People in the chat group, girlfriend Ma Xiaotao

Chapter 178: The Dead City Reappears

Chapter 178: The Dead City Reappears
The young man with short hair also continued: "We were there at the time. At first we didn't notice anyone fighting, we just noticed the ground started to shake, and then the building exploded.

We were so scared that we all ran out. At this time, we found that there were two strong men fighting above the canyon. One was holding a long sword, and the other was wearing a black robe. Oh, and he used a black sickle. The sickle was so big, it was ten meters long. "

"Yes, it's very long, and at the end we saw nine of those black sickles." The burly young man continued.

They didn't know that it was an attack materialized from the great wizard's mental power.

Because it was dark, even though there were torch lights on the ground, one could only barely see the scene above, but the huge black sickle that had been condensed was very clear.

"Sickle?" The mysterious man in black robe was silent for a moment.

"What's the final result?" the mysterious man in black robe continued.

"The battle happened too quickly. We only saw the black-robed man turned into mud, and then the other Saint Domain warrior flew away."

"Very good." The mysterious black-robed man nodded with satisfaction, "I am very satisfied with your answer."

The three men breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hiss, hiss--" With a very slight sound, the bodies of the three men suddenly collapsed and turned into three piles of powder.

"He is dead indeed." The mysterious man in black robe was very angry. "He died before he could refine the golden soul bead that he promised to give me." The mysterious man in black robe was none other than Beaumont who asked the great wizard to refine the golden soul bead.

Beaumont's eyes were cold, "I never thought that there would be someone among the natives of the Magnolia Continent who could kill the Great Wizard."


Magnolia Festival is the most important festival in Magnolia Continent.

Even during wartime, there would usually be a ceasefire during these few days, allowing soldiers and civilians to enjoy the joy of Magnolia Festival. But... now the people of the Luoao Empire are in panic, pain, and anger!
"Don't be afraid, child, we're almost there." A thin woman in tattered clothes carried her child on her back and ran towards the north.

"Mom, where is Dad?" The five or six-year-old child behind her asked in confusion, "When will Dad come to see me? I don't want to see him." The woman couldn't help but blush when she heard this, "Be good, we will see Dad."

But the woman knew in her heart that she and her child would never see the child's father again.

There were not only this mother and daughter, there were many others fleeing as well. Along the entire road, a large number of people were fleeing with their families.

Refugee crisis!
Today is January 10044, 1 in the Magnolia Calendar, which is supposed to be a day of celebration.

Today, the Baruch Empire and the Luoao Empire are facing each other across the Magnolia River. The Luoao Empire has two extremely powerful saints. As for the Baruch Empire, although Lin Lei has reached the divine realm, he does not want to speed up the war.

The two sides' actions naturally brought the war to a standstill.

For several years, the armies of the two empires have been confronting each other across the Magnolia River.

"Is this still called war?" A soldier on guard duty on the Baruch Empire side complained, "I've been transferred to the front line for more than two years, but I haven't killed a single enemy. All I do all day is stand guard, train, and rest... It's really boring."

"This is not a good idea. War means deaths." The older soldier on the opposite side obviously did not like war.

"There would be passion even if I died in battle. Life like this is so boring." The young soldier complained. Suddenly he heard a noise coming from the other side of the river. He looked carefully and said, "Hey, look, what's going on on the other side?" In fact, the camps of the two empires were both two or three miles away from the Magnolia River.

These soldiers on guard will be at the forefront.

"Refugees. So many refugees." Both soldiers were shocked.

A large number of refugees bypassed the military camp from other places and rushed to a bridge over the Magnolia River, but this bridge was guarded by soldiers from both sides. However, there were too many refugees, and some of them were very powerful.

Soon, the refugees rushed over.

In fact, it was also because the soldiers on both sides did not try their best to stop it.

"What's going on?" The two soldiers on guard were very confused.

"Don't worry about it. As long as these refugees don't attack the military camps, don't meddle in their business." The war had been stagnant for several consecutive years, causing the two empires to be less wary of each other. Generally, if the refugees did not attack the military camps, they would not be attacked.

