Ji Han Grand Commander

Chapter 76 72 After the war, refute 3 points

Chapter 76 72. After the war, another three points of rebuttal (410)
After a night of fire, the sky suddenly brightened.

The Han army camps were cleaning up the remnants, extinguishing remaining open fires, and counting the losses.

"Reporting to the Grand Commander, our army lost nearly 6,000 people tonight, most of whom were Changsha soldiers from the Southeast Camp. The other camps lost as many as 1,000 or 2,000 people, and as few as less than 100 people."

Feng Xi was not too surprised by this loss. After a night of chaos, the various units did not reconnect until daybreak. In fact, most of the Wu army had been wiped out since midnight, and the rest of the time was basically spent gathering up the defeated troops and capturing the remnants of the Wu army.

Feng Xi also learned that Liu Ning and Du Lu in the Southeast Camp not only did not listen to him to take fire prevention measures, but also drank secretly every night. When Ma Zhong rushed into their camp tonight, they were also drunk and even surrendered to Ma Zhong directly.

When Feng Xi heard Liu Ning pointing at Liu Bei and angrily scolding Liu Da'er, he burst out laughing. This guy really doesn't leave himself a way out, he is so honest.

"Let's gather the remaining troops first. I will go see His Majesty in person. Wen Jin, don't stand here like an idiot. Your navy camp doesn't need anyone to take charge, right? Go do what you need to do."

When Feng Xi saw Zhang Nan, who was still leisurely in his camp, he also said a few words to him, telling him to get out as soon as possible and not to sit in his seat with his legs crossed.

"You are such an ungrateful Feng Xiuyuan! If I hadn't led the troops to help you, Lu Xun would have escaped long ago! Now you are a master at destroying the bridge after crossing it!"

When Zhang Nan heard Feng Xi's perfunctory words to drive him away, he jumped up and cursed Feng Xi a few words.

"How can you say you are crossing a river and then destroying the bridge? You are not invincible, are you? Go play somewhere else, or you can come with me to see His Majesty and apologize."

Feng Xi couldn't help but give Zhang Nan a blank look. Zhang Nan was overjoyed when he heard Feng Xi's words. He nodded repeatedly and prepared to go with Feng Xi to see Liu Bei. It was always good to show off one's face.

"Sima Wang? Were you well last night? Brother Ji Chang, am I right?"

Feng Xi and Zhang Nan walked all the way to the central army. Because Feng Xi had informed Ma Liang in advance, most of the civil officials were in Wu Ban's rear camp or his own southern camp when the fire started last night, and were not affected at all.

Ma Liang, Wang Fu, Cheng Ji and others who should have died in the chaos of war in history were standing alive in front of him today.

"We also have to thank Commander Feng for reminding us and saving our lives. If we had rashly stayed in other camps last night, we would have died."

Ma Liang also folded his hands and bowed to Feng Xi to show his protection and reminder. Especially Wang Fu, if Ma Liang hadn't reminded him before, he was originally in the Southeast Camp. If he hadn't come to Feng Xi's South Camp with Ma Liang, he would have died in the fire or the chaos of the Wu army last night.

"My Lords, there is no need to be polite. This is my duty. Why don't you come with me to meet the King and handle the follow-up matters."

As Feng Xi spoke, he pointed at Lu Xun, who was being carried by Zhang Nan behind him, and was tied up like a dumpling with a rag stuffed in his mouth.

"Xiu Yuan, who is this general?"

Ma Liang and Feng Xi also asked this question when they went to the central camp together.

"This man is the mastermind of the attack last night, the current military commander of the Eastern Wu, Lu Xun Lu Boyan. He and Wu General Li Yi led their troops into our Shenwu Camp, but they were intercepted by Commander Zhang and captured alive by me."

Feng Xi said this in a very pleasant way, as if he had just picked up a cabbage, but Ma Liang was shocked. Capturing the Grand Commander of the Eastern Wu Army alive was a feat of God! In addition, Feng Xi had given proper command last night, and a fire attack at night was turned into a trap to lure the enemy in...

