I inject positive energy into the world

Chapter 129: Unprecedented, Unrivaled Female Emperor

Chapter 129: Unprecedented, Unrivaled Female Emperor

Mu Nianci shot at the two masters flying over and said, "Western Xia has been stealing my Central Plains land for many years. Now I have taken it back. Do you have any objection?"

Li Yu's face turned pale. "Since the Empress has already conquered the palace, why should we say more? The Empress's power is rare in ancient and modern times. Li Yu is willing to surrender, and I only ask Your Majesty to treat the people under your rule well."

Mu Nianci's face softened after hearing this. She retracted her spear and shook it, blood splashing from the iron spear: "From now on, they are also my people." Then she turned her head to look at the kneeling civil and military officials. Those who dared to fight to the death were already lying in a pool of blood, and those who were afraid of death had their heads exposed. Mu Nianci said: "You will assist the army in maintaining law and order, punishing lawbreakers, counting population and materials, etc. Xixia is a bitter and cold place, and the people have a hard life. I want to move 50% of the people to the Central Plains. In this way, the people of Xixia can live in peace and there will be less unrest."

Li Yu's face suddenly became more depressed after hearing this. Without this half of the people, Xixia would probably have no chance to rise again. Xixia was already small in number. If half of them were moved away, how many would be left? However, thinking of the amazing scene of Mu Nianci charging into the army alone, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt that this was a good thing. It was just that the country of his ancestors was lost in his own hands, and he was somewhat speechless in front of his predecessors.

This thought became ecstatic again after he learned that Mu Nianci still returned his concubine to him and did not abuse or occupy her. Mu Nianci promised to give him a manor, and whether he could live well in the future was his own business. He felt that in the future, behind closed doors, he would continue to dance and dance, and except for the lack of power, his life would not change much.

Mu Nianci led her personal soldiers back to Zhongdu, and the news of her conquest of Western Xia had spread all over the country.

Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, except for the initial years when people were somewhat proud, the rest of the generations have been getting worse and worse, becoming more and more frustrated. Especially Xixia, which was a separate place. Now Mu Nianci has swept away the weakness of the former Song Dynasty. Although being a female emperor makes people feel a little strange, her prestige is already unmatched among the people.

Wherever her warhorse passed, the people lined the streets to welcome her and she enjoyed the people kneeling down to worship her. Mu Nianci only felt her mind becoming more at peace, and vaguely, the statue in the Beast Taming Palace became more majestic.

After returning to Zhongdu, before entering the Imperial City, Hong Qigong came running towards him from afar: "Nianciya... Your Majesty."

Mu Nianci chuckled and said gently, "Seventh Master, why should I be so polite? I am still the same Nianci girl."

Hong Qigong curled his lips and didn't take it seriously at all. This woman made him become a leader without troops, and Hong Qigong would remember it for the rest of his life. The main reason was that Huang Lao Xie often mocked him, which made Hong Qigong very depressed.

Hong Qigong said: "Your Majesty has returned just in time. Congratulations to Your Majesty for your victory in battle and your expansion of territory."

"Why expand the territory? This is our territory in the Central Plains."

"Your Majesty, if you say so, then so be it. However, the Shenwu Pavilion has developed some things, and Your Majesty is invited to come and review them."

Mu Nianci suddenly wanted to leave. She dismounted and followed Hong Qigong away. The officials behind her looked at this willful empress, all helpless but helpless. Mu Nianci was a one-man army, unstoppable, and even the most scheming officials did not dare to act presumptuously in front of Mu Nianci. If you can win over the officials, Mu Nianci can kill you all and then replace you with another batch. As long as she still has the military power, the world will not be in chaos.

Inside the Shenwu Pavilion.

The monks and Taoist priests sat opposite each other, and there were also some old masters from other martial arts sects. Seeing Mu Nianci coming, they all stood up and saluted. Mu Nianci nodded and smiled, and glanced at everyone, and finally looked at the head monk: "Are you used to being in the Middle Earth, Dharma King?"

The Dharma King said with compassion: "Your Majesty, thank you for your concern. This place is full of enlightened people. The monks discuss scriptures and the Tao every day. They are very happy."

Mu Nianci nodded, "Some time ago, I promised the King of Dharma that the caravans would trade with each other and treat everyone equally. But it was delayed for some time because of the war. This is my fault. I have already ordered Guo Jing to lead this matter. He will go to the grassland. He grew up there. I think even if the King of Dharma has some doubts about me, he will trust Guo Jing."

Several Dharma Kings and Living Buddhas looked at each other after hearing this, and were all moved, feeling Mu Nianci's sincerity: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the grassland will definitely be safe and there will be no unrest."

