Chapter 118 Skynet is restored
Hearing Zero's voice, a smile appeared on Li Tang's face.

However, he also thought of Zero's shortcomings. Even though it is already a strong artificial intelligence, it will not go beyond the scope of the accepted commands.

This is both its advantage and its disadvantage.

The advantage is that it completely obeys human instructions, but the disadvantage is that it still lacks sufficient flexibility and has no creative thinking.

Therefore, in the future society, artificial intelligence and humans must be a mutually complementary partnership.

The obedience of artificial intelligence enables it to better serve humans.

But in some places where responses need to be made at all times, humans must command artificial intelligence to complete tasks.

Perhaps the most commonly used ones in the future will be the [Craftsmen], [Hunters], [Predators], etc. that have weak artificial intelligence.

As for strong artificial intelligence like Zero, it should usually be used as some kind of core.

"Zero, show me who is the person who mentioned the keyword 'action' in the communication information during that time period."

"Yes, Dean."

As soon as Zero finished speaking, two photos appeared on the big screen.

The picture on the left is a half-length photo of a middle-aged man in police uniform, who is in his thirties with short stubble. I don’t know if he forgot to shave when taking the photo or if he left it there on purpose.

He had an ordinary long face with a faint scar on his left eyebrow near the temple.

His eyes were bright and showed a determination that ordinary people did not have.

The picture on the right is a full-body photo of a woman in her thirties with an oval face, delicate facial features, and a rather charming figure.

The clothes she wore and the bag she held, with several eye-catching logos on them, seemed to have a more luxurious feel.

Zero's voice sounded:
"The man on the left is Yao Yiwei, deputy captain of the X District Public Security Brigade, 32 years old. He was found to have violated discipline by accepting a shopping card worth 2 yuan.

The person on the right is Han Suyin, the 31-year-old owner of a dental clinic in District X.

She and Yao Yiwei had no work connection, no relative relationship, and no indirect acquaintance through friends.

But they knew each other and kept in touch from time to time.

The reason may be that Han Suyin's dental clinic is on the side street behind the police station, and it only takes two minutes to walk from the side door of the police station to the dental clinic.

In the medical insurance consumption records of the dental clinic, Yao Yiwei appeared every month starting from 13 months ago.

As the deputy captain, Yao Yiwei should have learned the specific plan two hours before the operation, but according to the principle of confidentiality, the content he knew should be limited to the 22 prisoners in Area X.

Unfortunately, Jiang Siyang is among these 22 people."

"Wait a minute." Li Tang interrupted, "In other words, Jiang Siyang deduced from the situation that his entire line was exposed, and then notified everyone?"

Zero said: "It's possible, but we need to get a confession from the Security Committee to support it."

"Go on, tell me how Yao Yiwei passed the information to Han Suyin?"

Zero said: "One hour and thirty minutes before the operation started, Yao Yiwei left the temporary isolation meeting room and went to the toilet.

The police station building is adjacent to the cross street behind it, with only a landscape grille wall in the middle.

The toilet was on the second floor, so Yao Yiwei could climb out of the window and then climb over the not-so-high grille wall to reach Han Suyin's dental clinic.

Then return again, and the whole process will definitely not take more than three minutes.

From the police station’s surveillance video, we can see that Yao Yiwei entered the toilet at 8:31 pm and came out at 8:36 pm.

During this time period, no one else passed through this toilet.

Because Yao Yiwei and Han Suyin had a very distant relationship before, apart from some intermittent voice calls via certain messages, they had no other close contact, and there was nothing special about the voice calls.

Therefore, Yao Yiwei's previous database did not find anything. "

After listening to this, Li Tang couldn't help but frowned and said, "These are just speculations. It still cannot prove that Yao Yiwei went to Han Suyin's clinic during the time he went to the toilet.

Also, at 8:30 pm, wasn't the dental clinic closed yet? Was Han Suyin still there?
By the way, is there a Skynet camera on Hengjie Street? "

Zero said: "There is no Skynet camera installed on this section of Hengjie Street. Instead, we use the camera at the entrance of the dental clinic directly, and upload the data once a week.

