Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 168: Duck is so cute, of course I have to eat more

Chapter 168: Duck is so cute, of course you should eat more


Keep it simple, just eat a duck head.

The spicy braised duck head is braised over low heat and then turned off to soak.

By the time the diners get to the food, it is already spicy and tasty.

For those who are somewhat squeamish about their head, they may miss out on this delicacy because of its appearance.

But those who eat both meat and vegetables,

I don't care about that.

Mouth to mouth, let’s suck the duckbill first.

There is not much edible part under the duck's beak.

However, the multi-layered structure of the V-shaped strips was already soaked with soup.

It tastes spicy and fresh, leaving a long aftertaste.

Of course, you can't waste the money you spend.

Break the head off and then eat the brain.

The duck's brain is not big and has a dense and smooth texture.

It is wrapped inside the duck head and tastes slightly numb and spicy.

The location of the soul,

The taste can be called the soul of duck head.

After eating duck brain,

What follows is a very satisfying bite.

The duck's chin, a large piece of meat under the duck skin.

The part of the duck that is used to pick up food has firm meat, and the spicy seasoning makes it very satisfying to eat.

After eating the three main parts of the duck head, the diners continued to indulge themselves by putting the duck head into their mouths together with the bones, savoring every part of it.

Finally, in order to eat cleanly, you have to lick your fingers.


"It's so satisfying, have another one."

The parts of the duck head that are not recommended for consumption are the glands where the duck head connects to the neck, and debris in the nasal cavity.

Only by cleaning it in advance can customers eat without worries.

The last bit of braised food is sold out.

Li Rui closed his stall amid the reluctance of customers.

The owner of the stewed food cart hits one,
Eat today, finish today.

However, Li Rui felt a little regret today that he was not able to sell the duck head, duck neck and duck wings of the same duck together.

Fortunately, customers don't care about this.

As mentioned before, the craze for braised food has come to Jianghai City, and many braised food stores and stalls have emerged.

Braised meat is very suitable in this season.

Moreover, once something becomes popular, both locals and tourists will want to try it.

If you can’t buy the most popular and delicious ones, you can only look at the ones nearby.

So while the popularity is still there, you can really make money by opening a store.

However, Li Rui's booming business
It still makes my peers very envious.

"They are all braised food. Why aren't mine selling as well as others?"

"Teaching the apprentice to starve the master to death? That's impossible. The apprentice also has to wait for the master to close the stall."

After closing the stall, I returned to the shop in Fangda Plaza.

Li Rui first went to the express cabinet.

Here are the trial cosmetics sent by a domestic brand.

Li Rui has always felt that using braised goods to promote cosmetics was outrageous.

But the local domestic cosmetics manufacturers in Jianghai kept inviting me so much that it was really hard to refuse their kindness.

Li Rui also agreed to give it a try first.

But considering the many examples of rollovers.

He is still very cautious about this matter.

Li Rui told the manufacturer that he must try the product himself first before considering cooperation.

The manufacturer understands Mr. Li’s position.

Promised to send the product to Boss Li to see the effect.

And the manufacturer is very honest.
A whole box was sent directly.

But looking at the box of cosmetics, Li Rui was in a dilemma.

When it comes to bringing goods and promoting,
The area where he has the most say is probably the various condiments. He can still give some advice on which stir-fried dishes are delicious and which ingredients are safe.

I'm not very good at cosmetics.

What kind of effect is considered good when applied on the face?
Li Rui could only find some reviews on the Internet. Although there were many positive reviews, it was difficult to judge whether these reviews had been recharged by the manufacturers like his own.

So the first thing he thought of was his fans and friends.

Li Rui posted on his video account:

"I received a promotion invitation from a certain brand, but I don't know much about the product effect. Can you give me some good suggestions?"
"Cosmetics? I thought it was a braised meat seasoning packet [laughing]"
"They all mean the same thing. They need to be marinated to make them tasty."
"I work at a Chinese medicine store. I have been using this one. It feels good, the ingredients are simple, and the price is affordable. I think it is acceptable."

Finally, fans unanimously suggested that Boss Li give the samples out by lottery to everyone.

Let’s evaluate it collectively.

Li Rui thought this was a good idea.

On the one hand, the comments section has very good reviews for this cosmetic.

Moreover, it has been sold by a legitimate manufacturer for many years, so the quality can be trusted by fans to try.

On the other hand, you can also take this opportunity to give fans some small benefits.

The lottery rules are based on voluntariness.

Li Rui thinks it’s best to give it to female friends because they have a say, but of course male fans can also give it to family and friends.

Twenty pieces of cosmetics were selected using a small program provided by an enthusiastic netizen, and the final lucky fan was announced at midnight.

Xiaodong intelligently extracted the mailing addresses and contact information of several fans from private messages from netizens and contacted the courier company.

However, most people said that
Don't bother Boss Li.

I can pick it up when I buy braised meat tomorrow.

Let’s wait for fans to try it out and report on the results before discussing cooperation with the manufacturer.

After solving a small matter that had nothing to do with food, Li Rui also checked the system's settlement:

New hidden achievement [Duck is so cute]

The reward is a practical down jacket.

The new recipe is roast chicken.

The down jacket fits me well, and there is no strange BGM playing when I put it on. Winter is coming soon, which is very considerate.

Regarding roast chicken,

Considering that braised food is already very abundant nowadays, Li Rui informed Lao Jin and only ordered ten.

It’s already midnight and I have to continue braising the meat tomorrow.

Got to make time to sleep.

But before going to bed, I have to take another look at the kitten.

the next day,
Fonda Plaza shop.

After Lao Jin delivered the goods to the door, Li Rui and the helping aunt also got busy.

The processing of a whole chicken is not unfamiliar.

Li Rui already had rich experience when he ran a fried chicken shop before.

However, there is no need to remove the chicken head and chicken feet when roasting chicken.

A fresh whole chicken does not need to be blanched. Just wash the chicken clean with light salt water.

This will preserve the tenderness of the meat.

When straightening the chicken's bones, twist the chicken's head under the wings to slightly shape it.

Then comes simple coloring.

Just like the coloring material used for tiger skin chicken feet, mix maltose into water and dip the whole chicken in it.

The coloring effect is not obvious at this time.

The whole chicken is still white and tender, with a very light yellow color on the surface.

So it needs to be fried in a frying pan.

60% oil temperature,

It doesn't take long.

When the surface turns an attractive caramel color, remove from the pan and set aside.

The several braised dishes prepared earlier are very rich in variety.

Red, white, yellow, and a separate spicy sauce.

So there is no need to start a new pot to roast the chicken.

Put the fried chicken into the pot previously used for braised chicken feet.

Marinate with chicken feet.

Still simmering over low heat, and then waiting for it to soak into the flavors.

(End of this chapter)

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