Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 198 New Chapter Recipe, Candied Haws

Chapter 198 New Seasonal Recipe, Candied Haws

At night, it is the peak business period for restaurants.

The two chefs from Taihe Building took some time out of their busy schedule to come over and try the jar meat made by Li Rui.

The craftsmanship of Mr. Li impressed Zhang Guohua, the founder of Jar Rou.

He was generous with his praise.

This made the apprentice on the opposite side very jealous.

“Is it that good?” Although the middle-aged man was skeptical, he tore off a piece of pork elbow and put it in his mouth.

After just one bite, his eyes widened unconsciously.

The apprentice recalled the method of making this dish and found that many key details were restored very accurately by Li Rui.

Spread the pork elbow evenly with osmanthus honey and fry it in a pan.

It can not only add color to the pork elbow, but also give it a slightly sweet aftertaste.

Only by frying the skin of the pork elbow until golden brown can the skin look charming after being stewed at high temperature.

The collagen is completely melted and expanded to an appropriate size after the water vapor evaporates.

The entrance is soft and fragrant.

Let sea cucumbers, abalone and other animals play supporting roles.

"Yes." The apprentice sighed. "Meat in a jar, meat in a jar, it's still meat to eat."

Zhang Guohua looked at his apprentice's attitude towards the young boss and saw that the change was so obvious.

I feel it is necessary to teach my apprentice a good lesson.

“It’s true that colleagues are enemies, but only by learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses can we go further in this industry.”

"At my age, I can just live off my savings, but you still have a long way to go."

"You should also learn from others and broaden your horizons."

Zhang Guohua's apprentice didn't seem to listen.

Still immersed in the pleasure brought by the flesh.

He murmured:

"Master, is he my senior brother? Can I get a discount if I eat here?"

Zhang Guohua glanced at his apprentice with a hint of disdain and said, "Eat quickly, and then go back to Taihe Building to continue cooking."

After eating, they went downstairs.

Zhang Guohua looked into the kitchen.

The kitchen of the shop is quite spacious, and the transparent glass allows people to see what’s going on inside and the two busy chefs at a glance.

Li Rui noticed the customer's gaze and looked out as well.

I saw Zhang Guohua nodded at me.

He waved the spatula in his hand as a greeting.

But Xiao Han turned around and did not return to his original position until the two left.

Li Rui couldn't help but ask:

"Isn't this your colleague from Taihe Building? Why don't you say hello?"

Xiao Han: "Oh, just a stubborn old man."

After a fulfilling day, Li Rui finally returned home.

Because we also sold breakfast in the morning,
So at night, the shop no longer accepts orders after eight o'clock.

In addition to waiting for customers to finish their meal and leave the store, the three people also have to prepare some breakfast for the next day.

The store had good revenue today.

The main reason is that the customers like the taste of the store very much, and there are always many regular customers coming here.

But even though there are now two employees in the store, it still seems a bit busy.

The situation is better in the morning, as customers can take their breakfast away on their own trays.

At night, the pony will be busy.

She is responsible for taking orders, serving food and clearing the table.

Although Xiao Han was not very respectful to Sister Ma in terms of address, he would still readily agree to do things when Xiao Ma asked him to do them when she was not busy.

He is also a good employee who clearly distinguishes between public and private affairs.

Li Rui was cooking in the kitchen.
There is no chaos or intrigue in the shop, so although it is a bit busy, the working atmosphere is still very pleasant.

Early the next morning.

A new hidden achievement was achieved, [Successful Reproduction of Jar Meat] which rewarded me with an old jar. The system introduced it as a black-glazed decal double-spiral corrugated jar, which looked quite rustic.

Li Rui tapped with his fingers, and a pleasant echo came out.

Generally, the firing temperature of this kind of jar is over a thousand degrees, and the texture is solid after being formed.

There is no problem in using it for cooking or storing sauerkraut.

Li Rui's evaluation is - practical.

So we took them into the car together.

Xiaodong also gave a new seasonal snack recipe - candied haws.

In this winter season, hawthorns and oranges have just been put on the market and are very good.

While driving on the road, Li Rui was also thinking.

Although cooking is a one-size-fits-all approach in many cases, and food has no fixed taste, what pleases the palate is precious, and one dish may have many ways of cooking.

But the principle remains unchanged.

It’s nothing more than processing the ingredients to make them taste good.

The recipes provided by the system often have more details that need to be paid attention to, which saves a lot of trouble compared to figuring it out by yourself.

But if you want to become a true master, you need to keep exploring and innovating.

With dreams and jars in my heart,
Li Rui came to the Fonda Plaza shop.

Xiao Ma has his own car, so now he doesn’t have to hide it and parks it in the store’s parking space every day.

Xiao Han would wear a thick down jacket, ride an electric bike over, and then park in front of the store.

When Li Rui arrived at the store, he happened to be coming to work.

"Good morning, boss." Xiao Han nodded to Li Rui.

Li Rui greeted him and remembered that this employee used to live in the Taihe Building dormitory and had just moved to his own residence.

So he asked casually:
"Do you live nearby now? Where do you rent a house?"

Xiao Han's face turned slightly red.

The only answer was "OK."

While the two were talking, Xiao Ma also came over.

She heard something worth gossiping about, "Xiao Han, you don't live alone now, do you?"

"I live in a room of my own."

"Then the person in the other room is a girl?" Xiao Ma tilted his head and rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, is it the sister from Taihe Building?"

Xiao Han blushed, "Don't talk nonsense."

"His face turned even redder. Boss, I guessed it right!" Xiao Ma said excitedly.

Majingo danced with joy because his idea was confirmed.

Xiao Han turned his head away and stopped talking.

Li Rui smiled slightly when he saw this.

"If you guessed it right, I'll give you a bunch of candied haws as a reward. Little pony, please stop teasing him all the time."

However, Xiao Ma's attention was immediately attracted by the candied haws.

"Where are the candied haws? In the jar?"

Li Rui showed her the empty container and said, "Do it yourself. Wait until you're done with your work in the morning."


Li Rui treated his employees equally. Seeing Xiao Han standing aside without saying anything, he also said to him:

"Xiao Han, you have a role to play as well. Come over early this afternoon to help."

Xiao Han nodded.

This young man exudes a twisted feeling everywhere, but his appearance is indeed very popular with older sisters.

Imagining a young boy riding alone in the cold wind really makes me feel pity for him.

But blushing all the time may also be due to the cold weather.

Li Rui could only remind him to keep warm and wear a mask and scarf.

"Work, work!"

Li Rui handed the jar to Xiao Ma and opened the shop door.

(End of this chapter)

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