Coincidentally, the data for the week of the incident was not uploaded, and the reason was that the camera was faulty and was being replaced. "

Li Tang was a little impatient and said, "Don't analyze it, just tell me the result. Is there any evidence that Yao Yiwei went to the clinic and Han Suyin happened to be waiting inside the clinic?"

Zero replied: "There is no evidence to explain why Han Suyin happened to be in the clinic at that time, but the more coincidental thing is that in the community behind the clinic, there lived a target who was to be captured that night. Therefore, there was a Hunter hovering in the sky.

The video it shot that night happened to capture the moment when Yao Yiwei entered the clinic."

Li Tang was surprised and asked, "Is it such a coincidence? Then why didn't you find this video in Yao Yiwei's related database before?"

“Because of our special mission that night, the relevant video data was not incorporated into Skynet later.

This [Hunter] also cannot be associated with Yao Yiwei.

If you hadn’t just suggested looking for people who were not in normal work relationships or relatives, we wouldn’t have found the keyword “action” in Han Suyin’s communication information and eventually found this video.”


As for why Yao Yiwei was not photographed climbing over the wall and through the window, it was because of the position where the "Hunter" was hovering, and the shooting limit was just on the side street.

"This is truly the case! All right, organize the evidence, submit it to my sister, and arrest the man quickly."

"Yes, Dean. The evidence is being compiled and will be submitted in five seconds."

Li Tang suddenly thought of something and immediately said, "Wait a minute, how did Han Suyin pass the information to Chen Yao?

Didn't you find Han Suyin in Chen Yao's related database? "

Zero said: "The submission of evidence is suspended. There is indeed no effective connection between Han Suyin and Chen Yao at present."

Li Tang asked: "Who was Han Suyin's communication message containing the keyword 'action' sent to? What is the full text?"

Zero said: "That message was sent to a clinic patient named Zheng Ming. The entire message only had eight words: 'Heavy rain all over the line, urgent action!'"

Li Tang's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Investigate all of Zheng Ming's relationships immediately!"

Zero said: "We have checked and found a cross-relationship between Zheng Ming and Chen Yao."

"what's the situation?"

Zero said: "Zheng Ming's sister Zheng Hui is Chen Yao's assistant. At 21:16 that night, Zheng Ming appeared at the entrance of the TV station and had a conversation with Zheng Hui."

Li Tang stroked his chin and speculated: "So, after Zheng Hui knew the information, she gave Chen Yao the brooch.

Jiang Siyang saw the brooch on TV news and checked the code book, realizing that the entire network was exposed.

Then at 21:31, he sent a series of messages and phone calls to inform his accomplices to flee.

That's not right. How did Jiang Siyang know to watch TV at that time? Does he watch TV at that time every day? Impossible!

Jiang Siyang is from Lanli, and Han Suyin and Zheng Ming are probably not from Lanli.

Otherwise, how could we not have established any connection when we conducted a comprehensive investigation before?"

Zero's voice sounded at the right time:

"Dean, I just found out that Zheng Ming's car passed by the street near Jiang Siyang's residence before going to the TV station."

Li Tang suddenly realized, "I understand. Zheng Ming should have informed Jiang Siyang directly, but he must have discovered the people being followed by the Security Committee near Jiang Siyang's residence.

In desperation, he rushed to the TV station...

No, that means he still found a way to send a signal to Jiang Siyang so that he could watch TV on time.

These intelligence agents would rather take a detour for the sake of safety.

Zero, display the map near Jiang Siyang's home and mark the route Zheng Ming drove that night."

"Yes, Dean."

A map immediately appeared on the big screen. Jiang Siyang's residence was marked with a red dot, and a green dotted line appeared and was marked on a road.

At this glance, it becomes clear immediately.

The road that Zheng Ming drove on was just behind Jiang Siyang's residence. Whether he used the horn or flashing lights, he should be able to notify Jiang Siyang.

"Dean, we had a [Hunter] in the sky above Jiang Siyang's residence that night. You will understand what happened if you watch the video."

The big screen changed the video instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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