"It seems that the hidden dragon is about to emerge from the abyss today."

Ma Liang couldn't help but think in his heart.

Feng Xi and others also came to Liu Bei's camp. Liu Bei did not sleep all night, sitting in the middle of the army, waiting for the war to be settled, or for the Wu army to come and fight to the death. But now it seems that he has won the gamble.

"Your Majesty, Grand Admiral Feng Xi, Admiral Zhang Nan, Minister of the Navy Ma Liang, Military Commander Wang Fu and others request to see you."

Fu Zhu came into the tent and reported in a low voice.

"Xiu Yuan and Ji Chang are here? Let them in."

Everyone entered the tent and knelt down to salute. Feng Xi was a little panicked when he saw that Lao Liu was hit by an arrow in the arm, and glared at Fu Rong viciously.

"My dear ministers, please don't be polite. Xiu Yuan, how much did we lose in the battle last night?"

Liu Bei waved his hand, telling everyone to stop being polite and instead asked directly about Feng Xi's casualties last night.

"Your Majesty, last night our army suffered about 6,000 casualties. Most of the defeated troops have returned to the camp this morning, so the actual losses are not that great. As for the civil and military generals, except for Liu Ning and Du Lu who rebelled and were killed, the rest of the people were not killed.

Our Southeastern Camp was burned down by the Wu army due to the poor handling of Liu Ning and Du Lu and their subsequent betrayal. The Southwestern Camp where Generals Zhang Bao, Guan Xing and Kuang Fu were stationed was partially damaged, and the Western Camp where Generals Zhao Rong, Xiang Chong and others were stationed was slightly damaged. The Southern Camp where Shenwu was stationed and the Northwestern Camp where General Wu Ban was stationed were almost intact. Except for the Southeastern Camp, the other camps can be rebuilt today."

Feng Xi reported last night's losses truthfully to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei nodded after listening.

"Xiu Yuan, you have worked hard. If it weren't for Xiu Yuan's proper arrangements, our army would have been defeated last night, and the loss would have been more than 6,000."

"Your Majesty, I ask that you punish me and the commander of the Central Army, Fu Zhun, for their crimes."

Feng Xi glanced at Fu Rong and apologized.

"What crime have you committed?"

Liu Bei became curious.

"As the Grand Commander, I failed to detect Liu and Du's ill intentions in time, and the camp was not in good order. This is my fault. Fu Rong, as the Deputy Commander of the Central Army, led the Bai Li soldiers. His duty is to protect Your Majesty. Your Majesty is now injured, which is Fu Rong's fault, so I ask Your Majesty to punish him."

Feng Xi was also taking a step back to advance. It's better for him to point out these two omissions himself than to have them exposed later by others, right?

"Yi Zhong saved Guan Xing and Zhang Bao last night, which delayed him a little. It's not his fault. Even the Prime Minister can't predict everything. How could Xiu Yuan know that Liu and Du would rebel? Xiu Yuan has done his best. You two are innocent."

Old Liu put the matter behind him with just one sentence, and Feng Xi couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"Since our army has suffered such losses, what about Wu's army?"

After hearing about his own losses, Liu Bei also asked Feng Xi about his gains last night.

"Your Majesty, last night our Shenwu Camp captured more than 7,000 enemy heads and countless prisoners. All divisions have captured and killed people. According to statistics, the total number of Wu troops killed and wounded last night was more than 12,000, and more than 16,000 surrendered. Thousands of others are missing, probably deserters or defeated soldiers."

Feng Xi reported truthfully. He roughly calculated that the Wu army that actually attacked the Han army camp last night should have more than 30,000 people, and it was estimated that this was all the cards in Lu Xun's hand.

"Hahaha, Governor Feng, there are more than 4,000 people left, they are with me!"

A laugh was heard outside, and an elegant scholar in armor walked in. He was the man who was chasing Zhou Tai last night.

"Greetings to Your Majesty."

When the visitor entered the tent, he naturally greeted Liu Bei first.