Mu Nianci just smiled. The grassland is too big. Even if the Dharma Kings and Living Buddhas have high prestige, they cannot really rule the entire grassland. If there are ambitious people, they can do nothing about it. However, the grassland has a smaller population than the Central Plains now, so it is not too urgent.

Mu Nianci decided that when the situation in the Central Plains gets better, she would provide more support for the people's livelihood construction there, build more temples, divide the area into settlements, and prevent people from running around.

Mu Nianci had read history books. Throughout the dynasties that rose from the Central Plains, no matter how powerful their prestige was, their territory had its limits.

On the contrary, if an external enemy entered the Central Plains, although there would be more killing, it would be like a dowry, taking their inherent land area with them, and expanding the empire's territory countless times. Mu Nianci pondered that if Temujin entered the Central Plains, the territory of the Mongol Empire would far exceed that of all previous dynasties, and future generations would not be able to surpass it.

But now that he has swept across the north and south, Temujin will not return from his western expedition in the short term, or he may never return in this life.

Mu Nianci wanted to break the limits of the dynasties in the Central Plains and completely and truly control the more distant regions. She was an empress, but the history books in this world were written by men. When she was alive, no one dared to look up. If she died, who knew how those men would write about her?
Mu Nianci felt that only if her prestige and achievements were truly impossible to ignore, she could become the number one person throughout the ages.

Thinking of this, he had already entered the Shenwu Pavilion.

Huang Lao Xie and Master Yi Deng, each holding a scroll, were reading it seriously. Mu Nianci did not disturb them, but stood behind them with his hands behind his back, and stood on tiptoe to see. However, they were two different scrolls, with different figures painted on them. Although their movements were similar, they gave Mu Nianci a peaceful and natural, yet passionate and masculine look.

Huang Yaoshi belatedly bowed and said, "Greetings, Your Majesty."

Mu Nianci nodded and smiled: "What are you two seniors looking at?"

Huang Yaoshi replied: "These two volumes are two sets of exercises that we have compiled. According to what your majesty said, only those who are physically fit and have a strong will can have a chance to obtain the heavenly talisman. This skill can strengthen the body and prolong life, and it can also strengthen the will and make the spirit full. I just don't know if the talisman meets your majesty's requirements."

Mu Nianci asked, "Is there anyone practicing?"

Huang Yaoshi smiled and replied, "I am practicing cultivation, but unfortunately I am too old and the results are not good. If I had some precious medicine to nourish myself, the results would be better. Although I am practicing cultivation only for a short time, I already feel healthy and energetic."

Mu Nianci hesitated for a moment, she didn't understand, so she called everyone to a meeting. Ma Yu was not young, but he was not of high rank, so he was pushed out by everyone to explain in public: "Your Majesty, this technique integrates Taoism and Buddhism, integrates the strengths of hundreds of schools, and combines the wisdom of all parties to study the method of internal and external cultivation. It focuses on the physical body and the spirit, and absorbs the essence to nourish the inside and outside, but it does not produce internal strength."

"However, due to the differences in Buddhist and Taoist philosophies, the techniques are divided into two types. One is natural and peaceful, progressing step by step, with slow progress but a solid foundation. The other is masculine and passionate, with rapid progress but prone to excessive energy, which can breed inner demons."

Mu Nianci glanced at Master Yideng and the other living Buddhas beside her, and nodded slightly after a moment's hesitation. The so-called vigorous energy breeds inner demons, which is nothing more than being easily seduced by beauty.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, once they are full of energy and release it countless times, these problems will occur. However, Buddhism prohibits desire. Over time, if you can't control it, you may have evil thoughts. It is because Mu Nianci is a woman and a female emperor that Ma Yu said it so tactfully. Mu Nianci ignored the Buddha's little thoughts and nodded slightly, indicating that he should continue to tell the story.

Ma Yu continued calmly, "This technique trains the blood and flesh, strengthens the bones, and strengthens the five internal organs. It integrates the Taoist's flawless beauty and the Buddhist's golden body. If it succeeds, the golden body should be flawless, like a white lotus or colored glaze, locking in the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit."

“In this way, you can practice meditation and contemplation to strengthen your spirit and conceive a divine fetus.”

"This method of visualization is just something we have deduced based on Buddhist scriptures. From the current practice, there are no hidden dangers, but the effect is also weak."

Mu Nianci nodded slowly, reached out and took the two secret books, glanced at them, and kept the information in her mind. She closed her eyes and pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but smiled and said: "You can recruit people from the army first and try to practice. If there is an effect, promote it in the army first. If there is no hidden danger, then let it go to the people."

