Chapter 108: First Flight and First Battle

"101st Task Force Strike Group!
It consists of one Nemesis, one Bontousan Aegis cruiser, and the Aegis destroyers Diderot, Maiye and Decat of the 1th Destroyer Squadron.

The strike group was active in the South Pacific in January this year, and just held a joint maneuver exercise with Japan and Australia in March.

The fleet commander was Rear Admiral McCall Sweeney, a very American soldier.

He declared that the strike group's activities in the Western Pacific were to demonstrate their determination to maintain free and open oceans together with allies and partners.

Given the strike group's current position, the carrier-based aircraft defense circle just controls the Tukela Strait in the north and the Gonggu Strait in the south."

Listening to Zero's report on the strike group, Li Tang couldn't help but sigh:

"This is an attempt to block our access to the ocean!"

Zero replied: "Indeed, the latest situation shows that our 17th formation has already moved out of the Funan Strait."

Obviously, this time we did not dodge, but chose to draw our swords!

A hint of determination also flashed in Li Tang's eyes.

"Zero, how complete is the first flight test mission of Predator One?"

"Dean, 98% is complete."

"What items are left to be tested?"

"Regular tests also include simulated bombing and landing, and extreme tests include power outages and navigation shutdowns."

"Hmm... Abort the next test and order Predator 18000 to approach the Nemitz strike group. Keep tracking at the passive radar detection range and maintain an altitude of meters.

Be careful to avoid the enemy's carrier-based aircraft and do not enter their visual range.

Performing electronic reconnaissance missions, Zero intervened at the same time, preparing to crack the battle group's encrypted communications. "

"Yes, Dean, mission accomplished, Predator One begins its return journey."

At this time, Predator No. 2000 was north of Gat Island, and it was still kilometers away from there to the location of the Nemiz strike group.

According to the Predator's cruising speed of 700 kilometers, it will arrive in about three hours, that is, around four o'clock in the afternoon.

By that time, Predator 24 would have flown for a full hours.

Although there are only 4 hours left in the flight time, it is enough for it to fly back to the city.

In this way, the entire long-flight test of the first flight is completed.

"Number One, I'm going to take a break first. When Predator One gets close to the enemy task force, remember to notify me."

"Yes, Dean."

Li Tang then gave Chen Tianxiao some instructions, asking their team to speed up the analysis of the data from the first flight of No. 1 and use it to improve the detailed design of the first generation of [Predator] as soon as possible.

Then we went back to the lounge in Building B. After all, we had been up all night, and even an iron man couldn’t bear it.




“Dingle bell…Dingle bell…”

A series of rapid ringing sounds rang in Li Tang's ears.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Li Tang took the phone and took a look. It was 3:30 pm.

It should not be time for Predator One to arrive at the location of the Nemesis Task Force yet.

"Zero, why did you wake me up early?"

"Dean, Mr. Zhao is here and has been waiting in your office for an hour and a half."

"Ah?! Then why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"Mr. Zhao said that you stayed up all night last night and needed to catch up on some sleep. It's okay for him to wait a little longer."

"In that case, why did you wake me up in advance?"

"Because you seem to be having a nightmare just now, the situation does not look good, I think it is better to wake you up."

That’s right, what surprised Li Tang just now was that he had a nightmare in just two and a half hours of sleep!

You know, ever since he started having that nightmare as a child, he hasn't had any other dreams!

Li Tang shook his head and seriously recalled the scene in his dream.

As a result, I couldn't remember much.

I just vaguely remember the scene when I first fell asleep.

It’s like a person is standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling window of a tall building, and then sees a huge explosion, and then remembers nothing.

It’s really strange. Why is it that I have blackouts just like the 14th dream of the last nightmare?
Standing on a tall building, I saw the huge explosion scene.

What's happening here?
Li Tang thought about it for a while and gave up temporarily. After all, he couldn't let Mr. Zhao wait any longer.

After tidying up a little, he came to the office.

When I saw Mr. Zhao, I discovered that he was leaning against the back of the sofa with his head slightly tilted, and he was obviously asleep.

Li Tang couldn't help but move more gently.

Mr. Zhao did not sleep well last night. Li Tang learned from Yue Guoqiang that Mr. Zhao became busy after receiving a call from Yue Guoqiang at 12 o'clock.

He didn't fall asleep until three in the morning, got up at five and rushed to the airport. After landing in Shanghai at eight, he ran to Chen Huaidong to discuss things.

How could Li Tang bear to wake up an old man in his sixties who was working so hard for the country?

However, at this moment, Zero's voice rang out. "Dean, two carrier-based aircraft from the Nemitz strike group are approaching the Predator One. The current distance is 120 kilometers and the altitude is 13000 meters."

Li Tang was shocked when he heard this and immediately said, "Control Predator No. 100 and keep a distance of kilometers from the enemy aircraft. Do not make visual contact with it!"

The two sides were 120 kilometers apart, and the opponent's carrier-based aircraft was F18A Hornet, with a speed of 1800 kilometers per hour.

[Predator] No. 700 flies at a speed of 2 kilometers per hour, which allows both sides to be within visual range in just over minutes.