Just some refugees.


From that day on, batches of refugees continuously crossed the borders of the two empires and came from the Luo Empire to the Baruch Empire.

The increasing number of people also attracted the attention of the Baruch Empire.

But when they investigated, they discovered something that shocked them - the Luoao Empire had collapsed.

And there is only one reason - the dead city incident reappears.

According to the intelligence sent to us, many cities in the Luoao Empire have become dead cities. The situation is very similar to our original Blue Lion City, but the situation this time is a hundred or a thousand times more serious than the last time...

Moreover, this incident should have happened recently.


The afterglow of the setting sun stretched the shadows of the refugees on the desolate road into long shapes, with tattered clothes, thin and dirty faces, and eyes filled with fear and desire for the future. They all tried hard to move towards the north.

High in the sky, Lin Lei, Bu Jinghong, and Desley, who were flying side by side at high speed, suddenly stopped.

Now, Bu Jinghong and his team have entered the territory of the Luoao Empire.

"Let's go down and ask these refugees, maybe we can get a better understanding of the situation." Deslie said.

Ever since entering the territory of the Luoao Empire, there had been no trace of a smile on Linley’s face; their expressions were all very solemn.

The Luoao Empire is in chaos at this moment.

The wind rose and then stopped, and Bu Jinghong, Lin Lei, and Desli appeared in the weeds beside the desolate road. The two of them walked out of the weeds and onto the road.

There were many people fleeing on this road, and no one cared about Bu Jinghong and Desli and the others.

"How much suffering have they endured!" Desley sighed softly as he looked at the gloomy and frightened eyes of the refugees.

Bu Jinghong also felt the same way.

Bu Jinghong's eyes suddenly fell on a tall young man in the distance. The young man was sturdy and strong, with a firm gaze, and he was carrying an old, silver-haired woman on his back.

Among the hundreds of people Bu Jinghong saw, only this young man had a slightly extraordinary temperament.

Moreover, Bu Jinghong could tell at a glance that the young man was a seventh-level warrior, which meant that he could barely be considered a master among mortals.

Bu Jinghong walked over immediately, and Deslie followed.

When the young man saw Bu Jinghong, Lin Lei, and Desley approaching, he immediately looked at them with caution and said, "My three lords, I don't know where you are?"

This tall young man is quite knowledgeable. He can feel that the two people in front of him are not ordinary people.

"Brother, I would like to ask, what happened that made you flee?" Bu Jinghong said in a very gentle manner.

The tall young man was a little surprised when he heard this: "A large number of residents in our Luoao Empire were massacred. My two lords, every refugee knows about this, right? Why are you asking me?"

“We also know that many residents were massacred, and in large numbers.

However, we are very suspicious of the real murderer. After all, it would not take just one or two days to massacre so many residents.

Why did you wait until so many people died before you fled?"

Bu Jinghong has always been confused about this.

One hundred million people.

Even if a sanctuary kills hundreds of thousands of people a day, it will take several months.

So, the news of the dead city incident should have spread quickly, so why did it take the massacre of 100 million people to cause a large-scale escape?

When the tall young man heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "My lords, if you ask ordinary people, I'm afraid they really don't know."

As he spoke, the tall young man sighed.

Bu Jinghong, Lin Lei, and Desley’s eyes lit up.

It was obvious that this tall young man knew some secrets.

"Please tell us." Desley also spoke.

The tall young man had no idea that the two people in front of him were two god-level masters. He was helpless, with a trace of pain in his eyes, and said: "This matter is not a big secret. Many people in our Barrow Legion knew it."

Barrow Army?

With the strength and status of Bu Jinghong, Desili and others, how could they pay attention to a mere legion of an empire?

“About three months ago, our Barrow Corps had a total of 300,000 people and 10 divisions. Our Corps was divided into many parts according to the battalion, and they were all deployed to various transportation routes in the southern part of the empire.

The order we received was that no one was allowed to pass through the area we were stationed in, and anyone who tried to pass through would be killed. "

Bu Jinghong and Desli were shocked.

