Chapter 154 New Experiment
Shangdu City, headquarters of Future Science and Technology Research Institute.

After nearly a month of rapid construction, this place has completely changed.

Except for the Meihua R&D main building complex in the core area which is still under construction, the factories of all subsidiaries and corresponding production areas have been completed and put into use.

The living area is located in the southeast seaward area of ​​the headquarters area, where a huge residential community has been built.

There are hundreds of stories high buildings, which look stacked up like a huge mountain.

Pavilions and towers are scattered among them, helipads (parking spaces) are everywhere, and flying cars take off and land from time to time like bees flying around a hive.

As soon as this living area was delivered for occupancy, it immediately became a major attraction in the urban area.

In fact, over the past month, with the broadcast of CCTV reports, the speed of construction has been like a big magic trick.

The sudden appearance of the entire Future Science and Technology Research Institute headquarters finally set off the Internet and triggered a visitor frenzy in Shangdu.

Inevitably, this place quickly became a popular check-in spot for internet celebrities.

Most people who come here can't help but complain about the five-meter-high wall, but the entire headquarters of the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is full of high-rise buildings, which does not affect people's visit.

Even the long high wall has become part of the landscape.

Li Tang set up intelligent language warnings along the high walls, and anyone who gets within one meter of the wall will be warned.

Even so, there are those who are trying to attract attention and traffic, and those who are instigated by people with ulterior motives. Even when faced with a five-meter-high wall, there are still people who ignore warnings and attempt to climb over it.

As a result, all those who climbed over the high wall would be captured directly by security personnel as soon as they landed. After screening, 99% of them would be sent to the nearby police station, so the detention room quickly became full.

Immediately, some remarks slandering the Future Science and Technology Research Institute emerged online.

"The Future Technology Research Institute randomly arrests people..."

"What national glory? It's clearly a violation of the law."

"Why does a scientific research institution occupy such a large area?"


These internet trolls had barely begun to emerge when they were drowned out by even more massive amounts of comments.

"There were warning signs, but he still dared to break in just to get traffic. He deserves to be detained!"

"What internet celebrity? Be careful, there are half a million people walking around. Didn't you see the sign saying 'Military Restricted Area' there?"

"Why is the Future Science and Technology Research Institute a military restricted area?"

"It really is a restricted military zone. I see soldiers patrolling!"


Li Tang is not afraid of the online public opinions that slander the Future Science and Technology Research Institute. With Zero around, which internet troll army can defeat him?

Not only that, Zero also followed the clues and found out all the details of these navy troops clearly, and directly handed over those with problems to Li Qin for handling.

On the Internet, number zero is the real king.

In reality, as Yue Guoqiang brought back 500 Super Blue Army pre-selected soldiers, the cold-faced soldier immediately formed a fully armed patrol team.

Patrolling along the high wall in shifts 24 hours a day, the four big words "military restricted area" suddenly became real and concrete.

When real soldiers appeared, the internet celebrities immediately stopped messing around.

Obviously, the Future Science and Technology Research Institute is not what they imagined, just a simple high-tech company.

However, they soon changed the location because the living area was completed and put into use.

It’s a pity that they still think things are simple. Even the living area requires identity verification to enter.

Fortunately, the mountain-like residential area and buildings could serve as the best background even if they stood outside Gate 8 and kept a distance.

Where there are many people, there are naturally businesses. On the third floor of a nearby restaurant with the name "Cyclamen" is a restaurant.

A middle-aged man was looking out the window, his eyes fixed on the internet celebrities bustling around outside Gate 8, and he said:
"What a pity, these people no longer dare to climb over the wall and force their way in."

A female voice came from behind, "I'm afraid it's difficult to find out any useful information with your little tricks."

The middle-aged man turned around and said, "Then you can find out if you run a restaurant here? I heard that there is a cafeteria run by a chef in the Future Technology Research Institute."

"You don't understand, right? To enter their door, you need to have an identity bracelet. Don't we need to treat those outsiders who have business dealings or scientific research exchanges with them to a meal here?"

The middle-aged man was slightly startled. "Okay, your idea is good. I wish you success."

"Okay, don't delay, bring that information to Black Rain."

"You're still the same, afraid that I'll be discovered here."

The middle-aged man shook his head, opened the door and walked out.



On the comprehensive training ground on the 13th floor of the comprehensive training building.

Li Tang didn't know that the director of the Blue Particle Organization, Paimon Slater, had listed himself as the biggest enemy.

Over the past month, Zero has used various means through the dark forces to deploy more [Hidden Shadows] to the Blue Particle Headquarters.

Unfortunately, the effect was not very good, especially after the death of Douglas and Davis, the Blue Grain Headquarters established a stricter entry and exit inspection system. And because of the last attack, the five-kilometer radius around the headquarters is always kept under helicopter air alert, and there are also drone patrols.