"Gongheng, please stand up quickly. What is the reason for what you just said? Tell me in detail." This Confucian general was none other than General Zhenbei and Chief Minister Huang Quan, Huang Gongheng.

"More than a dozen days ago, I received a personal letter from the Grand Commander, asking me to pay attention to the weather and the movements of my camp. If there is a strong southeast wind and there is a fire in my camp, I should be ready to rescue it; if I find that my camp has not collapsed, I should go to the retreat route of the Wu army and kill them.

Last night, I saw a fire in our camp and ordered my troops to cross the river. I saw no fire in the camp except in the southeast, so I concluded that our army had not yet collapsed. So I led my troops to set up an ambush on the road that the Wu army must take to retreat to Jiangling. As expected, I found that Wu General Zhou Tai led several thousand remnants of the army passing by.

Our army defeated all of Zhou Tai's troops, some died or surrendered, but Zhou Tai, relying on his excellent swimming ability, jumped into the river and escaped when he was trapped by our army."

After Huang Quan finished speaking, everyone understood. Feng Xi had actually predicted that the enemy would attack the camp?

"Xiu Yuan, how did you know that the Wu army would set fire to the camp?"

Liu Bei looked at Feng********, "Our army is in a superior position, while the Wu army has fewer soldiers and their morale is low. There is absolutely no chance that they can defeat our army head-on. We can only rely on the power of nature to defeat our army. Our army has set up camp in the forest, and the Wu army is good at using fire attacks. Therefore, I guess that if the Wu army attacks, they will definitely use fire attacks, so we are quite prepared for this."

Feng Xi had already thought of an excuse, and it came out very well, which made Lao Liu feel a little embarrassed. After all, it seemed like he was deliberately exposing a flaw, but in fact, he didn't really think so. If it weren't for Feng Xi's proper arrangements, the Han army would have been defeated, and he would not have been able to get away with just one arrow.

"Ahem, Xiu Yuan is indeed a man of strategy. It's a pity that he failed to capture Lu Boyan, which gave Dongwu a chance to survive."

It seemed a pity for Liu Bei.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to report. Lu Xun is now outside the tent."

"Oh?! Xiu Yuan, tell me quickly, how did you catch this thief?"

Feng Xi also told Liu Bei about what happened yesterday when Lu Xun led his men to attack his camp directly. Liu Bei couldn't help but clap his hands and laugh.

"Hahaha, if it were anyone else, they would have really let Lu Boyan go. But fate played a trick on him. He actually rushed directly into the Shenwu Camp. He really walked into a trap."

"Your Majesty, Admiral Zhang Nan followed my orders and defeated Wu General Ding Feng's troops, and came to support the main camp, so he also made contributions.

Last night, the Wu army, including Grand Commander Lu Xun, and Wu generals Ma Zhong, Chun Yu Dan, Song Qian, Li Yi, Liu A, etc. were all captured and killed. "

"Well, well, well, you are truly the pillars of our Han Dynasty. With you all here, I will be safe!"

Liu Bei was also in a good mood and praised everyone.

"You all, please go down and rest for a while. Bring Lu Xun up here. I want to talk to him alone. Xiu Yuan, please don't leave yet. Please sit aside."

Liu Bei waved his hand and sent everyone away, leaving them to be rewarded in the future. However, Liu Bei had many doubts at the moment and wanted to talk to Lu Xun.

As the commander-in-chief on Liu Bei's side, Feng Xi was also kept by Liu Bei and sat on a military chair nearby.

"Go in! Get on your knees!"

Two soldiers brought Lu Xun in, forced him to the ground, and made him kneel down to worship Liu Bei.

"Okay, you guys step back."

Liu Bei waved his hand and waited until only himself, Feng Xi and Lu Xun were left in the tent before he continued speaking.

"Xiu Yuan, when you sent out your troops that day, you refuted Kong Ming's three-part theory and believed that we should destroy Wu first and then attack Wei. Is that right?"

