Chapter 158 The God of Death

"Hurry up!"

Old Qi, who was wearing the second-generation [Tianwu], kept urging on the communication channel.

As the frontline commander of the attack on the BLA (see note) headquarters, he had simulated the plan again and again before the battle.

There will still be various accidents during the operation.

Just now, the six Hunters and two helicopters were supposed to launch an attack together with their two teams.

As a result, before the two teams could encircle the helicopter, an enemy who had just come out to relieve himself discovered the helicopter that was flying silently overhead.

The moment the warning shots rang out, Lao Qi issued advance action orders to the Hunter and the two helicopters, while urging the team members to speed up.

"Da da da……"

At a checkpoint ahead, the enemy machine gunner began firing wildly into the darkness.

In fact, he saw no trace of the enemy at all.

But it is not wrong to block the road ahead.

However, before the machine gun could fire for long, a beam of fire rushed over from the night and accurately sent the machine gun point into the sky.

A red dot was eliminated on the helmet display interface of Lao Qi and others.

A series of human-shaped black shadows emerged from the night and rushed into the valley at an astonishing speed.

At this moment, the valley was already in chaos.

But in the most central building, it is quieter than other places.

Some armed personnel are moving into combat positions in an orderly manner.

Many of them were carrying Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

A sturdy man wearing a blue headscarf with a white five-pointed star on his head and a camouflage military uniform, holding an AK, shouted at a group of militants in similar attire:

"Hurry up, they must be from the 88th Special Forces Battalion, we have to wipe them all out!"

"Destroy it!"

"Destroy it!"


A group of people shouted and followed the strong man, ready to rush out.

Suddenly, a beam of fire came in from the gate with great precision, knocking over the burly man and several people behind him.

With a loud "bang", the entire building was instantly engulfed in flames. The group of people just now turned into firemen in an instant, rushing around, trying to get out of the fire.

However, the fire burning on their bodies could not be extinguished at all and burned them to charcoal in an instant.

At the back of the building, several people nervously surrounded a person and ran out through the back door.

As soon as we left, the whole building collapsed.

A group of people ran towards the back of the valley in panic.

At this moment, all the buildings in the entire valley were demolished by helicopters in the sky using powerful rockets.

Wherever a rocket lands, there is a group of people or heavy weapons such as anti-aircraft weapons.

It was as if the helicopter in the sky had special eyes that could see what weapons the enemies in the valley were holding and whether they posed a threat to it.

Among the few people who had just run out of the back door of the core building, the one who was gathered in the core glanced back at the valley base that was being destroyed, with raging anger in his eyes.

Until this moment, he still didn't know who had found and attacked this secret headquarters.

But he understood that the assets that BLA had accumulated over several years were now gone in the fight.

"Malishekh (Chief), go, go, the enemy has rushed into the valley."

Someone was shouting, conveying a message to the group.

Just then, Mali felt the guards pulling him stop.

He quickly turned his head and saw a drone hovering in the air in front of him in the night, illuminated by the fire.

Under the fuselage, the muzzle of a black gun was pointing at them.

"Fire!" Mali roared.

The guards reacted immediately and raised their guns to shoot.

As a result, the drone in front of him disappeared like an elf in a flash.

The next second, the sound of gunfire like popping beans rang out, and a rain of bullets poured down from the side.

Several people were knocked to the ground in an instant.

Mali was not able to escape either. His left arm was broken and his left leg was also hit.

He fell over the body of a guard.

Then he watched the drone circle and continue to rain bullets.

The few people who fell to the ground were all shot again.

Mali was no exception. He was hit by at least five or six bullets and his vitality quickly drained away from his body.

At the last moment when his consciousness fell into darkness, Mali couldn't help thinking, "This drone is so flexible!"

The [Hunter] drone hovered in the air around the few people for a few seconds, until the life detection sensor gave a signal that no signs of life were detected, then it flew away like lightning to search for the next target.

At this time, Lao Qi, with two teams, had already entered the valley.

