I inject positive energy into the world

Chapter 103: Model Worker Rong'er, You Are Honest

Chapter 103: Model Worker Rong'er, You Are Honest

"What are you doing?"

Ji Yang looked at Huang Rong with some surprise and asked.

Huang Rong's face flushed, her little tongue licked her pink lips, her eyes turned a little blurry: "Your Majesty, you smell so good."

Ji Yang was slightly stunned, then he looked at the leeches lying on Huang Rong's body, and suddenly some enlightenment came to his mind. It seemed that he had found the reason why Huang Rong stayed alone with him. He looked strange, and stretched out his hand in front of Huang Rong. His middle finger was long and thick, and the bright red color was a little scary.

Huang Rong opened her mouth and hesitated for a moment, sticking out her tongue and rolling it, and then Ji Yang felt her teeth biting hard on his middle finger, but it didn't break. Ji Yang's heart moved, and his middle finger turned into a soft plastic-like state. The next moment he felt a slight sting, and then blood was sucked along his middle finger.

Ji Yang looked surprised, but Huang Rong narrowed her eyes and shook her head slightly. The leech on the back of her hand climbed up hesitantly, and finally came over to secretly glance at Ji Yang, then turned its back to Ji Yang and bit him.

Visibly, the leech's body turned blood red and began to swell.

At this moment, the leech turned over and lay flat, and Huang Rong also loosened her mouth, her face flushed and very beautiful: "It's so hot, your Majesty's blood is poisonous, I feel uncomfortable all over." Huang Rong knelt on the ground delicately, fanning her cheeks a few times with her jade hands, and then pulled her clothes to cool down.

It was raining outside, and the heavy rain was hitting the roof. This dilapidated temple was leaky and cool, but Huang Rong still felt extremely hot. Perhaps there was something wrong with Ji Yang's blood. Her face soon became hot, and she knelt there sweating and twisting uneasily.

Ji Yang looked at her with curiosity. Huang Rong crawled over, but Ji Yang pushed her away by pressing her face. He observed carefully and used his mind to probe Huang Rong's body. He found that blood had entered her body and her spirit fragments were shining. The blood absorbed by Huang Rong was condensed and did not disperse, emitting a hot breath. The spirit fragments in Huang Rong's body also lit up little by little. Her internal organs moved, but she could not digest it anyway.

The blood was so hot that Huang Rong twisted her body around.

Huang Rong threw herself into Ji Yang's arms, hugged Ji Yang's neck, raised her hot face, breathed like orchid, and looked at him seductively: "Rong'er is feeling uncomfortable."

Ji Yang ignored her. His whole body was red, with no skin on the surface, and wrinkled like a red devil. Outsiders would definitely be scared of such a look. Huang Rong was so proactive. She was really hungry.

Sure enough, you never know how proactive a woman can be once she takes the initiative.

Give them a chance, they themselves are unwilling to be human beings.

Huang Rong kissed Ji Yang's lips, she didn't even let go of a drop of blood, she was truly a beast.

Ji Yang remained calm and used his mind to observe the leech on the back of Huang Rong's hand. The leech seemed to be full and drunk, with a bulging belly and a body that had expanded several times. The leech's body also had a strange structure, which surprised Ji Yang. What surprised Ji Yang even more was that the leech was slowly absorbing his blood. Perhaps the blood was too hot, and the leech couldn't help but roll on the back of Huang Rong's hand.

The innate true qi is also circulating at this moment. Under the effect of the true qi, the leeches absorb faster.

"Huang Rong is also absorbing it."

Ji Yang pushed away Huang Rong's head that was lying on his face, frowned slightly, and continued to observe.

The blood that could not be absorbed was actually being slowly absorbed as the true qi circulated. The blood turned into the purest energy and was extracted by Huang Rong's five internal organs, nourishing them first, and then nourishing the bones, blood and flesh...

"My blood has huge energy, and Huang Rong cannot absorb it at all. But once absorbed, it will help Huang Rong improve her strength."

Ji Yang's mind moved, and he took back the spiritual fragments in the blood, helping Huang Rong absorb the blood. This blood was already the purest energy, very nourishing. Sure enough, without Ji Yang's spiritual fragments to maintain it, this pure energy instantly exploded in Huang Rong's body, and the blood-red energy scattered like smoke and clouds, filling Huang Rong's body.

"Ah!" Huang Rong couldn't absorb it, she cried out in pain, and her body was covered in sweat. She felt like she had swallowed a piece of charcoal, and her internal organs seemed to be burnt. But under Ji Yang's spiritual power, Huang Rong's heart beat rapidly, her blood flowed faster, and even the spiritual fragments in her body flashed, as if she was abnormally excited.

"Too much power exploded in an instant, just like a martial artist eating exotic flowers and fruits, the internal power exploded, and the meridians could not bear it. Huang Rong's body could not bear the energy contained in my blood."

"Logically, my blood has so much energy, I should be able to do countless miraculous things, but why can't I use this energy?"

"Is it because I don't have enough knowledge and understanding?"

Ji Yang was confused, but soon understood.

Just like the power of the mind, you know the truth, but if you haven't touched it, you just haven't touched it. Once you touch it, you don't need anyone to explain the truth, you will know what the power of the mind is.

