Chapter 128 New Breakthrough
None of the scientists who studied the mysterious objects at the time could give a corresponding explanation for the bizarre abilities that they exhibited, as if they were life forms.

After all, it hasn't shown any abnormalities since they started their research.

No one expected that after thirty years, the mysterious object would "summon" Director Lan Li again in 2003.

Later, the Blue Grain Organization facilitated cooperation with NASA to carry out the "Spirit" Mars landing exploration survey and sent back a large amount of picture data.

As to why this was done and what the purpose of doing so was, no successive directors passed down any information.

However, the Blue Grain Organization has always responded to NASA’s requests, especially regarding the exploration of Mars.

But so far, no traces of aliens have been found on Mars.

Paimon Slater never took the strange nature of the mysterious object seriously after hearing it from the previous director.

He believes that it may belong to an area of ​​knowledge that is not covered by existing science, and the mysterious object may just be an alien communication device.

Just like when electricity had not yet been discovered, people thought it was invisible and intangible, very magical and mysterious.

After he arranged for new scientists to conduct research but failed to find any results at the beginning of his tenure, he never paid any attention to it again.

After all, how to satisfy the boss in the white house is the direction of his efforts.

However, at this moment, he felt possessive of this mysterious object.

It can actually extend the life of a dying person!

If I could control it, then would I be able to revive and continue living when I was about to die?
Paimon Slater took a deep look at the meteorite-shaped object, lowered his head, pushed Davis's bed, and walked out step by step.

There's no rush for this. Let's go out and give Davis a thorough checkup first.

If Davis is really alive and well again without any sequelae, Paimon Slater will come and discuss this mysterious object again.

Let's wait until everything is checked.



While Paimon Slat was falling into some kind of yearning, Li Tang in Shangdu was discussing the latest test results of a new instrument with Su Yafei.

"You mean, this low-frequency wave has been recorded by this instrument, but there may be problems when it is played back?"

Su Yafei pointed to an instrument behind Li Tang and said, "Yes, look at the recorder we used to capture this kind of wave. When your instrument plays it back, it still records it."

Li Tang turned around and looked at the low-frequency wave recorder, and sure enough, he saw a 1.5Hz waveform being drawn.

“That’s true. It seems I need to study how to play this wave.

By the way, have you ever tried to use this kind of lossless headphones to listen to it and see if it can produce a resonance of consciousness? "

Su Yafei shook her head, "I've heard it, but I can't hear any information at all."

Li Tang couldn't help but fall into deep thought. After a while, he stood up and looked through the recording chip memory cards that Su Yafei had sorted out.

This is a carbon-based storage chip card designed and developed by Li Tang specifically for this low-frequency wave recorder. It has a large capacity and super-fast reading and writing speeds.

Just from the appearance, it is different from ordinary memory cards.

Its center seems like a crystal clear emerald.

If a jade expert sees it, 99% of the time he will think it is imperial green.

But this is really not the case.

After Li Tang designed the low-frequency wave recorder, he asked Su Yafei to arrange the recording of several consciousness resonance frequency classes.

However, the reading or playback always failed. Li Tang checked it several times and found that there was indeed a large amount of information stored in the memory chip card.

From this he concluded that perhaps the amount of information carried by this low-frequency wave was too large, while the capacity of ordinary flash memory chip cards was too low.

To do this, he had to modify the recorder, directly connect it to a larger flash drive, and change the data transmission protocol to his own definition.

In this way, although the size of the instrument will become much larger, I think it will be possible to record at least.

Things are always full of twists and turns. Even after connecting to the largest 480TB solid-state drive on the market, we still couldn't record it completely.

Obviously, the information carried by this low-frequency wave has some kind of compression characteristics, and this strange phenomenon occurs when data decompression occurs during recording and storage.

Just when Li Tang was at a loss and was about to use carbon-based chips to design a new large-capacity flash memory chip, Su Yafei suddenly brought him good news.

During a test, Su Yafei accidentally discovered that a jade pendant she was wearing contained low-frequency wave information.

After research by Li Tang, he discovered that the mineral lattice structure containing chromium ions is perfectly suitable for storing low-frequency wave information.

The information stored in this structure of the same size would not be enough if it were stored in a flash memory chip with twenty times the capacity.

In the end, Li Tang designed a new flash memory chip based on this lattice structure and using carbon-based chips.

It can not only store this low-frequency wave information, but also store conventional information.

The storage capacity per chip exceeds the current 1TB level, reaching an astonishing 25TB.

What surprised Li Tang was that if chromium ions were not added or the added chromium ions were not evenly distributed in the lattice structure, the capacity would immediately drop to less than 10TB.

Sure enough, nature is the real magic of creation.

Li Tang finally finalized two types of this memory chip, one with added chromium ions and one without.

The latter will serve as a trump card to sweep the memory chip market occupied by the southern peninsula.

