Chapter 9 Feng Yuxiu asked

Wudang Mountain has beautiful scenery.

Ji Yang lived in a small place when he was young, and he was an orphan, so he didn't know much about the famous mountains and rivers in the motherland. He knew about Wudang Mountain from TV dramas.

That’s right, it’s The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber.

At that time, Ji Yang knew that there was a Zhang Sanfeng on Mount Wudang, who had extraordinary powers and a long life, and was known as a living immortal.

Later, when he grew up, Ji Yang knew that all this was just a legend. There was such a person in history, but he would never be like a living god.

Of course, if it is Zhang Sanfeng from another world, that’s another story.

Feng Yuxiu wanted to become stronger, but Ji Yang actually wanted to become stronger. After all, Feng Yuxiu only lived in this world, while Ji Yang came from the outside. Ji Yang knew very well that there were ways to become stronger in this world, but perhaps not in this world.

Over the years, Ji Yang has been paying attention. If there is another world close to his small space, he might go to that world to take a look. But to this day, such an opportunity has not come yet.

While he longed to go to another world, he quietly enjoyed life in this world. Even if he grew old alone in this world and his small space was destroyed, Ji Yang would not have any regrets.

"Ayang, please take a picture for me."

Wudang Mountain, Tianzhu Peak, Taihe Palace.

Because it was not a holiday, there were not many tourists, which was convenient for several people. Shan Ying hugged Shen Xue's arm, and the two leaned against each other and happily posed to wait for Ji Yang.

Ji Yang had no choice but to hold up his phone and take a few photos at the right angle: "Okay."

"Why so fast? Did I take a bad picture?"

“I took the photos seriously.”

Shan Ying and Shen Xue looked at Ji Yang with suspicion. It was not that they did not trust Ji Yang, but Ji Yang and Feng Yuxiu just wanted to take pictures, which was completely different from what they, girls, wanted.

However, after looking at the photos, Shan Ying and the others nodded with a little satisfaction: "Ayang is very skilled, not bad. Sister Xue, how about we go find some Taoist robes to wear?"

"Come on, there's a Taoist nun over there, let's go ask her."

"You should call him Taoist priest."

Ji Yang did not follow him. He turned his head and saw Feng Yuzheng squatting in front of an old Taoist priest, saying something with a silly smile. The old Taoist priest was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his Taoist robe was dirty, his beard was messy, and he looked unkempt.

Ji Yang came over with interest: "What are you doing?"

Feng Yuxiu: "Ayang, this is Taoist Hengyu, he is very knowledgeable, don't make trouble, just listen to him."

The old Taoist priest had a kind face and spoke incoherently, as if there was a mouthful of phlegm in his throat. Ji Yang moved away a little to avoid facing him directly.

The other party said: "Practice is to cultivate the mind, and to comprehend the nature of heaven and earth. All things in this world have spirituality, and the sun, moon, and stars all have life. Even a piece of stone from Wudang Mountain has been transformed by living things, exposed to the wind and sun, and absorbed the essence of the sun and moon..."

"Follow the will of Heaven and you will be on the right path. Go against the will of Heaven and you will go against the right path."

"I see that you two are martial artists. Your qi and blood are full and your bodies are strong. Martial arts emphasize practicing martial arts. Martial arts are the moves, while skills are the essence. Those who strengthen their foundation and cultivate their essence are strong and healthy, and can climb mountains as if they were walking on flat ground. What do you think, is practicing martial arts about cultivating the body or cultivating the mind?"

He was asking about the two people, but his eyes were looking at the simple-minded Feng Yuxiu. Feng Yuxiu had a simple-minded look on his face, smiling foolishly, but his eyes were deep in thought, and he didn't say a word. Ji Yang smacked his lips, and his legs felt numb from squatting, so he also sat down cross-legged: "Master, how can you tell that our Qi and blood are full? Doesn't Qi and blood not exist? The instruments can't detect it."

The old Taoist priest smiled and said, "What is Qi and blood?"

Ji Yang was at a loss.

The old Taoist pointed his black, calloused finger at his chest and said, "I have never seen Qi and blood, so I should ask your heart. If the instrument can't detect it, does that mean it doesn't exist? Hundreds of years ago, who knew what bacteria looked like? If the instrument can't detect it, doesn't that mean the instrument is not advanced enough?"

Ji Yang was speechless. He opened his mouth and finally closed it in admiration.

At this moment, Feng Yuxiu spoke up: "Senior, is practicing martial arts about training the body or cultivating the mind?"

