Chapter 147 Tit for tat
The original plan was that Mike and his four companions would return by plane after arriving in Nagasaki on the cargo ship.

The reason that prompted Li Tang to change the subsequent plans of the four-member group was that the Blue Grain Organization had new actions.

The time goes back to when Li Tang was on board the Predator No. 12, fifteen minutes before it was about to approach the Nanping freighter.

Zero suddenly projected a scene in the cabin.

"Dean, I just received a message from [Anonymous] 10139 through the [Anonymous] network, from the White House."

Li Tang put down the tablet in his hand. The paper was basically completed. He didn't need to publish it anyway, so he didn't need to worry about details such as the format.

Looking at the scene displayed on the projection screen, Li Tang was also somewhat surprised, "The [Hidden Shadow] that infiltrated the White House has been able to establish a [Hidden Shadow] network?

That’s great. This way information can be transmitted faster and more timely.”

"Yes, Dean. Let me start the video then."

As Zero spoke, the image on the light screen began to change.

The scene is not a meeting room, but in the old man's office.

The [Hidden Shadow] that infiltrated the White House originally used this office as its first hiding place. There are at least three [Hidden Shadow] here, and they can shoot from different angles.

on the screen.

A middle-aged white man was talking, "...Based on the above information obtained by our Blue Grain, we can judge that General Douglas and our Chief Davis were probably murdered in an unknown way."

"Paimon, you're really working too hard to increase the budget. As far as I know, the Finar Hospital gave the cause of death for both of them as cerebral infarction, and there was no sign of poisoning in their bodies!"

A middle-aged white man with a big beard, with a look of disbelief on his face.

In this office, in addition to the old man sitting in the most powerful position on Blue Star, there were five other people sitting on the sofas and chairs around.

Just like in the TV series, Zero also hung a banner with everyone's position and name on it.

Let Li Tang know at a glance who everyone is.

The person who just spoke was Director Paimon Slater of the Blue Particle Organization, and the one who refuted him was Director Duke Elf of the Aifubi Ai.

The two major intelligence departments, the East Factory and the West Factory, were able to work together during the period of competing for supremacy with the Red Empire.

However, in recent years, due to the government debt crisis of the giants, they have often had to close down.

Therefore, similar businesses in various departments were subject to funding restrictions. In order to compete for the budget, the two companies began to dislike each other more and more.

Paimon glared at Duke coldly and said, "I've already said it. The other party used some unknown means to assassinate these two people."

Duke had a pair of goldfish eyes that could bulge out to look at Paimon without him even staring, "You just talked about the reason why Section Chief Davis was assassinated.

Then let me ask you, why was General Douglas assassinated?"

Paimon looked at the old man who had his eyes slightly closed, and then glanced at Mr. Firwin, the security assistant next to him.

Seeing that he was staring at him with his bright eyes, he said, "Douglas and Davis have the same reasons..."

"Their positions are so different, how could they be assassinated for the same reason?" Duke couldn't help but interrupt.

Firven coughed lightly and said, "Director Duke, please let Director Paimon finish what he is saying."

Duke shrugged and kept silent.

Paimon continued, "In February of this year, our Growler electronic warfare aircraft was defeated by the Growler Wolf of the Rabbit, and Douglas asked us at Blue Grain to find the opponent's core scientist.

We at Lanli lived up to expectations and found a scientist named Li Tang.

To this end, General Douglas issued a hunting order, and Davis formulated a "Hunting Tang Plan" for this purpose.

But unfortunately, the 'Tang Hunting Plan' failed.

This scientist named Li Tang declared war on the mastermind behind the scenes in front of mathematicians from all over the world.

Shortly after this incident, almost all of our intelligence network in Shangdu was uprooted by the enemy.

Then our Blue Grain headquarters was attacked and Section Chief Davis was stabbed and seriously injured.

Just a few days after I transferred Chief Davis to Final Hospital, the other party carried out a second assassination attempt and simultaneously assassinated General Douglas who was undergoing surgery in the hospital.

We at the Blue Grain Organization have evidence that Chief Davis and General Douglas were assassinated by something like a mosquito."

