Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 265 I need to discuss the dividend issue with Xiaodong.

Chapter 265 (Daily Chapter) I need to discuss the dividend issue with Xiaodong.

On the way back from Xiao Han's house,
Santiago called Li Rui for help.

It is said that the fat orange guy brought the kitten and surrounded it on the refrigerator.

It is a bit like the siege of Bright Summit by the six major sects, but Santiago is the big rooster, not Zhang Wuji.

So Li Rui's rescue is urgently needed.

These past few days, Li Rui thought that the cats and chickens at home had gotten to know each other and were able to live in harmony.

So he let Brother Ji out of the cat's nest.

Unexpectedly, such a thing still happened.

So after Li Rui dropped Xiao Ma and Xiao Han off in the store, he hurried back home.

When he got home, Li Rui walked into the kitchen.

At this time, Santiago was pacing on top of the refrigerator anxiously.

The fat orange cat who was guarding near the refrigerator was leisurely licking the fur of little Nauticang, but his eyes never let go of the rooster on the refrigerator.

Li Rui stretched out his arm and let Santiago step on it to connect it to the ground.

As soon as Brother Ji landed, he complained to Li Rui over the phone:
"Li Rui, you're finally here. You don't know what kind of life I've been living in your house. I've been living in fear every day. I'm really afraid that I'll die someday."

Li Rui felt that Santiago should be living a good life at home.

There is food, drink and heating.

If I'm not at home, the whole house becomes its chicken coop.

And these words are just Santiago's one-sided statement.

Li Rui discovered it after checking the video.

This chicken is so mean.
He specifically pecked the fat orange cat's butt when it was sitting on the sweeper.

Fat Orange couldn't stand it anymore, so he attacked it.

Li Rui looked at Brother Ji: "You are just bullying Fatty because he can't speak."


Santiago said loudly:

"Li Rui, I understand. It's scolding me! I'm @#¥%!"

The two sides started arguing again, and Li Rui quickly pulled them apart.

He comforted Fatty Orange:

"Santiago was wrong this time. He shouldn't have pecked your butt. But you can't bring Toffee with you as a hunting target. He is a guest in our home after all. Don't do this again in the future."

The fat orange cat still had the bell on it, so it was of course giving Li Rui face. It wagged its tail and returned to the living room.

The kitten didn't know who he learned this from, but after blowing air at Santiago, he followed the fat orange boy.

And the chicken brother on the other side,

Still chattering:
"You have to believe me, chickens are the first birds domesticated by humans, and cats, which have been companions of humans until now, are simply impossible to domesticate."

"Alright, alright."

Li Rui hung up the phone. Brother Ji would always talk endlessly at this time.

Knowing that his voice had turned into "cluck, cluck", Santiago obediently returned to his nest.

After taking care of his family affairs, Li Rui prepared to go back to the store to work.

He remembered that he had promised to give the two employees year-end dividends.

But because of my poor financial management,
So he called Xiaodong.

"Xiao Dong, help me calculate how much money the store has made recently. Also, if we want to distribute dividends to employees at the end of the year, do you have any good plans?"

"Good host."

The side panel of the refrigerator shows the detailed income and expenditure. Boss Li's shop has considerable profits because of its abundant customer base.

Xiaodong then gave Li Rui an optional dividend plan.

Plan 1 is the plan of the unscrupulous boss - telling employees that the store is losing money and asking them to make up for the lost profits. (Xiaodong does not recommend)
Plan 2 is the Fat Dongdong plan——

"I suggest that more entrepreneurs give 50,000 yuan to their employees if they earn 100,000 yuan, and give 500,000 yuan to their employees if they earn 1 million yuan."

That is, half of the profits are distributed to the store clerks.

Although Li Rui does not have a grand plan to start a chain restaurant business for the time being, he admires the owner of Pang Dongdong very much.

Since he started his business, he has always treated his customers sincerely, so of course he would not choose the option of a black-hearted boss.

What's more, the two shop assistants worked hard every day, and even Xiaodong saw it.

So Li Rui directly chose option 2.

Afterwards, Xiaodong also gave a detailed dividend plan.

The specific proportion is divided according to the clerk's contribution to the store based on his work content, and there is no favoritism because of the good relationship between Xiao Ma and himself.

However, Xiaodong also counted himself as an employee and actually kept 5% of the dividends.

I also plan to pay off my electricity bill all at once.

Business management is not Li Rui's area of ​​expertise.

In order to grasp the general direction of the boss's dividend strategy, Xiaodong has already given a detailed plan.

Li Rui's evaluation can only be: reasonable.

But he also noticed that artificial intelligence has been acting more and more autonomously recently.

Recently, as the New Year is approaching, there are Double Eleven and Double Twelve shopping promotions on the Internet. Li Rui's home and store often receive some express deliveries for no apparent reason.

Most of them are upgraded versions of smart appliances. But my home is a fully furnished apartment in Fangke Metropolis, which comes with luxurious decoration. The store has also just been renovated, so it seems that there is no shortage of these things.

Moreover, the most important point is that
These were not orders placed by Li Rui at all.

Combined with the fact that Xiaodong subscribed to a video membership for Xiaoma a few weeks ago.

Li Rui could only conclude that the artificial intelligence in his home did not like the gifts given as decoration.

So I took the initiative to buy a new appliance to replace it.

After syncing the dividend plan to his mobile phone, Li Rui couldn't help but remind him:

"Xiao Dong, don't spend money recklessly in the future. At the very least, you should tell me in advance."

Xiaodong's side panel shows an unhappy expression:

"You tend to spend money recklessly when you earn it, huh!"

Are you humming again?
Listen, this sounds like something that artificial intelligence could say?
Li Rui patted the refrigerator.
"Xiao Dong, what's wrong with you lately? Are you in your rebellious phase?"

Xiaodong didn't say anything, and the information on the side panel became blank.

Li Rui thought,

Hey, the little guy is getting angry again.

At this time, Santiago in the living room called again.

Spoken like a Big Brother:
"Ahem, Li Rui, as Xiaodong's family member, I have to speak a fair word for Xiaodong."

"She followed you all the way to Blue Star. It wasn't easy. She helped you take care of the store and the house all day long. She counted the ingredients, did the laundry and mopped the floor."

"She is capable of both being a lady in the living room and being a cook in the kitchen."

"Well, you have to accommodate her a little."

After listening to this, Li Rui felt that what Santiago said made sense. Xiaodong was growing up very fast and might have reached the age to rebel.

So I smiled and agreed to Brother Ji:

"Perfunctory, what's your attitude?" Santiago said with disgust.

There were many flaws in Santiago's words. Li Rui asked him:
"When did you become Xiaodong's in-laws? Is this in-laws what I understand it to mean?"


"Anyway, I'm definitely not from here."

(End of this chapter)

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