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Chapter 112 The Khan's Mission and Belief! [Subscribe]

Chapter 112 The Khan's Mission and Belief! [Subscribe]

Temujin looked at the warrior kneeling in front of him with trembling hands. The tent was silent and full of confusion.

After a long while, he said, "Migrate before the blood demon arrives."

He was Genghis Khan. Even if some people were puzzled by his words, they could only obey his orders and no one dared to refute. But even so, he hesitated for a long time before issuing this order. Tolui died in the Central Plains. The armies he sent out disappeared one after another. Once they entered that land, although they were invincible, they were always inexplicably wiped out.

Temujin was not afraid of the enemy, but he could not figure out what the enemy was, a human or a ghost.

He is not reckless, and the responsibilities he bears do not allow him to be reckless. He has come to where he is today from nothing, and it is not just recklessness that has helped him get there.

Temujin walked out of the tent and looked at the busy surroundings, then walked slowly with his hands behind his back. He occasionally looked up at the sky, his eyes a little confused. Then he looked down at the tribesmen around him, but soon became firm.

The next day, the meeting was held in the big tent.

"I will lead the army as the rear guard. You will go ahead with the elderly and weak. We don't need too many cattle and sheep. Apart from what we need on the road, we can replenish them along the way as long as we find a settlement."

The Mongol cavalry conquered the world, and even all the way to the west was his territory. He didn't even know how big his territory was, let alone how vast the world he ruled was. This was a good opportunity to take a walk and have a look.

Seeing his sons about to persuade him, Temujin waved his hand and said, "I am supported by the people, so I must protect them. If it were any other enemy, I would not act rashly, because as long as I am alive, we will never decline."

"But the enemy is not ordinary. It makes no difference whether I stay or you stay. Facing an invincible enemy, I, the Khan who is usually respected by everyone, must naturally stand up in times of crisis."

"Remember, to be the Great Khan you don't have to be the most courageous warrior, nor do you have to be the strongest general. I can't beat Jebe in archery. Many Mongolian warriors are better than me in horsemanship. In terms of fighting, you who have been fighting for years have more experience than an old man like me. But why are you, the most courageous warriors, willing to gather around me and obey my orders?"

"Children, this is the Khan's mission, and you may never understand it in your lifetime."

Temujin looked at his sons and waved his hand tiredly, not allowing anyone to speak. He was overbearing, but also wise. He did not need his sons to understand him, nor did he want to explain, as that would be too tiring. As long as the children were obedient and conquered a vast territory while he was alive, even if he died, his descendants would be all over the world.

The world is vast, and there is always land for bloodlines to survive.

The old and weak moved away, but Temujin rode his warhorse and led the warriors in the opposite direction. The herdsmen knelt down and kowtowed, some with tears streaming down their faces, until the figure went farther and farther away, was enveloped by the sunlight, and turned into an invisible black dot.

The reason why a hero is a hero is not entirely because of his ability, but more because of his beliefs and sense of mission.

When will there be heroes?

A special time, a special environment, a special era.

Because the birth of faith and sense of mission is not easy.

It is better to say that the times create heroes than to say that the special times give people of that era special missions and beliefs, and those who take on these beliefs and missions become heroes.

Temujin galloped for three days and three nights, his tired and dark face covered with sweat. He looked up at the sky, the sun was shining brightly, and the grassland was full of vitality under the sun. He had also heard that in his territory, day and night were sometimes not the same.

However, he did not delve into it, or even if he did, he did not tell anyone.

"Rest here."

He dismounted and spoke tiredly.

Then he looked at the herdsmen who were constantly gathering from the marginal areas on both sides. Although the herdsmen did not have a fixed settlement, they were still forced to leave their homes. They avoided the army and passed by its sides. Seeing someone kneeling down and kowtow occasionally, Temujin looked pleased.

The warhorse came galloping: "I want to see the Khan."

Temujin waved his hand and said, "Let him come. I am the Great Khan. I was once an ordinary herdsman."

The man came forward excitedly, knelt down and kowtowed, and even kissed Temujin's boots. Temujin laughed and pulled him up. He was the leader of a small tribe and brought a message.

"Princess Huazheng was captured by the blood demon."

Temujin patted his shoulder silently, then smiled for a long time and said, "I have countless daughters and sons, but the herdsmen don't have many children. I will wait for the blood demon here. I heard that he likes to suck blood, and the people he kills will become a part of him. If I die, I will always meet my daughter."

After saying that, he watched the other person leave.

Temujin looked at the sky from where the other party came from and remained silent for a long time.

The sky gradually darkened until his attendant brought the mutton over again. He then sighed, sat down and started eating.