This means that [Hidden Shadow], who had already infiltrated the Blue Grain headquarters, cannot directly use the 7G communication module and can only transmit information through the Internet.

Since bringing Liu Mingyu and his family back, he has been pushing forward the design and development of the new aerospace transportation system at full speed.

This time, he began to focus on the two technologies of superconducting batteries and electromagnetic propulsion ion jet engines.

The core of superconducting battery technology is the breakthrough of high-temperature or room-temperature superconducting materials, and the core of electromagnetic propulsion ion jet engine is the further improvement of ultra-strong magnetic field materials.

In fact, if breakthroughs are achieved in these two material technologies, they will inevitably play a key role in the commercial application of future nuclear fusion technology.

With the steady progress of the headquarters construction, the Future Science and Technology Research Institute has been completely relocated from the city’s entrepreneurial park.

Since the headquarters is located at the easternmost part of Shangdu, much far away from the urban area, the living area was quickly established for the convenience of employees.

Every employee can be allocated a house. Those who are married can be allocated a suite, while those who are not married can be allocated a single apartment.

Li Tang also has his own house in the living area, but he does not live there. Instead, he lives in the dormitory of the comprehensive training building.

As a result, he became a frequent visitor to the two training grounds on the 12th and 13th floors of the training building.

As a result, more Red Star security team members discovered Li Tang's amazing physical fitness, from the initial careful questioning to the subsequent competition and exchanges.

Li Tang quickly crushed these former military kings in all aspects.

The losing team members naturally asked Li Tang for advice. Just as Li Tang remembered from his memory of time and space, he remembered a set of body-building techniques that the Tianlong warriors often practiced.

This body-building method, called "Seven Apertures Body-Building Technique", is a set of exercises that the Tianlong warriors perform after taking genetic modification agents.

It can enable the Tianlong Warriors to always maintain good physical functions.

Unfortunately, the last Dragon Warrior did not have the formula and manufacturing method of the genetic modification agent in his memory.

Li Tang was able to practice this set of body-building techniques himself, so he naturally passed it on to his team members. Unexpectedly, these team members found it extremely difficult to practice.

There are only seven moves in total, and the strongest team member can only complete two moves.

But even if you only practice one movement, there will be obvious effects, such as greatly enhancing the body's endurance.

Therefore, all team members enjoy practicing this set of movements.

By chance, Li Tang discovered that the resonance of consciousness could allow team members to gain a deep understanding, thereby speeding up their training.

So he simply made this set of body-building techniques into knowledge cards and let the team members use consciousness wave transmission helmets to study them.

Unexpectedly, there were new discoveries.

The consciousness wave transmission helmet can actually allow the team members to learn and train with Li Tang as if they were in the virtual world in their minds.

The most crucial point is that Li Tang discovered that after practicing in this way, the team members’ proficiency in reality was greatly improved.

Li Tang and Su Yafei discussed this and started testing.

It was eventually discovered that virtual practice through knowledge cards actually helps the brain strengthen its memory.

If you already know how to do this movement, practicing it virtually will help deepen your memory.

Back to reality, all you need is physical practice to integrate brain memory and muscle memory, and the end result is accelerated learning speed.

It's like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you learn it, you will never forget it.

This is the result of the complete integration of brain memory and muscle memory.

So, Li Tang and Su Yafei began to design a new training experiment.

First of all, all the training subjects were actually practiced by Li Tang and recorded into consciousness wave knowledge cards.

Next, let the testers conduct real subject training to generate corresponding muscle memory, and record the corresponding results.

Finally, the testers used the knowledge cards made by Li Tang and conducted virtual training through the consciousness wave helmet to enhance their brain memory.

After both are completed, have the test-taker practice the subject in real life and then observe whether his/her performance has improved.

Not only were the test subjects compared longitudinally themselves, but they were also divided into different groups for horizontal comparison.

After this experiment, Li Tang was pleasantly surprised to find that the combination of virtual and real training methods could significantly improve training results than the previous direct hard training.

In particular, the speed at which everyone could master the "Seven Apertures Body Strengthening Technique" movements was greatly accelerated.

In order to further test the effectiveness of the new experiment, Red Star Security specifically recruited 60 young people aged 18-20.

This second group of members had never served in the military, but their physical fitness met the basic requirements.

After using consciousness wave transmission helmets and conducting a combination of real and virtual training, this group of team members completed a visible transformation in just one week.

The assessment results of the second batch of members all reached the standard of three months of recruit training.

When he got the result, Li Tang was shocked at first, and then ecstatic.

There is now a new and efficient way to pass on human knowledge and skills.

Perhaps the ten years of hard study and the coldest and hottest training in winter and summer will all be swept into the dustbin of history.

(End of this chapter)

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