Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 208 A simple staff meal

Chapter 208 A simple staff meal
In order to allow Xiao Ma to continue working in the store, the manager and two employees discussed a detailed battle plan.

Li Rui believes that he understands parents' psychology best. Most parents want their children to be stable, so he believes:

"We have to make Uncle Ma feel that our store is stable. Xiao Ma can work here at least until he retires at the age of 60."

"Yes, my mother has always wanted me to find a stable job." Xiao Han agreed.

"That's right," Li Rui continued, "A stable restaurant must be able to attract new customers and retain old customers. This is the moat of our restaurant."

Xiao Ma looked at the boss and said, "The moat is you."

"That's true."

"We also need to make Uncle Ma feel that Sister Ma has realized her dream in the store," Xiao Han added.

"What's your dream, little pony?"

"I'm not sure. Eat and sleep, sleep and eat? Does that count?"

"Just barely. I feel like you've already achieved it in the store, except that there's one more job in between, so consider it a gift.

And your dream needs to be packaged, to serve others, and to protect the customer's dining experience, that's about it."


“But I’m just a waiter.”

"I see," Li Rui thought for a moment:
“An engineer who is responsible for the transfer of basic nutrients to humans and also an engineer who is also responsible for the removal of excess substances from the surface of the heat carrier required by organisms.”

“It’s very classy.”

Xiao Ma raised his eyebrows and asked Li Rui to repeat it several times before he wrote down his dream and career.

"Yes, tell your father that when the time comes."

"Okay, boss." Xiao Ma looked at the memo on his phone and repeated it.

Li Rui nodded with satisfaction, "I have to order some clothes for you to show your work status in the store. Xiao Ma, you are number one, and Xiao Han is number two."

Ma Jinge was very happy after hearing this.

"I always feel that the work clothes in the store are a bit long. Please change them for me quickly, boss."

"Hiss~" Li Rui looked at the pony, "This is already the smallest size available on the market. I can only give you a 'No. 1 Employee, Lobby Manager' sign."


"By the way, when will Uncle Ma arrive at the store?"

"He insisted on taking the subway, so he probably won't arrive until the evening."

"Okay, you guys just have a simple meal in the shop. We'll make the business more prosperous so that the elders can feel at ease."


The shop was open for breakfast as usual, but they had streamlined some breakfast items so there was no need to get up so early. The three of them also took a break at noon.

Wait until night and make full preparations for another peak period of store business.

Comrade Lao Ma also arrived in Jianghai City in the evening, but he insisted on not being picked up, and when he arrived at the shop, it was already eight o'clock.

"Good daughter!" He shouted excitedly to his daughter from a distance.

The pony ran over and high-fived his dad.

"Dad, you're here. How long did it take to get there?"

"Your store looks nice, is it busy now?"

"We are no longer accepting customers at this time. We will go home after customers finish eating."

The two of them walked into the shop while chatting, and Li Rui and the young man came out to greet them.

"Dad, let me introduce you to the boss and colleagues in our store. This is Li Rui, the boss, and this is Xiao Han, helping in the kitchen."

"This is my dad, haha, he is Lao Ma."

After greeting each other, a few people sat down with Comrade Lao Ma at the table on the first floor.

Li Rui saw that Lao Ma was not tall, with sharp edges on his face and a heroic look.

Xiao Ma's height and appearance are probably inherited from his father.

I heard that he used to be a tank driver and is still working in the army.

"You must have had a hard time on the road, Uncle Ma. You haven't had dinner yet, right? Can you have a simple meal in our store?"

Old Ma was flattered, "I'm sorry to bother you. I don't think we can open the store." Li Rui: "Why are you being polite? Xiao Ma works very well in our store. Just have a simple employee meal with us."

A smile appeared on Lao Ma's lips.

He thought that the best option would be employee meals.

Li Rui and Xiao Han returned to the kitchen, leaving the dining table for the father and daughter to reunite.

Xiao Ma winked at them to reassure them.

Then he got straight to the point and started talking to his father:
"Dad, you don't know what I do in the store, do you?"

"Ah?" Old Ma was stunned.

He looked at his daughter's badges of "Number One Clerk, Best Waiter of the Year, and Lobby Manager" and asked:

"So, what do you do for a living, daughter?"

The pony smiled.
She recited the words Li Rui taught her:

“An engineer who is responsible for the transfer of basic nutrients to humans and also an engineer who is also responsible for the removal of excess substances from the surface of the heat carrier required by organisms.”

Lao Ma put his hands on the table and looked around. "What kind of business does your store run?"

“It’s just an ordinary catering business.”

The food was served one after another.

They were all carefully prepared by Li Rui and Xiao Han.

The first thing served was a small dessert of snow-coated bean paste, a mixed dish of braised food, and another small cold dish.

Considering that the city where Lao Ma lives is inland, there are more seafood.

The hot dishes include mustard shrimp balls, jar meat, three kinds of stir-fried seafood, and a pot of sea fish.

As far as employee meals are concerned, it is already very sumptuous.

Lao Ma also quickly shouted to the kitchen:

"Hey guys, stop working!"

Li Rui: "It's okay, there are still two dishes, just eat something simple."

Then he said to Xiao Han, "The chicken is fried. Be careful of the burn when you cut it."

After all the food was served, the four of them sat together again.

Lao Ma first said:

"Boss Li, my daughter has been a troublesome child since she was young. I'm afraid she has caused you a lot of trouble. I came here this time."

Xiao Ma interrupted his father.

"Do you want to take me back? I feel happy working in the store, I don't want to leave."

Li Rui also added:

"Uncle Ma, although Xiao Ma is just a waiter in the store, he brings a good dining experience to customers every day and is also a very useful person to everyone."

The three of them took turns to persuade, and finally it was Lao Ma's turn to continue speaking.

He is a decent person. He first stated that "there is no high or low occupation. There are so many high-end titles. It is better to call people waiters so that people can understand."

Then he said:
"Besides, there's actually no need to argue whether it's useful or not. Look at this shrimp. It's useful because people eat it. Can't it stay in the sea? That would be great too."

"Being happy is better than anything else."

Hearing what Comrade Lao Ma said, the three people in the store were relieved. It seemed that he was not going to take Xiao Ma home this time.

"Uncle, what you said makes sense. Come, let me toast you."

Old Ma drank half the cup in one gulp and took out the gift from beside him.

"I came out this time just to see Jin Ge and bring you some local specialties."

"Wait, aren't you taking me back?" Xiao Ma asked in surprise.

Li Rui and Xiao Han also looked at the father and daughter in confusion.

The looks from several people made Lao Ma feel ashamed as if his true purpose had been exposed.

"Just came to see you guys."

(End of this chapter)

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