Chapter 151 S virus derivatives

The capital of East Wo, Tokaier, Jiujin Biopharmaceutical Research Institute.

Ichiro Ebashi had just finished an experiment in the laboratory. Seeing that it was getting late, he packed up and left work.

Ichiro Ebashi returned to China from Amirken at the end of last year. The institute gave him very good treatment.

Of course, what made Ichiro Ebashi most satisfied was that he could continue the research he had done in a certain castle here instead of starting a new direction of pharmaceutical research.

No matter what field of scientific research you are doing, it is taboo to change direction midway, as that would mean all your previous efforts would be wasted.

The project he participated in at a certain fort was research on human enhancers, which is what the military calls it.

Another way of saying it should be the research on human longevity agents. The leader of their project team, Professor Neisser, has a rather novel idea. He believes that human enhancement and human longevity should be related at the genetic level.

The NMN anti-aging agent that is now popular on the market has preparation methods including chemical synthesis, biosynthesis, enzyme conversion, etc.

Professor Neisser believes that the biological agents they are going to study have similar effects to NMN.

However, the preparation method adopted by their project team is somewhat alternative.

They use certain bacteria or viruses to stimulate the animal's immune system and produce certain chemical enzymes to create this drug substance.

Therefore, this project has funding from the military on the one hand and from the private sector on the other.

Projects like this are the best scientific research projects, which can allow researchers to study for a lifetime.

The original private funding for the project came from a wealthy club. During their research, a by-product was produced, which, after experiments, seemed to improve the length of cell telomeres, but it was not very obvious.

Everyone in the project team thought that with this progress, the sponsor would continue to invest, but who would have thought that what would greet them was the termination of funding.

Unexpectedly, the military also stopped funding the human enhancement project, causing the project team to be disbanded.

"Stupid rice animal!"

Whenever Ichiro Ebashi thought of this, he couldn't help but curse and complain.

In his opinion, the by-products of this project can have some effect in slowing down aging, so we should strike while the iron is hot and continue with additional investment.

How could it be so shortsighted to withdraw investment?
As a result, he lost his job. Under the current economic situation, Ichiro Ebashi was unable to find another job in biological research at Amyraken.

Fortunately, my resume was noticed by the Jiujin Research Institute, and I can continue my research after returning.

Unfortunately, after coming back for a few months, there has been no progress.

He had previously discussed this with his former Gaul colleagues online.

I heard that guy is also going back to China, but I can’t contact him these days.

While thinking, Ichiro Jiangqiao went to the underground parking lot, found his car, started it and left.

The car drove out of the parking lot and headed towards the apartment he rented.

Ichiro Ebashi is only 36 years old, but he looks mature and looks like he is in his s or s.

This resulted in him being single forever, and if one person is well fed, the whole family will not be hungry.

Even so, with his salary level, living in a big city like Tokaier would require him to live farther away to get a good value for money.

After driving over an elevated road, Ichiro Ebashi's car was about to turn and drive towards the street where he lived.

When he casually glanced at the rearview mirror, his expression suddenly froze.

Ichiro Ebashi remembered very clearly that when he came out of the underground parking lot of the institute, the Nissan sedan behind him should have been there.

We have already crossed half of Tokaier City, why is this car still behind us?
Suddenly, he felt a chill down his spine.

Am I being followed?
But I am just an ordinary researcher, how could someone follow me?
He soon thought of a rumor he had heard when he was in a certain castle.

A few years ago, a research team in a certain fort reportedly had an accident, after which an Indian researcher sent messages to many people, saying that he was being hunted by the authorities.

Ichiro Ebashi once followed this kind of news on the Internet, but it soon disappeared. This incident once caused a small wave of resignations among researchers at a certain fort.

That's not right. Although my project was also funded by the military, apart from the fact that the by-products contained substances similar to NMN, the indicators required by the military were not met at all.

The project should not be the kind that cannot be seen by others, otherwise I may not be able to return to China.

Ichiro Ebashi was a cautious person by nature. He did not dare to drive the car directly home, but turned to another road and drove in circles many times.

