Chapter 173 Paimon's End

Although Alvin has received special training, he has basically not participated in front-line operations for many years, and most tasks are completed by using his brain.

Alvin had never encountered a situation like this, where someone blocked the door and attacked him.

When he came to the house next door through the secret passage, the owner was already waiting there. When he saw him, he immediately said, "Please follow me."

Obviously, this household head also belongs to the blue grain personnel.

He led Alvin into the basement and opened a hidden cover, revealing a dark entrance.

"Hurry up, the exit of the secret passage is on the next street, next to the police station, no one dares to start a gunfight there."

Alvin said worriedly, "What about you? Those guys will come through the secret passage, you have to evacuate!"

"It's okay. I'll pretend I don't know. My identity is different. They don't dare to do anything to me."

After saying that, the owner of the house closed the cover and tried his best to restore it to its original state. However, as soon as he came up from the basement, he found a gun pointed at his head.

"Who are you? I am a senator..."

There was a dull gunshot and the owner fell down in disbelief. There was a bullet hole in the center of his forehead, but the back of his head had exploded.

The man was covered in black combat uniform, with a hood on his face, not revealing any skin, and his eyes were blocked by a dark object like sunglasses.

In his hand is a HK416 assault rifle with a silencer installed in front of the barrel.

The man walked down the basement quickly, and several people behind him spread out to stand guard.

After a while, a dull explosion was heard in the basement and the whole house shook for a few seconds.

The person who went down walked back quickly, made a gesture, and everyone left quickly.

On the other side, Alvin had already crawled to the exit of the secret passage with difficulty. The explosion behind him just now made his heart tremble.

Of course he knew the owner of the next-door household. This was his own downline, which helped him get a senator seat.

However, judging by the other party's behavior of blasting the tunnel, it was obvious that the household owner had been killed.

Who are these people and why do they act so decisively?

How did they find this safe house?

With these questions in mind, Alvin climbed out of the cave, looked up, and found that it was a rainwater well.

Standing below, you can hear the sound of police cars whizzing past.

Alvin pushed open the manhole cover, carefully poked his head out, and then he was stunned.

The entire manhole cover area was tightly surrounded by a construction fence, and several people in work clothes were pointing pistols at his head.

These people were wearing masks and their faces could not be seen clearly.

The leader signaled the others to drag Alvin up.

"Professor Alvin, I'm sorry to meet you under such circumstances. I think you would like to talk to us somewhere else?"

Alvin sighed and said, "Do I have a choice?"

"Yes, you can choose to sacrifice."

"Who are you?"

"Change to another place and you will know."

The leader had Alvin stripped of his clothes and gave him a new set of clothes to change into, which made Alvin feel humiliated.

At this time, someone dug out a mobile phone from the pile of clothes, and it was still on a call.

The leader walked up to Alvin and suddenly punched him in the liver.

This made Alvin bend over in pain and he couldn't breathe for a long time.

The leader looked at the call interface and saw the caller's name, "Director Slater."

"Hey, Chief Slater, please remember, this is Battan. From now on, if there are any blue people, kill them one by one, and if there are two, kill them both. May God bless you!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

Then with a wave of his hand, everyone acted quickly, tied up Alvin, took him to a construction vehicle, and the construction fence was quickly cleared.

After a few cars drove away, it seemed as if nothing had happened here.

At the police station not far away, police cars were still rushing in and out, completely oblivious to what was happening right under their noses.

At this time, heading east, across the ocean, is at the headquarters of Lanli.

Paimon Slater stared at the phone in his hand, without moving for a long while.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and smashed the phone to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

"Damn it! Don't let me know who you are, or I'll make your life worse than death!"

Paimeng thought about it, then immediately picked up the dedicated phone on the table and dialed the number.

"Help me connect to the Batangi embassy and find the military attaché Armand."

After waiting for less than two minutes, the call was finally connected.

"Hello, I'm Armand."