Duke couldn't hold back any longer and sneered, "Oh, so there is such a method of assassination as dying from mosquito bites, you guys are really good at making up stories.

Also, if General Douglas and Chief Davis were assassinated for the reasons you mentioned.

So how important is this scientist named Li Tang to the rabbit that they would go to such great lengths to assassinate our core officials? Just to avenge a failed assassination attempt, they dared to risk a war and run to our capital to carry out two assassination attempts?"

Paimeng replied: "Another possibility is that this is Li Tang's personal behavior."

"Huh, personal behavior? Are you kidding?"

Firven also said somewhat dissatisfiedly: "Director Paimeng, are you sure you are not joking?"

As an assistant for security affairs, he simply didn't believe that there was anyone in the world who would dare to challenge the ball tyrant, let alone assassinate an official.

Paimon explained: "My people checked the intelligence of Li Tang. He is very young, only 25 years old this year, and just completed the proof of a millennium mathematical problem in February.

He became famous all over the world because of this, and to date, no one can question his proof.

He previously studied mathematics and physics at our Princeton University, obtained a double doctorate, and then returned to China to conduct research in materials physics.

He once published a paper that was praised by the industry for opening a new direction in materials research, but in the following years he published very few academic results.

But according to the intelligence our intelligence agents later reported, this person had been providing a lot of help to the rabbit's military projects in those years.

Most importantly, our recent in-depth investigation revealed that he owns several companies, including an investment company called Zehua Capital, which holds equity in many technology companies.

According to preliminary estimates, his net worth is over 20 billion.

In other words, he is very rich.

Gentlemen, you should know that having money means that he can hire capable people from all over the world to carry out revenge.

Another thing is that he is very young, and youth means being competitive and impulsive! "

At this time, Fernandez, the interim chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who had been silent, said, "Do you want to use these inferences to make us go to war over there?"

Fernandez is younger than General Douglas, but he is more rigid and conservative than General Douglas.

From the military's tradition, they hate the Blue Particle Organization. After all, there are too many military operations in which the Blue Particle Organization intervened, at the cost of the military's sacrifice.

Paimon shook his head and said, “Of course not, the reason I asked for this meeting is that we must pay attention to this young scientist.

The personnel we newly sent to the other side of the sea to restore the intelligence network have sent back the latest news.

Li Tang is currently being commended by the mainstream media for his breakthrough achievements in the fields of big data artificial intelligence, carbon-based chips, and new lithium batteries.

Due to the paralysis of our intelligence network, we do not have more detailed intelligence yet, but only in these few areas, if there really is a breakthrough like the one they advertised.

It would be hugely destructive to our containment policy.”

"So what do you suggest?" Firwin asked.

Paimon said: “I think we must respond as soon as possible, and first of all, we must impose some kind of restrictive measures on him.

Secondly, all companies under its name should be included in the corresponding list.

Again, we must immediately implement stricter export policies on high-end chips and never allow them to surpass us in the field of artificial intelligence.

Finally, once our intelligence network in Xanadu is restored, we must launch a second round of hunting down them!"

Duke said disapprovingly: "Are you overestimating this young man? In the field of artificial intelligence, our country has made continuous breakthroughs recently.

As far as I know, OpenAI will release a brand new version 3.5 based on the just released 4.0, which even includes support for videos!

Just in this aspect, they can't catch up even if they try their best.

As for carbon-based chips, I guess it's just a gimmick.

You know, their scientists once took our chips and disguised them as their own.

Do you think a 25-year-old mathematician who has just achieved world-class mathematical results can simultaneously achieve breakthrough scientific research results in multiple different fields such as artificial intelligence, carbon-based chips, lithium batteries, etc.?

Don't forget that all the breakthroughs you mentioned were achieved within a few months. Gentlemen, do you think this is credible?"

Duke's words silenced the others.

Just when Paimeng was getting annoyed, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Paimeng's suggestion is very good. I have decided to implement it. You all have to support it."

The others looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Even Director Joel Farbencart of the Department of Homeland Security, who had remained silent, spoke up in agreement.

The old man waved his hand, and the group finally left.

(End of this chapter)

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