Chapter 115 Judge "Shadowless"

As Li Tang was thinking over and over again, Zhao Changhai said earnestly:

"I heard from Guoqiang that you are doing research every day and you sleep very little, which is not good for your body.

How can you still have the energy to run a security company that has nothing to do with scientific research?"

Li Tang quickly said: "Mr. Zhao, first of all, I have always been in good health.

If you don't believe me, I can go to Commander Peng for training with the security team members and see how my physical fitness compares to those special forces.

Secondly, we cannot say that this security company has nothing to do with scientific research. It is a test user of some of our Datang Precision products.

For example, for the long-range force projection system, I have to figure out the real needs of this company so that I can develop a product that meets the actual needs.”

"Wait, your long-range force projection system isn't a large transport aircraft, right?"

Li Tang shook his head and said, "Of course not. If it is a large transport plane, what if a country does not allow it to pass through its airspace? How can I project my forces?"

Mr. Zhao immediately became interested and asked, "Tell me, how do you plan to deliver it?"

"Of course it's through space delivery. Above 100 kilometers, it's a public area, you can go anywhere you want."

"You...really dare to think so!"

Which country with decent technology has not thought about utilizing this high-altitude area?

The ball overlord has established a space force and has been researching unmanned air and space fighters, which are currently hanging more than 300 kilometers in the space.

It flew last year and spent 908 days in orbit.

This is a powerful weapon that can carry six mushrooms!

If Li Tang can develop a system to deploy armed forces from space orbit, this would probably be the real Space Marines, right?

That night, Zhao Changhai and Li Tang talked until very late.

Later in the conversation, it was mentioned that the population of more than one billion is too small to meet the massive manpower needs of space battleships.

The Dragon Kingdom that Li Tang described, which roamed the starry sea, made Zhao Changhai excited, but at the same time, he felt the heavy burden on his shoulders.

For a moment, Zhao Changhai felt that Li Tang might be making empty promises for him.

However, some of the images that Li Tang asked Zero to release made him feel that he was very close to those things.

This boy has great ambitions, and his sights are no longer on this planet, but on the vast sea of ​​stars.

If you think in this way, what is there for humans to fight for on this tiny ball?

While Zhao Changhai was so excited that he couldn't sleep, Li Tang was also sleepless.

However, he was watching the live broadcast movie that Zero played for him.

The protagonist is the judge candidate they once chose, Zhao Zhongyuan, code-named "Shadowless".

At this moment, he was hurriedly planning to evacuate from the top of a 12-story building.

Just a minute ago, Zhao Zhongyuan fired a fatal shot at the target on the roof.

The target is the boss of a local gang.

Zhao Zhongyuan didn't know the specific information of the financier, but this order was worth a million dollars, and he had already received a 50 yuan advance payment.

Even though the target was a gang boss, Zhao Zhongyuan still took the order without hesitation.

In his opinion, long-range sniping is not difficult at all.

The gun was provided by his employer and was placed on the roof after use, so he could walk out of the building and disappear into the crowd like a passerby.

At this moment, he looked relaxed and walked quickly down the stairs. However, just when he reached the fourth floor, he heard noisy footsteps and shouts coming from downstairs.

"Hurry up, the gunman is upstairs..."

"Fake, you dare to touch our Black Tiger Gang leader, I am tired of living!"

"Luckily Jim reminded me, otherwise he would have gotten away!"

"Stop talking nonsense, go, go, go!"


Zhao Zhongyuan's face changed.

Shit, I was betrayed!
He immediately stopped, turned back to the sixth floor, climbed out of the corridor window, and moved along a very narrow beam and the wall to another building next to this one.

He already knew the terrain here by heart.

As soon as Zhao Zhongyuan flashed into the corridor window of the building next door, he heard a gunshot and the sound of a bullet hitting the window frame.

Damn, these guys are too fast, aren't they?

Before Zhao Zhongyuan had time to go down the stairs of the building on this side, he heard hurried footsteps coming from the stairwell. There were actually enemies coming up from this side!
Being betrayed is a foregone conclusion!
Obviously, the employer does not intend to pay the remaining 50.

Zhao Zhongyuan's mind was working quickly. He had encountered this kind of situation where the gangs robbed the gangs before. Fortunately, he was always cautious and careful, and he had always avoided it or counterattacked successfully.

I didn't expect to meet him again this time.

He rushed into the sixth-floor corridor of the building, pulled out a pistol, fired several shots at the lock of an apartment door, and then rushed into the room.

Outside the back window of this room is a row of four-story buildings. The height difference between the roof and this side is only about 4 meters, so he can easily jump over.

This route was the last way he envisioned to leave the building.

A minute later, Zhao Zhongyuan was already running on the roof of the four-story building.

The gunfire started again.

The gang members apparently saw him from the top of two buildings, and everyone drew their guns and started shooting.