Cooperating with the Hunter, they quickly cleared out all living militants in the valley.

As the secret headquarters of the BLA, there are 600 armed personnel, as well as 800 family members and other supporting personnel.

Red Star Security faced them with two teams of 20 combat personnel, 6 [Hunters] and 2 helicopters.

To anyone, this is an act of throwing an egg against a rock.

It is even more impossible to believe that Red Star Security wants to wipe out everyone here.

After all, even if the Red Star Security can really defeat a hundred people with one, the BLA people are familiar with the terrain. If they can't defeat them, they can always escape, right?

The battle became intense as soon as it began.

The BLA people initially thought that the caller was from the Patan government's 88th Special Counter-Terrorism Battalion, but as the call progressed they discovered that it was a completely different matter.

Because they couldn't kill those steel guys who were rushing towards them.

Yes, under the flames of countless burning buildings, the BLA militants finally saw clearly what the killer who fell from the sky looked like.

Each one was wrapped in steel, and when the bullets hit them, only some sparks flashed, and then the shooter himself was killed by the box-shaped weapon in the hands of the God of Death.

Some people don't believe it and just pick up their RPGs and have a go.

As a result, these killer gods seemed to be able to predict the future and always dodged in advance.

Throwing grenades is no use either, as the God of Death is too agile, moves incredibly fast, and can always predict attacks from more powerful weapons.

Can't be killed!

Can't be killed!

These killer gods wrapped in steel are simply impossible to kill!

Not only that, these killers are extremely accurate with their guns, and the bullets fired from their box-like weapons will actually explode when they hit the body.

In other words, if a BLA militant is shot in the torso, a certain part of the body will be blown off; if he is shot in the hands or feet, his hands or feet will be blown off.

Condensed into four words, if you are shot you will die!
After ten minutes of fighting, the BLA militants completely collapsed.

The BLA people began to retreat to the back of the valley, only to find that there was an even more terrifying killer there.

The defense line formed by two helicopters and four Hunters was so fierce that the militants completely lost their courage after they attacked twice.

Some guys began to kneel down in surrender, throwing their guns eight feet away.

Kneeling on the ground, trembling.

"Captain Qi, these guys are kneeling down. They've surrendered. What should we do?"

"Drive them to the foot of the cliff over there and make them squat with their heads in their hands!"


The gunfire gradually died down.

The battle lasted only more than twenty minutes.

This was a one-sided battle in which the smaller side was suppressing the larger side.

Qi Tian looked at the valley map on the helmet screen. The red dots on it had basically disappeared, leaving only a group of small pink dots gathered under the cliff.

With such a battlefield information system, Qi Tian felt that he could be invincible in the world.

This time, the first battle of Red Star was finally completed in his own hands.

Since the mission to pick up the contact person was cancelled, the yacht headed south and headed straight for Yanggao in Bagan.

They stayed there for ten days, and under their guard, a secret base was established in a shipyard.

They were then sent to the port of Guam in Batan, where a base was established again in a shipyard.

This time, the first batch of 60 Red Star security team members gathered here, including each person's assigned Seiko robot.

The first overseas security contract began to be implemented.

They provide comprehensive security services to the Dragon Kingdom builders in Guagang.

However, just one week later, when a large amount of new equipment arrived, everyone began to familiarize themselves with the equipment and a combat plan.

The combat target is the BLA organization that constantly attacks Longguo personnel.

Code name of the operation, "Sweeping Operation"!
It was at this moment that all Red Star Security personnel realized that their security service was not just passive protection, but a proactive attack to eliminate all dangers.

Over the past week, all security team members have been fully aware of the heinous crimes committed by BLA militants against the Dragon people. They have memorized them by heart and are extremely angry.

Everyone believes that such KB elements must be physically eliminated!

Qi Tian would not have any hesitation in destroying them on the battlefield, but at this moment he was a little hesitant.

However, at this moment, the helmet display screen flashed with images of some Dragon people being attacked and killed.

Qi Tian no longer hesitated and clicked the clear button on the display.

(End of this chapter)

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