Although the Predator No. 1 is much smaller than a fighter jet, it is still possible for these veteran pilots to spot it visually.

Now Li Tang does not intend to let the Eagle Sauce know about his powerful stealth ability too early.

"[Predator] One encountered an enemy aircraft?"

Mr. Zhao was woken up and couldn't help asking when he heard Li Tang's words.

Li Tang nodded and explained, "Predator No. 1 is approaching the air defense circle of the Nemitz strike group and is about to come into contact with the opponent's patrolling carrier-based aircraft."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zhao was cheered up.

"You actually discovered the Nemize strike group?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhao, how about we go to the temporary command hall downstairs, where we can see various images more intuitively."

"Okay, let's go."

By the time the two arrived at the command hall in the temporary hangar, all the researchers at the Aircraft Research Institute had been urged by Zero to go back to work.

After all, the task of developing the first generation of [Predator] was already very tight.

Now that the 0.5-generation Predator has completed its maiden flight, a large amount of data has been generated, which must be analyzed intensively and applied to the development of the first generation.

Due to some incidents that occurred during the maiden flight, Yue Guoqiang had already arranged for soldiers to replace the park security guards and take charge of the guard duty here.

At the same time, personnel were seconded from the Eastern War Air Command to take charge of the daily duty in the command hall.

He has designated this place as a military restricted area.

He also regards this place as his office.

Because of the emergence of "Predator", Yue Guoqiang has once again used relevant authority to further persuade all tenants in the front buildings of the park to leave.

It is estimated that in a day or two, the Future Science and Technology Research Institute will be the only one left in the park.

If it weren’t for the fact that Boss Chen Huaidong had already determined the headquarters address today and directly allowed the construction to start, all the procedures would have been implemented subsequently.

Xu Cheng probably has to rent out all the remaining buildings.

There is no need for this now. After all, there are many places to spend money on the construction of the headquarters. Li Tang spends money without blinking an eye, so Xu Cheng must keep a close eye on it.

However, because Yue Guo emphasized the need for some military personnel, Xu Cheng still rented Building D next to Building B. In addition to building some production workshops for precision instruments and equipment, he also planned to renovate a number of dormitories.

Provide temporary accommodation for military personnel and employees who work overtime too late and have difficulty returning home.

At this moment, while going downstairs, Li Tang has already reported the current status of [Predator] No. 1.

Once you enter the hall, you can see the real-time status of the track map on the right side of the big screen.

The enemy's combat units are clearly marked on it.

A total of 6 ships were marked on the sea surface, and there was indeed a submarine under the sea, marked in the left front position of the fleet.

"Professor Xiao Li, how can we mark the exact location of this submarine?"

Li Tang smiled faintly and said, "Based on the Hunter ground scanning module, I amplified and improved the power and installed this ground scanning detection module on the Predator No. 1.

I didn't expect it to be able to scan from the air to 300 meters below the sea surface.

I just discovered that it can actually detect submarines hidden in the sea!"


Old Zhao took a deep breath. This Li Tang just casually improved a ground scanning detection module, and it turned out to be so powerful?
You know, detecting submarines is the biggest headache for all countries.

Passive sonar, active sonar, towed array sonar, etc., all rely on underwater listening to search for the location of submarines.

Now Li Tang has finally opened his eyes to the sky and can "see" the position of the submarine directly from the aircraft.

At this time, Li Tang began to give orders: "Zero, while the other side has carrier-based aircraft patrolling, you use the electronic equipment of Predator No. 1 to carry out induced interference.

Send them one or two special false signals so that they will definitely mention them in their communications, making it easier for you to crack their encrypted communications as quickly as possible."

Zero replied, "Yes, Dean, we collected a batch of the latest communication signals when we fought with their strategic reconnaissance aircraft, as well as over Kadena and Gat Island.

Combined with the previous data reserves, I believe that after inducing interference, we can more accurately decipher the communications of the Nemesis strike group."

"Very good. I look forward to hearing your good news."

After Li Tang finished speaking, he saw Mr. Zhao looking at him with his mouth open in shock.

The thought of testing it privately like this seems inappropriate.

"Mr. Zhao, I want to make the first flight, so I have to do something. The kind of battle that involves our most beloved people, this kind of battle without gunpowder smoke, is more suitable for me and Zero.

You won't give me any trouble for deciphering their military encrypted communications, will you?"

Mr. Zhao pointed at Li Tang and said after a while: "If you really crack it, I will give you a commemorative medal!"

"Well, Zero made the biggest contribution this time. I am just a supporting role, so I will accept the medal on his behalf."

"You are so good, Li Tang. Your Predator No. 1 is not just taking off, it's clearly its first battle!"

Li Tang could tell that there was no blame in Mr. Zhao's voice, but rather a feeling of joy and excitement.

He immediately stood up, stood on both feet, and said loudly: "Mr. Zhao, I request that Predator No. 1 continue its maiden flight test!"

Mr. Zhao was slightly startled, then nodded and said, "Very good, continue testing!"

(End of this chapter)

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