Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 272 Foreigner Zhang Guoqian brought a lot of local specialties

Chapter 272: Before returning home, the foreigners brought a lot of local specialties
The southern fried meatballs are fried in oil, forming a honeycomb-like crispy crust on the surface.

Even after braising it in a pan, the outermost layer of hard crust still tastes firm.

Under this shell,
It is meat filling that has been added with water several times and beaten until it becomes firm.

It tastes tender and firm.

The small particles of different ingredients inside bring a rich chewing experience.

In terms of taste, it is salty, fresh and sweet.

The outermost layer of juice is the thick, flavorful sauce that has been thickened and combined with the meaty juice inside the meatballs.

The Rhine and Danube rivers reminded Richard of his hometown.

“It’s amazing how this is done.”

The only specific ingredient Wang Defu knew about in the meatballs was pork.

Shi Dazhuang knew that there were also water chestnuts.

But no one can translate.

We can only leave some mysteries of oriental cuisine to this foreign friend.

But this Southern Fried Meatballs,

It also opened the door to a new world for Richard.

He asked Wang Defu what other delicacies he could try.

Wang Defu said a lot of things as if he was reading out the names of dishes.

"Steamed lamb, steamed bear paws, steamed deer tails, braised pork, braised duck, braised chicken, bacon, and sausages."

Shi Dazhuang: "No, buddy, where are you from?"

"I told you, it's from Holland."

"With your eloquence, you should just do crosstalk instead of being a bodybuilder."

It was Richard's turn to not understand the Chinese conversation.

"What are you talking about?"

Da Zhuang: “Order!”

The three of them are stronger than the average person and they also do some fitness training, so their appetites are surprisingly large.

The store owner knows a lot.

As long as the ingredients are available in the store, many delicious dishes can be made.

Under the guidance of the two, Richard followed the shop's menu and tasted the dishes one by one.

From time to time, he expressed his views on Chinese cuisine:

"It's sweet and sour, this is my favorite."

“This is scrambled eggs with tomatoes.”

"Can I eat the internal organs? They are delicious~"

"This is pig intestine. It smells delicious."

Finally, Richard looked at the table full of food and said with emotion:

"There are so many delicious restaurants in China."

After listening to it, Shi Dazhuang replied: "Not all of them are like this. This store is OK. Wang Defu, please help me translate it."

However, the way of ordering dishes one by one made it difficult for Comrade Ma Jinge, who was serving the dishes.

She complained to her boss:
"Boss, I've never seen anyone order food this way."

Li Rui smiled and answered her: "I've seen people ordering a skewer like a barbecue."

A few days later, a news release from the Civil Aviation Administration stated, "On international flights, passengers are not allowed to carry more than 7kg of food."

The video of foreigners showing off pig's trotters before boarding a plane also became popular.

It has become something people talk about.

On this day at the end of December, Li Rui said that the store would be open all day.

So it didn’t get very late last night. The boss and the three shop assistants, in high spirits, welcomed the last day of the year together.

Customers came to the store again and had the familiar breakfast.

"Or a set of double egg pancakes to take away."

"I had soy milk and fried dough sticks this morning."

Some people also noticed that the breakfast category of the small shop has been enriched with a new variety, meat buns.

"Do we have any buns here?"

"There are two more drawers."

Because it is only open all day on this day, and the shop has a wide variety of breakfast items, they don’t prepare a lot of each.

The customer asked again:
"How many in a drawer?"

Li Rui took it out and showed it to him. The buns were not big, about the size of a child's fist. If you eat a whole tray in one meal, you might feel a little full.

But each one is plump and round, and looks full and juicy.

So Zhang Xiaojun placed the order:
"Boss, a tray of steamed buns, a bowl of millet porridge, and a plate of pickles."

"Okay, pick up the food here."

Zhang Xiaojun got his breakfast and found a seat to sit down on the first floor.

Porridge, steamed buns, and pickles.

This breakfast configuration reminded him of the time when his father took him to school and had breakfast with him when he was a child.

His father had to go to work in the morning at that time and rarely had the opportunity to take him to school in person.

But as long as he is free,
I will definitely take myself to that bun shop for breakfast.

I remember that it was also a winter day when my father rode a motorcycle with me on the back seat.

Although the weather was cold and windy.

But sitting in the back, as long as I hid myself in my father's coat, I didn't feel cold at all.

But later on, the bun skins in that shop became thicker and thicker, and the meat fillings became smaller and smaller.

I go to school and work, so I don’t need my parents to pick me up.

I never went there with my father again.

At this moment, the buns in front of him were very similar to the first buns Zhang Xiaojun ate in his memory.

The bun skin is white and round, with distinct folds on the top.

It may be that the juice seeps out during the steaming process, and some brown marks can be seen in some places.

If you look closely,
You can almost see the dark meat filling under the bun skin.

The owner of the small shop has always been very honest in doing business. Zhang Xiaojun feels that there will not be a situation where "there is no filling after one bite, and there is no filling after another bite".

He picked up a bun and put it into his mouth.

As soon as my teeth broke through the tender outer skin of the bun, a warm current rushed in.

The gravy inside is fresh and hot.

Zhang Xiaojun sucked the juice that flowed into his mouth.

Then he quickly lowered his head and adjusted the angle so that the buns stood upright so that the remaining soup would not leak out.

He blew on the hot air, feeling satisfied. The buns in the store did not disappoint him.

The bun skin is soft and has a light fermented aroma.

The meat filling inside is plump and juicy, with a sweet aftertaste.

"It's delicious."

After eating two buns, Zhang Xiaojun took a sip of millet porridge.

Tiny particles slide across the tongue and down the throat.

Fully absorb the aftertaste of the buns in your mouth.

Nourishes the stomach and intestines, and moisturizes the mouth.

Of course, there are also side dishes, such as shredded pickled vegetables, which are salty and appetizing and will increase your appetite.

Zhang Xiaojun seemed to have regained the feeling in his memory.

But there was still something missing.

It's vinegar.

He poured a little aged vinegar into the dish and let the bun skin be coated with vinegar. Now, the buns were finally complete.

The only regret is that his father didn't come with him today.

Zhang Xiaojun said to the kitchen:
"Boss, please, I'll pack up the remaining drawer and take it away."

"it is good."

Year after year passed,
Every day seems to be pretty much the same.

But people are smart. They studied the calendar and gave ordinary days different meanings.

Customers who come to the shop occasionally sigh that time passes so quickly.

This year was like that again.

However, among their annual gains, discovering Boss Li and his shop can definitely be ranked high.

"It's really nice to come to this little shop and sit down if you want to eat something good every now and then."

“The taste is good and the environment is nice.”

“It’s just that sometimes you have to queue.”

(End of this chapter)

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