The old Taoist priest did not answer: "Those who practice martial arts are strong and have bright eyes, so I recognized you as martial artists at a glance. In layman's terms, your temperament is different, and your spirit is more full. In my own words, facing you is like a hot furnace, and my blood is boiling like magma. Sitting here, I feel like sitting on pins and needles."

Feng Yuxiu was even more confused, and then asked: "So is it training the body or cultivating the mind?"

Old Taoist priest: "Of course it is to cultivate the mind."

Feng Yuxiu: "But we didn't sit in meditation, didn't enter into a state of concentration, didn't visualize..." "Walking, sitting, or lying down are all forms of cultivation." The old Taoist priest laughed: "When a child is born, he is ignorant, but he opens his mouth to speak, walks, and runs. Isn't this a form of cultivation? The more he learns, the more enlightened his mind becomes. Isn't this a form of cultivation? Once a person grows up, his mind becomes ignorant instead. The more he knows, the more hazy his mind becomes. In the end, he sinks into the world of mortals, unable to transcend, and only looks at the three-quarters of the land in front of him and the few people around him. Cultivation is about transcendence, and walking the natural path."

Ji Yang looked doubtful, Feng Yuxiu lowered his head and muttered to himself: "What is the natural way?"

The old Taoist priest said: "You are nature, I am nature, stones are nature, this world is nature, and the vast starry sky of the universe is also nature. Young man, you practice martial arts to strengthen your body, and practice hard in cold and hot weather. You strengthen your body and exercise your will, but you don't understand what the heart is. When you understand, you will naturally understand."

Ah this...

Feng Yuxiu was a little suspicious: "Senior, are you lying to me?"

Old Taoist priest: "You have to open your eyes and see the world. The bigger the world you see, the bigger your heart will be. If you find what you want, your practice will be successful. As the ancients said, reading ten thousand books and traveling ten thousand miles are all practice."

Feng Yuxiu: "Scientists don't understand the universe, the stars, the natural world, how can a cripple like me understand these things?"

The old Taoist priest stretched out his hand and touched Feng Yuxiu's heart: "Ask your heart, you are nature, your body is the heaven and earth, and everything in your body is everything in the world. This universe is vast, and the heaven and earth are boundless. But who defined this? It is us humans, but people are ignorant. They only see the piece in front of them, and then they set rules for the heaven and earth, and make conclusions about everything in the world. How can people know that they are not living in the body of a bigger person."

"It's like a fish in a river, being slaughtered by humans. People say humans are the most intelligent creatures in the world, so what do fish think? People say humans are the most noble and intelligent, so what are humans and fish to the heaven and earth?"

"Young man, you are confused, but this is a good thing. You need to question your own heart, understand your own heart, master your own heart, and transcend your own heart. This is practice."

The old Taoist priest picked up a yellowed book and placed it heavily in Feng Yuxiu's palm, his cloudy eyes showing a hint of admiration from an elder.


"Not expensive, two hundred and fifty."

"No, senior, please listen to me. I understand."


"Walking, sitting or lying down is cultivating the mind, observing the universe is cultivating the mind, and being thick-skinned is also cultivating the mind."

Feng Yuxiu had a simple smile on his face, but he turned and ran away. The old Taoist priest was stunned, his chest heaving violently.

"Senior, calm down." Ji Yang held back his laughter.

The old Taoist took a deep breath and said kindly: "Young man..."

"I understand. Spending money is also a way to cultivate one's mind." Ji Yang bought a book and asked, "Does the old senior know martial arts?"

The old Taoist priest said: "I am a spiritual practitioner, not a martial artist."

Ji Yang asked again: "Does the old senior know about internal force?"

The old Taoist nodded: "Internal force is invisible and intangible, it cannot be seen, heard, or known."

"Then how do we cultivate our inner strength?"

"Enter into a state of concentration, sit in meditation, comprehend the nature of heaven and earth, understand all things in the world, if you enter the Tao, inner strength will arise naturally."

“How do I enter into meditation?”

"The sky is dark and unknowable, the vastness is intangible, and people are as if dead, like the emperor of heaven overlooking all things, with a lonely mind and a body returning to nature, blending into all things."

"Senior, where did you know all this?"

"There are thousands of volumes of Taoist scriptures, so there are records. I have practiced for my whole life, and now I am over 80 years old. Although I have no internal strength and cannot beat young people in a fight, I can still climb and descend mountains as fast as flying..." The old Taoist was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "This is true. How about I show you a handstand?"

Ji Yang burst out laughing.

"Senior, do you think inner strength exists?"

"I have not seen it, so I dare not say it. I have not investigated it, so I dare not speak. If someone asked you hundreds of years ago, do you know bacteria? How would you answer?"

Ji Yang nodded, took the book and left.

(End of this chapter)

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