Liu Bei was silent for a moment, and did not rush to deal with Lu Xun, but asked Feng Xi first.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I have been thinking the same thing until now. Dongwu has always been unfaithful and treacherous. Rather than keeping this evil neighbor by our side, it is better to destroy Dongwu and let our Han Dynasty occupy the entire Yangtze River. Then we can march north from multiple directions at the same time."

Feng Xi stood up and continued to speak of his thoughts.

"Well, now it seems that what Xiu Yuan said makes some sense."

Old Liu seemed to have experienced last night and had a lot of feelings. He nodded with the vicissitudes unique to the elderly.

"Xiu Yuan, please let Lu Xun go. I have a few questions to ask him."

Feng Xi stood up, walked to Lu Xun, and took out the rag in Lu Xun's mouth that was used to prevent him from biting his tongue.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for not being able to perform this great ceremony."

Lu Xun spoke indifferently, and Liu Bei nodded indifferently.

"Lu Xun, Lu Boyan, I want to ask, why do you have such a vicious plan? Don't you Dongwu want to sit down and have a good talk with me?"

Liu Bei looked at Lu Xun and asked very seriously.

"...Since Xun has received the King of Wu's kindness, he should repay him with a great victory."

Lu Xun seemed to have answered irrelevant questions, but Liu Bei understood what Lu Xun meant. He felt that Sun Quan had shown him respect as a great man, so he would definitely repay the King of Wu with the greatest military achievements.

Then what military achievement could be greater than killing the Han Emperor himself?

"So, what you are thinking about is how to bury me and the remaining Han army here? Have you ever considered how my Han Dynasty will compete with Cao Wei in the future? How will you and your Dongwu fight against it?!"

Liu Bei was really amused by Lu Xun, he slammed the table and stood up, looking at Lu Xun. The reason why Liu Bei didn't kill Han Dang, a great general, and didn't let Feng Xi kill all of Lu Xun's tens of thousands of people was that Liu Bei was still considering the overall situation.

Old Liu still somewhat prefers the policy of dividing the world into three parts. If Sun Quan sends people to hand over the surrendered generals and return Jingzhou, then these tens of thousands of Wu troops can be released to Jiangdong and continue to resist Cao Wei, so that Dongwu will not be left without soldiers and generals.

This is what he thought, and now Lu Xun wants to kill all his nearly 100,000 people and report back to the King of Wu to get credit? What should he do next?
"Your Majesty, why do you need to talk so much to him? Since Lu Zijing, there has been no one with foresight in the Eastern Wu. Since Lu Meng, they have all been short-sighted, with quick plans but no long-term strategies.

It was not difficult to see from the moment they attacked General Guan that although their tactics and strategies were quite successful, they had no vision for the overall situation and were just a group of short-sighted and shameless villains.

I'm afraid that Lu Xun, this thief, has never thought about what will happen to Dongwu if the vitality of the Han Dynasty is seriously damaged. At that time, they can only let Cao Wei's 100,000 troops march south, and they will be unable to resist and will all surrender. At that time, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history like a clown. "

Feng Xi laughed at him directly. Lu Xun didn't know how to answer and kept silent with his head down. After all, he really needed to stabilize his position with a great victory in this war. As for the situation of the Han army, how could he have time to think about it?
"So, Your Majesty, this is also one of the reasons why I am determined to destroy Wu. Your Majesty and the Prime Minister have always thought that they will consider the overall situation, but Sun Quan is just a short-sighted man with no foresight. He can only see the petty gains in front of him. When Cao Wei comes, he will shamelessly make peace with our Han Dynasty.

When Cao Wei takes a break, it will become jealous of why our Han Dynasty is so wealthy and why it was able to defeat Cao Wei. It will inevitably continue to trip us up and hinder us.

How can I allow others to sleep soundly beside my bed? Why not wipe out all these rats in Jiangdong, and let our capable and brave generals lead the army of Jiangdong to the north to cooperate with our army in Sichuan and Jingzhou? Wouldn't it be a million times better than a fickle rat-eyed villain? "

Feng Xi noticed the change in Liu Bei's attitude and once again explained his views to Liu Bei. Not only did Lu Xun remain silent, but Liu Bei also fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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