This is why the exposed part of the middle chip on these memory chip cards is imperial green in color.

In scientific research, after solving one problem, a new one will appear. After being able to store low-frequency wave information, the next problem is how to play it back.

Think about it, if it can be broadcast smoothly and can achieve similar effects as teaching in the form of consciousness co-frequency, wouldn’t it be a major invention for the field of education?
Children suffer from a hard study, and if they had this tool, perhaps nine out of ten times the pain could be alleviated.

At this time, Li Tang was flipping through the memory cards, which had numbers made by Su Yafei and a few small words indicating which consciousness resonance class it was.

As Li Tang watched, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Sister Yafei, the information content of the low-frequency waves you recorded is actually completely different, but the frequency is exactly the same. What does this mean?"

Su Yafei heard this and understood after a little thought.

"Yes, although the frequency of low-frequency waves is the same, their contents can be completely different.

It’s like, sound waves of the same frequency can be different words spoken by different people.

But does this have anything to do with your instrument playing it?"

Li Tang smiled and said, "There must be a connection. Think about it, how did the sound of the music played on the radio come from?
When it is transmitted in the air, it is not sound waves, but silent radio waves.

In order to turn it into a sound that humans can hear and understand, a modulator demodulation is required.

Therefore, I think that this low-frequency wave is similar. After it is recorded, if people want to hear and understand it, it must be modulated and amplified by some kind of demodulator. "

Su Yafei couldn't help but laugh, "It seems that this might be the reason."

"Okay, leave it to me. I should be able to get it done tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

With the newly developed low-frequency wave recorder, the memory chip card can be copied like a tape.

Therefore, Li Tang returned to the laboratory with a set of chip cards used for the consciousness co-frequency teaching and began to conduct various comparisons and tests.

It draws on the principles of modulation and demodulation of sound waves and images, as well as encrypted transmission of digital images.

I also kept comparing the low-frequency waves recorded by Su Yafei during multiple lectures with different consciousnesses.

Carefully compare the low-frequency waves of each memory chip card.

After a night of research, with the help of Zero's super computing power, Li Tang successfully cracked the low-frequency waves.

The result is a perfect set of forward and reverse bidirectional modulation and demodulation algorithms.

Using this algorithm, massive amounts of data can be compressed and modulated into any radio waves.

This provides stronger support for Li Tang's satellite communication network.

It can be said that an unexpected result has been achieved.

Of course, there is another advantage, that is, once the communication module of [Hidden Shadow] is upgraded, large amounts of data can be directly transmitted.

When the day began to brighten, Li Tang finally completed the design of an instrument.

This instrument, which Li Tang calls a "demodulator," contains a carbon-based chip that comes with a newly developed bidirectional modulation and demodulation algorithm.

When this low-frequency wave is played back again through the demodulator, it can be received by the human brain and the content can be recognized.

Yes, this low-frequency wave is not heard through human ears, it is transmitted directly to the human brain.

It was not until this time that Li Tang understood that this low-frequency wave might be the consciousness wave he understood.

It coexists and co-exists with the brain waves that we all know in reality.

In other words, it is mixed in the brain waves, making it difficult for existing instruments to identify and interpret it.

But it contains more massive amounts of information than ordinary brain waves, and this naturally encrypted nature makes it impossible for many existing instruments and equipment to decipher its content.

Perhaps it is because of this that the current progress of brain-computer interface research is not as satisfactory as expected.

Obviously, a lot of information is not stored in ordinary brain waves, but in this low-frequency wave.

From this we can see that a lot of information transmission in the human brain does not rely on brain waves, but rather on this low-frequency wave.

More importantly, this low-frequency consciousness wave actually has extremely strong penetrating power.

When it is broadcast, anyone within its range of influence will receive it directly in their brain.

However, normally, if the receiving brain has difficulty in resonating with it, it will have difficulty interpreting its content.

In Li Tang's opinion, this is a self-protection mechanism of the human brain, and it is also the reason why consciousness waves are inherently encrypted.

Consciousness waves that have not been processed by a demodulator will appear as garbled characters when received by the brain.

The resonance of consciousness is actually another way of demodulation.

Li Tang can directly make the brains of the people who listen to his lectures enter this resonant frequency state.

Therefore, the knowledge he imparts can be easily and directly absorbed by the brains of the listeners.

This process is like the inculcation of knowledge, which is why the effect of consciousness co-frequency teaching is so amazing!
After Li Tang designed the demodulator, he originally thought that it might be able to replace his own artificial consciousness resonance and serve as a key equipment of a knowledge transmission machine.

In that case, anyone who gives a lecture can perhaps achieve the effect of resonance of consciousness by simply letting their voice pass through this knowledge transmission machine.

As it turned out, he was wrong.

Consciousness waves actually have a strange property.

(End of this chapter)

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