Zhao Zhongyuan didn't care about the gunshots at all, because with his parkour-like movements and those guys' poor shooting skills, it was too difficult to hit him.

However, just when he thought he was about to escape from the building, he heard the rapid roar of a motorcycle engine on the road below.

Damn, the other party actually deployed people on this road!
It was obvious that the other party set up this trap with the intention of surrounding and killing him.

Zhao Zhongyuan had to stop because there was no road ahead.

Just jump down, are you kidding me, this is the fourth floor!
There were motorcycles blocking the road on the left, and it was very difficult to get out of these four-story buildings safely.

He looked to the right.

At this moment, you can still see roofs on the right, and they are lower than here, with two-story buildings and a few three-story buildings here and there. Run to the right!
Just as Zhao Zhongyuan was about to take a step, he suddenly discovered that a small group of people emerged from the roof in that direction, obviously holding weapons in their hands.

Damn, we’re really surrounded!

The rear was also blocked, and several gang members were jumping down from the window where he came down from.

Zhao Zhongyuan carefully observed the number of enemies in the four directions and it seemed that he needed to choose a direction to break out of the encirclement.

At this moment, a voice rang from the phone in my pocket.

"Go to the second floor of the building below you, quickly!"

Zhao Zhongyuan was stunned for a moment, and that voice sounded again.

"Zhao Zhongyuan, be obedient!"

He had heard it clearly!
This is the voice of my deceased wife!
His mind was in a mess, but his body was already running according to the instructions of the voice.

"Zhao Zhongyuan, be obedient!"

This was the phrase his late wife used most often when she was acting coquettishly towards him.

He quickly rushed into the building through the door on the roof and reached the second floor in a few moments.

"The third room, break the lock and break in!"

Zhao Zhongyuan raised his gun and fired, then rushed into the room, finding no one inside.

"On the right, in the toilet, climb out of the window!"

He did what the voice said almost without thinking, and after climbing out of the window, he saw several trash cans below!
Zhao Zhongyuan jumped down without hesitation.

"Run to the alley on the right!"

Zhao Zhongyuan climbed up from the overturned garbage and immediately ran.

This type of alley is unique to the slums of this city. It is winding and you have no idea what will be around the corner.

Zhao Zhongyuan ran quickly.

Because the phone on my body was still ringing.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry! Run as fast as you can. Don’t worry about what’s blocking you ahead. Hurry up, faster!”

At the same time, he heard the sound of a motorcycle.

Apparently the enemy in high altitude had notified the motorcyclists on the road.

The motorcyclists were coming up the road.

Zhao Zhongyuan's mind became clearer and an idea flashed through his mind.

"This guy using his dead wife's voice should be able to see this area! He must be in the air!"

But Zhao Zhongyuan didn't dare to look up to look for it. Now he listened to the urging of the voice and ran for his life.

About three minutes later, Zhao Zhongyuan suddenly turned left at a fork in the road.

At this time, the road in the alley became wider.

Such a road is enough for vehicles to pass!

Zhao Zhongyuan couldn't help but feel a little worried.

That gang has motorcycles. Will they appear here soon and stop me?

As I thought about this, my steps slowed down a bit.

"Don't be slow! Go faster, the countdown begins, don't stop! 10, 9, 8..."

Zhao Zhongyuan tensed up again and gritted his teeth to speed up.

“5. Stop!”

The sudden stop almost caused Zhao Zhongyuan to sprain his ankle and fall.

If you suddenly stop while running fast, you will still rush forward several meters.

Then, a truck whizzed past in front of him in an instant!

Damn, I almost got hit by a truck!

"You're too slow. If you run faster you can pass first! Now keep running. Don't slow down. You still have 37 seconds. If you don't get into position, you won't be able to escape!"

Zhao Zhongyuan panted heavily and started running again.

He heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching again!

This time, he counted silently in his heart.

When the count reaches thirty-five, the sound will sound again.

"We're here. Do you see that S-Class car? Open the door and get in!"

Zhao Zhongyuan did see a Sierra parked at the intersection.

It turned out that someone was arranged here to pick me up.

He no longer hesitated, ran over, opened the car door and rushed in.

The moment the door closed, the car accelerated rapidly and rushed forward.

In a blink of an eye, we turned onto the main street outside the intersection.

Of course Zhao Zhongyuan knew this street.

In this city, once you cross this street, the other side is the wealthy area, which means peace and tranquility.

And this side is the slum, which means chaos and killing.

At this moment, a certain Sla car had completely merged into the traffic flow. In the bright and clear sky, Zhao Zhongyuan saw several police cars in an instant.

Those gang members definitely wouldn’t dare to chase us as crazily as they did just now!
Zhao Zhongyuan sat up from his seat, looked up and thanked the driver:

"Thank you, thank you very much! May I ask..."

However, the scene before him left Zhao Zhongyuan speechless.

 Zhao Zhongyuan: Book friends, thank you... for voting for me on monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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