Although Ji Yang possessed the energy in the blood, he had not studied it thoroughly. How could he use it if he wanted to?

Ji Yang thought of this, looked down at the back of Huang Rong's head, and then his body exploded in an instant, turning directly into blood-red water that flowed along Huang Rong's skin and into her clothes: "Rong'er, let me help you practice!!!"

Ji Yang is a drop of original blood, and his body can change at will.

Therefore, Ji Yang turned into a pool of red human skin and stuck to Huang Rong, inseparable. Huang Rong was like wearing a tights, and Ji Yang would naturally fill in the missing parts for her.


Three days later. Huang Rong was lost in thought, lying on the ground of the ruined temple, staring at the roof, her eyes moving rapidly, watching the blood-red color that was clinging to her skin flow out from her clothes little by little, gradually forming a figure standing beside her.

Huang Rong was suddenly at a loss for what to do.

Those who have a girlfriend all know one thing: a girl has two different attitudes when it comes to wanting to be in front and wanting to be behind.

She is the one who is eager, and she is also the one who is shy.

She is the one who is proactive and unsatisfied, and she is also the one who keeps herself clean and speaks righteously.

She was the one who called you a pervert, and she was the one who said you were incompetent.

Huang Rong stared at Ayang, watching the blood-red color gather little by little, and Ayang gradually took shape. But perhaps because he grew too fast all of a sudden, Ji Yang hesitated, and Ayang shrank a few years.

Huang Rong: “!!!”

Family members, what kind of experience is it that can be so varied? Can anyone explain why this thing is so magical?
Huang Rong was a girl, she bit her lips shyly, tears welled up in her eyes, and she cried, "Your Majesty, I..."

Ji Yang glanced at Huang Rong calmly, then turned and walked out: "Don't worry, I will take responsibility to the end."

Huang Rong's tearful expression suddenly brightened with joy, and she lowered her head shyly, but she looked at Ji Yang from the corner of her eyes. However, she could only see Ji Yang's back, because Ji Yang had already walked out. Huang Rong quickly got up, and she found that after three days, she was not injured except for being a little tired. But soon, Huang Rong felt something was wrong, and thinking of the knowledge she had learned, Huang Rong secretly ran behind the statue and pulled her clothes.

After a moment, his face turned pale: "No, there's blood?"

Huang Rong was panicking. She was really pure and innocent, but how could she prove that she had been pure and innocent before?
Where did this evidence go?
Thinking of this problem, Huang Rong lost her mind and was a little frightened. She lowered her head and walked out with trembling shoulders, then looked towards Ji Yang.

It was still raining outside, Ji Yang sat cross-legged on a rock, the rain hitting his blood-red back. Although it looked scary, Huang Rong was not afraid.

She knew that Ji Yang loved her, and loved her deeply.

This love is heavy and has an unbearable weight.

She was about to walk out, but suddenly frowned and rubbed her waist - her stomach ached.

Must be hungry.

After all, I haven’t eaten anything solid for three days, and no one can stand just drinking liquid food.

Huang Rong licked her pink lips and said, "Your Majesty, I'm hungry."

Ji Yang took a shower, came back, and took out pots, pans, tiger meat, etc. from the space. Huang Rong washed herself, rolled up her sleeves and started cooking. While cooking, she secretly watched Ji Yang.

Ji Yang was holding a book, and Huang Rong muttered, "Your Majesty, this is my first time..."

Ji Yang didn't even raise his head: "Don't worry, I absorbed it."

Huang Rong opened her mouth, and when she thought of Ji Yang's ability to absorb blood, she was stunned and a little embarrassed: "Why are you like this?"

Ji Yang looked at Huang Rong strangely: "How do you feel?"

Huang Rong tilted her head, her attention diverted: "I feel my body getting stronger."

Ji Yang stopped talking as if thinking about something. Instead, he used his mind to observe the changes in Huang Rong. Seeing this, Ji Yang frowned. Huang Rong's physique had become stronger, her bones had become stronger, and her meridians had become more resilient. Huang Rong's five internal organs were full of vitality, and her heart was beating very powerfully. Even the blood in her body had become more powerful.

Ji Yang was thinking about something, and then he looked at the leech again. The leech was lying on the back of Huang Rong's neck. The blood-red color had faded a lot, and the surface looked slightly crystal clear, like a white jade sculpture. And it didn't look so disgusting anymore, but a little cute.

Ji Yang held his chin with his hand: "Rong'er, do you know when the inner force was born?"

Huang Rong did not look back. She was very happy to know that her blood was absorbed by Ji Yang. This made them even closer. Hearing Ji Yang's question, Huang Rong thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't know either. Daddy didn't tell me this."

Ji Yang said, "In the martial arts world, there are internal training and external training. When martial arts were born, which came first, internal force or horizontal training?" Without waiting for an answer, Ji Yang continued, "I think horizontal training came first. After all, internal force cannot be seen. In other words, the ancestors created martial arts moves in order to strengthen their bodies. Later, during the practice, someone accidentally discovered internal force, and this is how the distinction between internal and external came about."

At this point, Ji Yang began to frown again, and turned his head to see Huang Rong bending over to cook. Ji Yang's heart moved, and he walked over to hug Huang Rong from behind: "Rong'er, let me observe the physical state of a person during exercise."

Huang Rong: “Ah?”

(End of this chapter)

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