"I am Paimon Slater of Lanli. I order you to contact the Batan police immediately to search for our colleagues in the Iburg safe house."

Armand was shocked. "Something happened to our safe house?"

"Yes, we were attacked by a group of unknown armed men, and they took Alvin away. You must find a way to find out the background of this group of people!" "Yes, but I don't have anyone to help."

Paimon said, "You should negotiate with the Batan police first and find out the whereabouts of this group of people. It would be best if you can rescue Alvin.

In addition, I will immediately ask Kant and Andel to assign a group of people to you, and they will arrive in Iburg within one day.

Now, do you have any questions?"

Armand said: "Not yet, I will contact the Batan police right away."

"Well, go ahead. If you have any questions, you can report directly to me."




Paimon Slater had been busy all night and went to bed at five in the morning.

In order not to disturb his family's rest, he did not go home, but directly booked a room in a hotel near the Blue Grain headquarters to rest.

This was the most uneasy night for Lanli since he took office as Director.

"Jingle Bell……"

The alarm clock suddenly rang. Paimon opened his heavy eyelids, reached out to stop the alarm clock, and stared at the ceiling with his eyes open.

After a long while, he sat up as if coming back to life.

He took the phone and turned it on.

In order to get a good night's sleep, he turned off his cell phone before going to bed.

As soon as I turned on the phone, it started ringing.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a call from Philvin, so he quickly pressed the answer button.

"Paimon, you're finally turned on, and here comes your trouble!"

Paimon didn't recognize Firven's tone and thought he was talking about what happened in Batany Castle yesterday.

So he pretended to be relaxed and replied: "It's a small matter, just a safe house attacked by militants..."

Firwin angrily said, "What safe house? I'm talking about the leak that you caused!
The front-page headlines of today's Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, etc. are all about the inside story of your leak.

I never thought that it was you who was behind this. Tell me honestly, what benefit did that old man give you that made you do this?

Hell, you probably have no conscience at all.

I even nominated you to Dabosi to be the director of Lanli. I was so blind! "


After a lot of cursing, Fei Erwen hung up the phone.

Paimeng was confused. He listened to the blind tone coming from the phone and it took him a while to react.

He quickly jumped out of bed, rushed to the outer room and turned on the TV.

At this time, it is CMM's hourly news.

"Dear viewers, we are now at the doorstep of Blue Grain Director Paimon Slater's home. You can see that countless Donkey Party supporters have surrounded this place..."

Looking at the huge crowds of people on TV, Paimeng almost fainted.

At this moment, the cell phone rang again, and he mechanically pressed the answer button.

"Paimon, our house is surrounded by many people, where are you? Jeffrey and I are scared to death, please come and save us..."

Paimeng stopped, then immediately jumped up again and yelled, "Call the police, call the police immediately!"

"We called the police a long time ago. If it weren't for the police, those people would have rushed in a long time ago."

"Wait a minute, I'll send someone to pick you up."

Paimeng finally calmed down a bit at this time, hung up the phone, and immediately dialed again.

"Andel, send your people to help me take my family to the headquarters. Thank you!"

Just after I hung up the call, my cell phone rang again. I saw it was an unfamiliar number, so I hung up immediately.

Less than a second later, another call came in, still from an unfamiliar number.

Damn it, Paimeng turned off his phone in anger.

He quickly changed his clothes, put on a simple disguise, hurriedly checked out of the hotel, and drove to the headquarters.

As a result, before reaching the headquarters, they found that the entire Biver Avenue had been blocked, and many people were gathering, holding signs that read "Paimon, traitor, step down!"

Paimeng wanted to reverse, but the car behind him had already caught up with him, so he was completely stuck there.

Listening to the voices outside the car calling for him to resign.

Paimon Slater had originally thought of sneaking out of the car and walking to the headquarters, but now he was so frightened that he dared not move at all.

If I were recognized by the crowd halfway, my life might be in danger.

At this moment, Paimon felt that his end had come.

(End of this chapter)

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