"Although I have the method to control beasts, I believe that people are the foundation. If people are not strong, in time, will people control beasts, or will beasts control people?"

"Therefore, I have called you all together to discuss the techniques in order to strengthen people's bones, blood, and spirit, and to toughen people's spirit and will, so as to avoid being turned into a guest one day."

Mu Nianci returned the two secret books and said, "Make a copy and send it to the palace. You can study it first and then slowly verify and modify it."

Mu Nianci got up and returned to the palace, pondering on the way.

Thinking back to when she and Bai Ma had a double rest, Mu Nianci was also very surprised, and when her strength improved by leaps and bounds, Mu Nianci was even more delighted. But after becoming the emperor, Mu Nianci's thoughts changed, or her vision changed.

I think that although humans and beasts can make progress together, if humans cannot take the lead, there may be a crisis of the guest becoming the master. Therefore, she summoned the old masters of the martial arts world to work together to discuss the method. The first purpose of this method is to be human-oriented and specially cultivated for humans. As long as humans are strong enough, there is no need to worry about the beasts being out of control.

Mu Nianci didn't know if her idea was right or not, after all, it was contrary to Ji Yang's idea. In Mu Nianci's opinion, Ji Yang's beast control seal was to let people and beasts influence each other and make progress together.

But Mu Nianci still did so. She was the empress and had to have everything under control.

Half a day later, it was already night and the skills were sent into the palace.

Mu Nianci first checked to see if there were any mistakes or omissions, and then studied the strength carefully. She memorized it in her heart, concentrated on practicing, closed her eyes, and felt it carefully. Mu Nianci was slightly surprised. She found that this method actually vibrated the blood and nourished the five internal organs as she practiced. Even the powerful innate true qi in her body was slowly absorbed by the five internal organs.

"If this continues, the innate true energy in my body will probably dissipate completely."

Mu Nianci frowned, and the first thought in her mind was whether these martial arts masters were trying to trick her. But she changed her mind and thought that the five internal organs absorbed qi and blood, and the innate true qi was still strong. She was full of qi and blood, and energetic, and her true qi was as vast as the sea. If it was completely absorbed by the five internal organs, I don't know how strong the five internal organs would be. At that time, relying on brute force alone, it would also be extremely powerful. These martial arts masters should not be so bold as to dare to harm her?

"After becoming emperor, I became more suspicious."

Mu Nianci smiled silently, stopped thinking about it, and began to practice diligently.

Day and night go by, the sun sets and the stars move.

As the empress, she ate well, used well, and was full of energy. Her Qi was as vast as the sea. As she practiced for a long time, her body underwent a transformation in just one month. After her five internal organs were adequately nourished, they became stronger and stronger. She digested the food she ate better. Her heart was strong and powerful, and the blood in her eyes became hotter and brighter.

Her blood flowed throughout her body, slowly nourishing her bones and meridians. Until her bones were as crystal clear as jade, and her meridians were like bowstrings. She felt her body burning like fire, and her flesh and blood were squeezed from the inside out, and her skin became more and more hydrated, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the current strong body.

One day, Mu Nianci looked at her flawless skin. The innate true energy in her body had disappeared, but Mu Nianci felt that she was stronger, faster, and her five senses were sharper.

However, some of the light skills that were once used can no longer be used.

Mu Nianci did not leave the palace, and continued to study the Taoist method of moderation and peace. The foundation of her rapid steps gradually stabilized, her burning inner fire slowly calmed, and her increasingly violent temper also eased.

On this day, Mu Nianci sat cross-legged under the starry sky and looked up at the sky. She wanted to condense her spiritual will through visualization.

"I am the empress, so I should visualize the purple stars."

Mu Nianci had an idea in her mind, her eyes were dull, but she sat quietly for a night, but nothing came out, only the bright moonlight. She sat for another day, but still nothing came out, only the scorching sun. Mu Nianci sat quietly for three days, without eating for three days and nights.

Suddenly, a strange thought came to her mind: "Are the stars in the sky fake? Why can't I see the stars except the sun and the moon? Or is my eyesight not good enough?"

When this thought came to her mind, Mu Nianci could no longer control herself and the more she thought about it, the more horrified she became.

She was in a state of panic all day long, so she closed her eyes and tried to calm down, but she couldn't calm down any more. Mu Nianci entered the Beast Taming Palace and looked at the figure sitting on the throne. The figure looked more noble, more majestic, and more unattainable.

Mu Nianci's mind moved, and his figure slowly covered the dragon robe. Above his head, his mental power gathered, and it seemed as if a star was about to form.

Inside the giant linga in the distance.

Ji Yang looked through the silk thread, his eyes becoming slightly complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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