Food: How come this boss knows everything?

Chapter 95: It's late at night, and you send me fried chicken and beer

Chapter 95: It's late at night, and you send me fried chicken and beer
Taoyuan Night Market Food Group

Some group members have already eaten fried chicken on the recommendation of the group leader "不定自由爱自由".

He sent the picture to the group.

This immediately sparked heated discussions among the group:

“It looks delicious.”

"I'm almost there, what flavors are good?" @平常心

Pingchangxin: "I ate the original flavor at first, and then my wife bought cheese and spicy flavors, both were good."

"Oh my god, why should I go traveling when I'm stuck on the highway?"

A group of foodies met at a barbecue stall in Taoyuan Night Market, and now they increasingly feel that the group name is inappropriate.

Some people are sighing: "How come this boss knows everything?"

Someone suggested: "Group owner, please change the name."

Uninhibited and free-spirited: "I need to think about it."

During the National Day holiday, there is a commercial plaza and a food festival.

There is a huge flow of people.

Fangda Square is crowded and bustling.

Even without counting previous regular customers, more and more people are coming to the fried chicken shop to buy fried chicken.

To reduce customers' waiting time.

Li Rui never stopped.

The chicken nuggets that needed to be re-fried were placed aside by Li Rui for later use after the first frying.

Three oil pans were working at the same time, and under his management, everything was in order.

Majingo was also busy.

"Korean spicy sauce, one serving of fried chicken, take away."

"Two chicken cutlets, I want spicy ones."

"Ten servings of chicken nuggets, take away, any flavor you like."

Xiao Ma handed out portions of fried chicken to customers with great enthusiasm.

The two owners and employees of the fried chicken shop, who have extraordinary physical strength, run the shop very well.

Not long after, two more regular customers came to the store.

It was Qiao Qiao and Xu Ying, the drugstore clerk.

Although Xu Ying had been too talkative before and told Li Rui, "Qiao Qiao's condition has almost recovered. Boss Li, there is no need to bother you to make a recovery meal for Qiao Qiao."

As a result, Qiao Qiao missed out on a meal that Li Rui had specially prepared.

But this elder sister is very enthusiastic.

The two of them became best friends.

Qiao Qiao's complexion was getting better and better. She said to Li Rui:
"Hello boss, let's start making fried chicken."

Li Rui replied: "How about it, can I try it?"

"It's okay. You can eat a little bit, but not too much."

Xu Ying treated them all, and the two bought a chicken steak and a serving of fried chicken nuggets.

Many customers come to buy chicken steaks, no need to remind them.

Li Rui would also help them cut it into small pieces so that customers could share it.

He took out a special knife and cutting board for cooked food and placed the chicken fillet on it.

The fried chicken fillet is so crispy that it falls apart.

As the blade pressed forward, a continuous "clicking" sound was heard.

The golden shell of the chicken steak breaks open, revealing the tender white chicken inside.

After the chicken fillets were assembled, there were still faint traces of the fresh juice from the chicken fillets left on the chopping board.

Outside the kitchen, two sisters,

The older one worked a day because the pharmacy didn’t close, and the younger one took an extra day of classes to catch up on his studies.

At this moment, I was almost confused by greed.

Qiao Qiao stuck close to Xu Ying and started acting coquettishly.

"Sister Xu, this fried chicken steak looks so delicious."

Xu Ying pushed her away with disgust.

"Qiao Qiao, stop rubbing your saliva on my clothes."

Ma Jinge was a little surprised that many customers who came to the store today seemed to know the boss.

"Boss, do you have so many regular customers?"

“Some customers are quite satisfied with what I cook.”

Time passed slowly and it was eight o'clock in the evening.

At this time, there are more people coming to the food festival to shop and eat, and some people are queuing up at the fried chicken shop.

It should have been a busy time.

Li Rui stopped what he was doing. He took out a small instrument from the cabinet, cleaned it, and inserted it into the hot oil pan.

But the few foreign letters on the instrument are a bit annoying.

His foreign language level also remains at abondon.

So I casually asked the part-time clerk:
"Xiao Ma, do you speak English?"

Ma Jinge was serving the fried chicken fillet with ketchup and salad dressing. Li Rui had told her before not to be stingy with the seasoning.

So she filled it up with all the seasoning.

After handing the chicken steak to the customer, Majingo came over.

Li Rui had already put down the instrument and was looking through its manual.

Although the oil is changed once a day, there is probably no problem.

However, the size of a fried chicken shop is much larger than that of a fried cake shop, and the time required to use oil is also longer.

Out of a sense of responsibility towards customers, Li Rui was still somewhat worried.

So I want to test it with an instrument.

After Ma Jinge came over and saw the instrument, he took it in his hand and took a look.

"Wow, they bought imported goods."

Then, she skillfully pressed a few buttons on it and put the sensor into the oil pan.

After a moment, Ma Jinge stared at the numbers on the instrument and said:
"Boss, there is no problem with your oil. You can continue to use it today."

After that, he taught Li Rui how to use the instrument.

Li Rui couldn't help but sigh:

"Good boy, you know a lot."

Praising his boss, Ma Jinge's mouth corners slightly raised under the mask:
"Of course, I, well, I used to work part-time at a fried chicken shop."

"Okay, go get busy."

Before I knew it, it was already nine o'clock.

Li Rui and the shop assistant prepared fried chicken for the last customer and took a short break.

Now there are only some chicken pieces left that need to be re-fried.

Although it was the first day, Li Rui could already feel that people had a strong preference for fried chicken.

He checked the progress of the task.


The task was successfully completed today.

As long as we maintain this working condition, it will be perfect.

He told the clerk to turn over the small sign on the door.

Then I started to prepare staff meals for myself and my employees.

Ma Jinge returned to the kitchen from the doorway and saw the busy boss. He thought, "Haha, it's finally my turn."

After a while, Li Rui made the fried chicken.

As requested by the employees, she was sprinkled with salt and pepper and chopped seaweed.

Li Rui also took out the beer that Wang Aiquan had sent him and gave some to Xiao Ma.

After receiving the staff meal and today's compensation, Ma Jinge suddenly remembered that he was not really here to work part-time.

But she still didn't gain anything today.

So she suggested:
"Boss, I'll come early to help tomorrow."

Li Rui thought that the little girl had good physical strength and could help a lot if she came over in the morning.

Agreed to her request.

So he said seriously:
"Okay, but I won't pay you triple your overtime wages."

"Great, see you tomorrow."

late at night.

In the apartment rented by Ma Jinge, the only part-time employee of the "Chicken Kingdom" fried chicken restaurant.

She just took a bite of fried chicken and took a sip of raw beer.

Rolling happily on the bed.

At this moment, the cell phone suddenly rang.

Ma Jinge turned on his phone and found that it was a message from his leader.

Leader: "Xiao Ma, what did you learn today?"

Ma Jinge: "It was a bit tiring, but I learned how to make batter for fried chicken and had delicious staff meals."


Majengo: [Picture]

Leader: “[Knock]”

"It's eleven o'clock at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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