He resigned from his official position to become a doctor in order to concentrate on writing books and treating illnesses. This was very famous in their local area of ​​Jingzhou.


The young man nodded.

"There is indeed a patient in our village with a high fever that won't go away. The village doctor has been treating him for more than a month, but he can only save his life but cannot reduce his fever. I hope that Master Zhang, the immortal, can treat him."

After getting confirmation from the other party, the middle-aged man immediately wanted to kneel down, but was helped up by the young man.

"It is my duty as a doctor to cure illnesses and save lives. Why do you have to do this, uncle?"

The young man also returned to his fellow brothers' team and told the leader, Brother Zhou, about the matter.

"Well, since we have encountered this, we can't just stand by and watch. Let's stay in this village today and check on the patient."

Senior Brother Zhou nodded. So the middle-aged man immediately went back to the village to inform everyone about the incident, and the villagers warmly welcomed Zhang Zhongjing's disciples. And this group of doctors did not neglect it. After settling down, they immediately went to "Old Dog"'s house to check on the patient's condition.

"Could this person have been frozen in the snow for several days? Why does he have frostbite on his body? The chest wound is showing signs of worsening, which is due to improper treatment."

Brother Zhou frowned when he saw the condition of the general of the Jingzhou Army. In his opinion, the treatment of the village doctor was too rough.

"Bring a basin of hot water so I can treat his wound again."

The old dog hurried out and said nothing. When the hot water was brought, Doctor Zhou carefully treated the wound that had not been treated well. At the same time, he took out a pen and paper from his bag, re-wrote a few medicinal herbs, and asked the village Chinese medicine doctor to feed the medicine accordingly, saying that it would be healed in less than half a month.

The village Chinese medicine doctor nodded repeatedly, busying himself helping Doctor Zhou, and after taking the prescription, went to prepare the herbs.

The next day, the group of doctors left, and the village Chinese medicine practitioner treated the general according to the prescription given by Doctor Zhou that day. As expected, the general's condition improved, and in less than five days, the high fever had subsided.

After a few more days, the general slowly woke up under the care of the villagers.

"Who are you? Is this the underworld?"

After opening his eyes, the general felt a little dazed when he saw the unfamiliar crowd in front of him, so he asked this strange question.

"General, we are villagers from around Dangyang. This is Zhou Village in Dangyang."

"Old Dog" was surprised and happy to see the general wake up, and hurried to explain.

"Dangyang... Where is the Lord? How is the Lord?"

The general reflected on his situation and immediately remembered what happened before. He grabbed the "old dog" and questioned him repeatedly.

"General... Guan Junhou... he fled to Maicheng at night and was captured by the Wu army. He refused to surrender and has now been... has now been killed by the Eastern Wu..."

"Old Dog" couldn't stop crying when he said this. In order to make the soldiers and civilians of Jingzhou give up their thoughts, Dongwu had already publicized this matter everywhere. Even "Old Dog" and his men knew about it from the surrounding cities.


The general could not bear the tragic news any longer and spat out a mouthful of blood, which was obviously caused by his anxiety and anger that he could not suppress.

"What about Jingzhou? How is Jingzhou now?!"

The general grabbed the "old dog" again and asked hurriedly.

"Jingzhou...Jingzhou has been completely ruled by the Eastern Wu. I heard that many Jingzhou troops have surrendered to the Eastern Wu..."

"Old Dog" also answered in a somewhat depressed tone.

"How is Sichuan? Will Sichuan send troops?"

The general thought about it and realized that since the prince was in such trouble, Sichuan would definitely not sit idly by and would definitely react.

"I haven't heard any news from Sichuan..."

"Old Dog" shook his head. At this time, the troops in Central Sichuan had not yet been dispatched, so naturally no news came.

"It's so... Sigh. Well, since it's God's will, I will leave after I recover so that you won't have to worry."

The general tried to move his body, but unfortunately he had just woken up, his hands and feet were weak, and he had been lying in bed for a month, making it even harder for him to control his body.

"General, please take a rest. You can leave when you recover. We have nothing to worry about. Also, how should I address you, General?"

Seeing that the general seemed to be quite worried, "Old Dog" also comforted him with a few words.

The general thought for a moment and answered:
"Zhou Si."

Sacrifice means to offer sacrifices and commemorate.

(End of this chapter)

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