As he ate, the wolf's character made his hair stand on end, and he couldn't help but stand up. He picked up the lamb leg and ate the lamb while squinting his eyes to look out. In the darkness, he saw pairs of green eyes gradually brightening up.

Temujin was not panicked. The wolves on the grassland were the enemy of man, but Temujin was not afraid. The enemies he had killed were countless times more vicious than wolves. He slowly raised his hand and was about to give an order when the sound of horse hooves could be heard in the camp. Temujin laughed in silence. The warriors under his command were the most brave and skilled in fighting. Today, he no longer had to worry about these things.

Sure enough, the cavalry rushed out of the camp, but what puzzled Temujin was that there was no sound of fighting or wailing, but soon the sound of horse hooves was heard, coming from far away and getting closer.

A wolf howl sounded, resounding in the night sky. Then, there were responses from others, causing the army to become slightly agitated.

Temujin saw a girl riding a giant black wolf slowly approaching, with cavalrymen following behind her.

"Hua Zheng?"

Hua Zheng was pale and had torn lips on the wolf's back. She jumped down in front of Temujin, but her legs went weak and she knelt on the ground. Temujin looked at the giant wolf warily, but still walked over and squatted down to hug Hua Zheng: "My child, what's wrong with you?"

Hua Zheng cried.

Temujin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm glad you're back. I heard that you were captured by the blood demon. I was very worried."

Hua Zheng started cursing, saying a hundred times, her legs were broken, she was a lecher... Temujin was stunned.

In the tent, Temujin looked at Hua Zheng gnawing on the meat and couldn't help but feel distressed. Hua Zheng wiped her tears and said, "It's too abominable. My lips are broken."

"Not gentle at all."

"That's how your legs are bent."

"Woo woo, I said no, but he said I was hypocritical..."

“But in the end, I really didn’t want it anymore.”

Temujin: “!!!”

a long time.

Hua Zheng calmed down: "He told us not to be afraid, he just came to take a look."

Temujin was silent, then spoke: "Come and see, they have killed nearly 70,000 or 80,000 of our warriors. Hua Zheng, what's up with that wolf?"

Hua Zheng's eyes lit up. "He said he was not a freeloader. He knew the rules, but he had no money. He could only give me the ability to control the wolf pack. Now I can communicate with the wolf. It is very obedient. It will do whatever I tell it to do."

Temujin was somewhat speechless, he did know some things about Kyushu, those whore clients had to pay. But Temujin was not a whore client, he never spent money, and he would destroy the other party's homeland, overthrow the other party's city-state, and plunder everything from the other party.

But the result was not bad, he didn't care about the money, this wolf was very useful. Temujin looked at Hua Zheng again, and for the first time he thought that this daughter might have a greater role, and perhaps he should give her more honor.

Nothing happened that night and the blood demon did not launch a sneak attack.

The next day, Temujin breathed a sigh of relief and led a large group of troops to retreat: "We cannot put our hopes on the enemy's mercy. With the blood demon here, we cannot stay here. Now that we have made a plan, even if it is wrong, we must carry it out."

He rode on his horse, looked at his daughter who was riding a wolf beside him, and said tenderly: "When the time comes, I will give you power, tribes, and invincible warriors. You are the master of the wolf, and you deserve your own territory."

Hua Zheng was confused: "If only Guo Jing were still here, he could defeat all my enemies for me."

Temujin laughed in silence: "Guo Jing will not give you the power of the wolf pack, and people like him will never be with us. He has his own persistence, and wealth and glory cannot shake his mind. This is why I like him. It's a pity that I didn't kill him in advance."

Hua Zheng looked puzzled: "Is it because he betrayed my father?"

Temujin smiled but said nothing. He just reached out and stroked his daughter's head. He did not explain the reason. Both his daughter and his son still had a long way to go.

Temujin felt that he was not a smart person, but rather a bit dull. It was precisely because of his dullness that he would desperately insist on doing what he wanted to do, and his will was unwavering. He felt that Guo Jing was very similar to himself, but Temujin had a strong ambition, while Guo Jing did not have his own ideas. He had a life outlook that was shaped since childhood.

There are so many people who have received patriotic education, but Guo Jing is particularly successful. In Temujin's opinion, this may be related to Guo Jing's living environment. There are very few people like him around him, and even if there are similar people, they are all slaves of the Mongols.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Guo Jing's education was so successful. Because he saw the difference with his own eyes, because he knew his mother was not lying to him. He knew better that there were so many Mongols, but only a few of them considered him a friend. He also knew more clearly that when interests conflicted, his friends would not stand on his side, because his friends were only of noble status, not trustworthy.

Temujin patted Hua Zheng's head and said, "Hurry up and make your name a fearsome symbol in distant places. Let the enemy remember your name when they see the wolf. Remember, only with destruction can there be rebirth."

It is the enemy that is destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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