Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 40: Chapter 1: Raw, Chapter 2: Cooked

Chapter 40: First time, second time, familiar
In September, the last dog days of summer have already passed in Jianghai City.

Logically speaking, it should be getting cooler day by day.

But today's weather is exceptionally hot and humid.

However, the sultry weather did not affect the passing truck drivers, who stopped near the food truck beside Jianghai Avenue.

Occasionally, you can see private cars coming here specifically to buy lunch boxes.

Today, there were even two errand boys on electric bikes.

The lunch box business on the roadside of Jianghai Avenue is pretty good, sometimes we can sell one hundred and fifty or sixty boxes in one afternoon.

But Li Rui didn't prepare many lunch boxes today.

There are only about one hundred or twenty copies.

Mainly because the weather forecast said that it might rain heavily this afternoon.

Li Rui intends to make a quick decision.

Sell ​​out early and finish work early.

It was just half past eleven and nearly half of the lunch boxes had been sold.

At this time, a father and son who drove a truck came to the dining car.

His son Kong Hao asked, "Boss, how much do you sell this lunch box for?"

"Fifteen dollars for three dishes, and a free cold dish."

After saying that, Li Rui opened the lid of the thermos bucket.

The stewed meat and braised chicken legs are heated on low heat in a thermos bucket, bubbling slightly and the aroma of meat is fragrant.

Some of the stir-fried dishes also looked delicious.

The two-choice small cold dish is bright in color and full of sauce, which looks particularly tempting in today's hot and humid weather.

When did the boxed lunches on the roadside become of this standard?
Kong Hao has been running freight with his father for the past two months and has eaten roadside box lunches a few times, but he has never seen anything as delicious and tasty as today's.

It’s a bit difficult to choose three dishes from them.

He turned to his father and said:

"Dad, let's try all these dishes."

Kong Linghui has traveled all over the country for so many years, and he thought that cooking in a big restaurant is probably about the same.

He agreed with his son's idea.

Then the father and son discussed with Li Rui: "Boss, let's buy two box lunches. You have exactly six dishes here. Let's try them all."


Li Rui has encountered this situation many times and has gradually gained experience.

He first put the rice into two separate lunch boxes.

Then he took out a lunch box and put it in stewed meat, roasted eggplant, stir-fried cabbage with sauce, and smashed cucumber.

The other portion was twice-cooked pork, chicken legs, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and shredded kelp.

Serving them separately makes it convenient for the father and son to eat.

Under normal circumstances, rice and vegetables are placed in the same lunch box.

"Excuse me, boss."

There happened to be an empty seat next to them, so the father and son sat there.

The weather was hot and humid, so Kong Hao went to buy some water from Aunt Cai next door.

At this time, he discovered that beer was actually sold here. Kong Hao remembered that his father liked to have a drink when he was not driving.

I bought a bottle of cold beer.

Kong Linghui looked at the beer his son brought back and couldn't help asking:

"Don't you like drinking?"

Kong Hao opened the beer and moved it in front of his father, "I bought it for you."

"I still have to drive, I won't drink, I won't drink."

Kong Linghui rejected his son's kindness. As a responsible driver, he would not drink and drive, and would not drive after drinking.

Even though I like drinking, I never violate this principle.

"Dad," Kong Hao paused.
"I also have a truck license. I've been driving with you for more than two months, but you rarely let me drive for you. The way back is easier to drive, so let me do it."

Kong Linghui shook his head, did not take the beer, and did not say anything.

The relationship between father and son in China is always a little twisted.

A father is always worried about his son.

I don’t plan to let my son drive this car for the time being.

"Dad, I can drive for a day, a month, or a year, but can you still drive for me forever? One day I have to go on the road by myself."

But this persuasion did not convince the stubborn father.

Kong Hao could only change the subject and handed him two pieces of twice-cooked pork.

"Forget it, I won't say anything. Try this."

The bright red slice of meat was slightly raised around the edges and sunken in the middle, like an old-time lamp.

I didn’t expect that a roadside lunch box could make such authentic decoctions.

Kong Linghui picked up the twice-cooked pork and put it into his mouth.

The meat slices are not greasy or woody, dry and fragrant on the outside, and soft and tender on the inside. The flavors of bean paste, sweet noodle sauce and fermented black beans are very strong.

Salty, fresh and slightly spicy.

It is really a side dish that costs a lot of rice and wine.

With the refreshing cold beer in front of him, Kong Linghui relaxed a little.

In this sultry weather, eat some refreshing snacks and drink a sip of cold beer.

How beautiful that would be.

He finally couldn't help it, grabbed the cold beer on the table and took a big sip.

Kong Hao opened his eyes wide when he saw this:

"Dad, you can't drink and drive."

Kong Linghui said seriously: "Who said I want to drive? You have followed me for so long, you have to learn to drive on your own."

Kong Hao couldn't help but tilt his head when he heard this.

Isn't this my line?

Kong Linghui continued to ask:
"Son, do you know why this dish is called twice-cooked pork?"

"It's because the meat slices were stewed first and then fried in the pan." Kong Hao replied.

Many people know how to cook classic dishes like twice-cooked pork.

However, the twice-cooked pork in this lunch box is the most delicious one the father and son have ever eaten.

Father Kong nodded.

Using twice-cooked pork to educate his son:
"Yes, it's like twice-cooked pork. The first time is raw, the second time is cooked. Isn't it the same principle for driving?"

He picked up a few more slices of twice-cooked pork, along with some green garlic sprouts, and put them into his mouth.

One is born, the second is cooked.

The son listened to his father's words and found them to make sense. He felt as if he had become a flower in a greenhouse, unwilling to step out of the protection of the adults.

For a moment, I actually felt a little guilty.

Hey, wait.

Not right.

My dad seemed to have led me into a ditch.

I wanted to open it originally.

Old Man Kong did not give his son a chance to think carefully. He finally got the chance to educate his son, so he naturally would not give up easily.

He picked up the beer in one hand.

He handed over the key.

"Son, it's time for you to grow up."

Jianghai Avenue.

Wu Changyou is a truck driver who frequently travels between Jianghai City and Lincheng City.

He is in a good mood today.

Because I can eat the boxed lunches near Jianghai Avenue again.

He had eaten it by chance a few days ago and he couldn't forget it ever since.

Thinking about the delicious meal I was about to eat, the annoying training car in front of me also became cute.

The students in the car were obviously unfamiliar.

The sudden change in gears caused the three students in the back row to sway back and forth, and Old Wu, who was sitting in the truck, could see it clearly.

As an experienced driver, he also recalled the time when he was learning to drive when he was young.

Who hasn’t been a novice?
So even though both cars were in the rightmost lane, the training car was driving in front which was somewhat of a hindrance.

Old Wu was also very tolerant towards them.

He was afraid of scaring the novice driver, so he followed behind at a leisurely pace, keeping a distance and showing the demeanor of a seasoned driver.

The place selling boxed lunches is right in front of us.

Old Wu couldn't help swallowing when he thought of the delicious stew.

For this bite, it's worth it even if I drive here empty-handed.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the training car in front was also driving towards the place where lunch boxes were sold.

The huge crowd of people got off the bus and headed straight for their lunch boxes.

Damn it.

It turned out to be a competitor.

Small cars can park near the dining car, but his big car can't.

Old Wu prayed in his heart.

Please don't sell out my stew.

At the same time, I regretted very much that I should have overtaken them earlier.

"Why am I pretending to be a sophisticated veteran driver?"

(End of this chapter)

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