They understood a little.

Why, it took the massacre of 100 million people for the riots to break out?

“We didn’t understand it at first, even though we once encountered someone trying to pass through the area we were guarding, and that person also said something like a dead city.

But we are soldiers, and military orders come first. When he tried to pass, we killed him on the spot."

"We didn't care when we killed the first two. But later on, one time...

Regarding our captain, the one who tried to escape was actually his brother.

We didn't kill him immediately because of our captain. But unexpectedly, that person told us that people in many cities in the southern part of the empire were massacred, and only his brother survived in our captain's hometown.

His brother also escaped the disaster because he went hunting in the mountains that day."

The tall young man's voice was still trembling as he spoke.

"By that day, we had been guarding the main road for more than two months." The tall young man said bitterly, "At that time, everyone in our team was dumbfounded.

The captain immediately sent people to investigate the inner city, but the result was... you all know it."

The tall young man shook his head and said, "We were going to inform other teams, but later we found out that it was not our team that first discovered the secret, but another team."

Bu Jinghong and Desli suddenly realized.

The sanctuary massacres the city, covers it with spiritual power, and generally no one escapes.

Those who are able to escape by chance are generally people who sleep outdoors at night. When these people sleep outdoors at night arrive in the city, they will discover what has happened.

Therefore, very few people escape this disaster.

Moreover, there were many ways to escape to other places. With so many troops in a legion guarding various important roads, I am afraid that at most two or three survivors would be encountered in each important road. However, most of these survivors were killed directly.

After all, obeying military orders comes first.

"Knowing all this, all the brothers in our army have rebelled. Our fathers, brothers, wives, and children are all dead. Everyone in our hometown is dead. Damn it, what kind of soldiers are we?" The tall young man was also furious. "Compared to my brothers, I am luckier. My hometown is not in the south, so my relatives escaped this disaster."

The tall young man looked back at the old woman on his back, a trace of concern showing on his face.

Bu Jinghong couldn't help but sigh. This is the sorrow of the weak.

Below the god level, everyone is an ant. In this world, it is not as simple as it sounds.

Behind this sentence lies the sadness and cruelty of ordinary people who are in danger of losing their lives at any given moment and whose life and death are determined by the thoughts of others.

In such a world, the so-called character is simply false. Only strength is real.

If you are strong and powerful, there will be people who will sing praises for you.

But if you are weak and of low status, your life will be as cheap as an ant, nothing more than a blade of grass.

In Bu Jinghong's previous life, although there were differences between people in terms of wealth and power, in the final analysis, they were all mortals with only one life.

When a common man gets angry, blood splatters every five steps. No one is nobler than anyone else.

But in this world...weak mortals are really just consumables.

This is fate. Fate is unpredictable, but also as sharp as a knife, and every stroke draws blood.

The weak are arranged by fate, and only the strong can break free from the shackles of fate...

For a moment, Bu Jinghong sighed in his heart, but it was unexpected. Without realizing it, he had begun to learn the rules of fate.

"Thank you." Bu Jinghong raised his hand and pressed it on the young man's head, and the vast energy of heaven and earth poured into his body.

In just a moment, the young man's cultivation level soared from a level seven warrior to a level nine.

Afterwards, Bu Jinghong continued to tap on his brows, instilling into his mind the subsequent common sense of cultivation, such as making light of heavy objects, the power of heaven and earth, and the mysteries of the laws.

"From now on, whether you can enter the Holy Land depends on you. I have repaid the favor I owe you."

Linley and Desley, who were standing by, felt a chill in their hearts. They had already figured out how the incident happened.

A large number of cities were massacred, and there might be strong men from the Holy Land flying in the sky outside the city to kill some survivors. The survivors who could really escape to the main roads where the military was stationed were too rare.

But even so, this kind of thing cannot be concealed forever.


In the Luoao Empire, a thin dark-skinned man with a turban on his head was lying comfortably on a chair. Beside him, a beautiful maid was holding a fruit plate respectfully. The thin man always had a smile on his face, but the maids were very nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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