Only after the Nissan disappeared did Ichiro Ebashi feel slightly relieved and drove the car back.

After getting off the bus, he looked around to make sure no one was following him.

"Could it be that I saw it wrong?"

With doubts, Ichiro Ebashi opened the door and entered the room.

The moment the light came on, he was shocked by the scene in the room. The room was in a mess, as if there had been an earthquake.

There's a thief in the house!
Ichiro Ebashi quickly took out his cell phone and called the police.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service!"


Ichiro Ebashi was a little confused. How could this be the response when he called the police?
He glanced at the phone screen again and his expression suddenly changed.

There is no signal at all!

Ichiro Jiangqiao felt a chill coming over him, and without thinking, he quickly opened the door and wanted to run out.

But he was blocked by a human wall.

"who are you?"

Ichiro Jiangqiao looked at the tall and strong guy in front of him, who was almost two meters tall. The fierce look on his face made him feel cramps in his calves.

It was difficult to move another step.

The sturdy man stared at Jiang Qiaoyilang and asked, "Where did you hide the research data on S virus derivatives?"

Jiang Qiaoyilang was stunned when he heard this, "What S virus derivative research data?"

The sturdy man stretched out his big hand like a palm-leaf fan and patted Jiangqiao Ichiro on the face.

The man's movements seemed quite gentle, but Jiang Qiaozhilang felt a burning pain on his cheeks, and his teeth seemed to be loose.

"Wait, give me a hint. I have never heard of such a thing as an S virus derivative."

The sturdy man's eyes reflected a fierce light, "You haven't heard of it? Haven't you been studying it before? In fact, you are still studying it now."

Jiang Qiaoyilang was surprised and asked, "You mean, N-type chemical enzyme? Is this thing related to the S virus?"

"Now I'm asking you, where is that information? Don't fool me with what's in your computer!"

Jiang Qiaoyilang said quickly: "It's... in one of my mobile hard drives. I'll take you there to get it."

Having said that, Ichiro Jiangqiao was about to walk out.

"It's really not here. Where did you put it?"

"I took it to the research institute today, and when I came back just now, I forgot to take the bag."

The sturdy man suddenly reached out, put his arm around Jiang Qiao Ichiro's shoulders, and walked out as if he was holding a child.

Jiang Qiaoyilang felt that the strong man was very dangerous. He was afraid and couldn't help but talk more.

"Sir, this N-type chemical enzyme is the research result of our previous project, but it is not yet practical and is not something extraordinary.

You won't make things difficult for me after you take the hard drive, right?
This is useless. We have 16 people in our project team and all of us have relevant information. Our project sponsor also has this information.”

Ichiro Ebashi meant that many people knew this information, so just take the hard drive and leave. There was no need to do anything like killing people to silence them.

The sturdy man completely ignored Ichiro Ebashi's chatter and took him directly to the car.

"Bring it to me. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you."

Hearing this, Jiang Qiaozhilang felt a little relieved.

After opening the passenger door, the sturdy man let go of his hand and pushed Ichiro Ebashi, signaling him to quickly get into the car to get something.

Ichiro Ebashi leaned forward and reached into the car, as if he wanted to get something from the driver's seat.

Suddenly, Ichiro Ebashi threw himself forward and his entire body entered the car.

The strong man became furious upon seeing this and reached out to grab him.

Ichiro Ebashi rolled forward and landed in the driver's seat, and at the same time he quickly opened the driver's door.

He then jumped out of the car and tried to get out through the bushes on the other side of the car.

On the other side of Jiangqiao Ichiro's parking space was a row of bushes that were one person tall. The gap was not very big, so he could easily squeeze through it with his body shape. Further on was a corridor formed by several rows of cars.

With the strong man's huge body, first of all, he couldn't get through the bushes. Secondly, even if he squeezed through, it would be difficult for him to catch up with Ichiro Ebashi in the narrow aisle with several rows of cars.

There was a "click" sound, which seemed to be some kind of mechanical sound.

Just as Jiangqiao Ichiro crawled through the bushes and was about to run away from the narrow corridor, a voice came from behind him.

"If you dare to take another step, I will shoot!"

(End of this chapter)

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