Chapter 176 A strange combination of circumstances
Americus is a small coastal town near Houston, Texas.

There is no moon tonight and the night is deep.

Paimon was driving at a slow speed, observing whether anyone was following him.

To be honest, when faced with a scandal like the leak, resigning is the best option.

Originally, Paimeng didn't think it was a big deal. Even though he no longer held a public office, he had made a lot of money over the years and had no problem living.

But, for some reason, the mysterious object suddenly bewitched me.

In my mind, it sounds over and over again.

"Take me away, take me away..."

Then, somehow, Paimon really took action and stole the mysterious object when he left his job.

After taking out the things, Paimeng realized that he had caused a big disaster.

The Blue Particle Organization is so huge that it would be harder than climbing to the sky for him to steal the mysterious object and leave Amyraken.

If Henry from the Administrative Department had not been on vacation, William, who took over, would not have been unaware of the existence of this item and would have given him a few more days.

It is estimated that Paimon can't even escape from the capital area.

But after he left, the object made a sound in his mind again.

"Go to the market, go to the market..."

Paimon had no idea what this mysterious object was doing. He tried to communicate, but there was no response.

If he wanted to throw it away, he would probably die without knowing how he did it.

He had already made arrangements for his wife and children, so he asked the man to find a way to get Amiricon out.

After all, I helped him reach the top when the information leaked, and now that the incident has come to light, I have never mentioned him.

That person still has to give this little face.

With this mysterious item, even if Lanli finds me, I will still have a chance of survival as long as I hand over this item.

But if he lost the mysterious object, the blue grain would definitely prevent him from seeing the sun the next day.

At this moment, Paimeng was very depressed.

The mysterious object caused trouble again today, calling out like a brainwash, causing him to pack the mysterious object and send it to Mark by express delivery.

Which Mark?

Of course, he is the boss of Tesla and Space Exploration Company, and also the new boss of Twitter.

At this moment, he is at a closed launch site, preparing for the 40th Falcon rocket launch this year.

So far this year, the Falcon rocket has had a 100% success rate in launching and recovering its first-stage rocket.

The launch frequency has reached a new high, and the recovery success rate is 100%, which means that the profit has reached a new high. In short, Lao Ma is very happy this year.

Five minutes after Paimon sent the mysterious item, he regretted it and wanted to withdraw the order.

As a result, it was discovered that an unidentified person appeared near his residence.

He was so scared that he didn't care about the express delivery and ran away.

Now, without the mysterious item, poor Paimon has no choice but to flee for his life.

You said you would go back and confess the truth to Lan Li, and let Lan Li ask Lao Ma to return the mysterious item.

What if Lao Ma says he never received the express delivery?

Based on Paimon's understanding of the mysterious object's bewitching nature, he believed that Lao Ma would definitely not admit that the mysterious object was in his hands.

To be honest, Paimon had no idea why the mysterious object came to Lao Ma.

However, he soon thought that the mysterious object was a meteorite from outer space. Could it be that it wanted Lao Ma to send it back to outer space?

These thoughts were just fleeting thoughts and had nothing to do with him.

Tonight, he has made an appointment with a smuggling ship that can take him to Mexico, and then find a way to transfer to South America and finally reunite with his family.

Paimon walked carefully all the way to the agreed place.

A man with tattoos all over his arms reached out his hand to him.

Paimon handed the bag to the other party without hesitation.

The man unzipped the bag and saw green darts inside. He nodded and said, "Come on board with me."

Having said that, he turned around and walked along the steps to board a motorboat.

Paimon looked around and made sure there was no ambush, then he boarded the boat with trepidation.

The sound of the motor sounded, and the motorboat quickly left the shore and headed towards the depths of the sea.

From here, you can cross the Gulf of Mexico and reach any port in Mexico.

Looking at the shore getting farther and farther away in the night, Paimon couldn't help feeling a little sad.

It has only been such a short time. I used to be one of the core senior officials of this country, but now I have to flee to the ends of the earth. What an irony of fate.

Sure enough, those who do the dirty work never have a good ending.

The motor sailboat was moving faster and faster on the sea, and soon it seemed as if it was the only ship left between the sea and the sky.

Paimon was sitting in the cabin, leaning back with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was half asleep and half awake.

There were two people on the boat, one was operating the motor sailer and the other seemed to be looking around for something.

Suddenly, the person who was looking around shouted in panic.

“There’s the Coast Guard!”

Paimeng was shocked when he heard this. He quickly got out of the cabin, stood at the bow, and asked the man:
"Where? Where?"

The man suddenly pulled out a gun and shot Paimon twice.

"Bang bang" two times, one shot hit Paimon's right arm, and the other shot hit Paimon's right leg. Paimon's right hand had been in his pocket. After being shot, he had no strength to pull his arm out, and naturally he couldn't take out the gun in his hand.

The gunshot wound to his right leg caused him to lose balance and fall to the deck in pain.

The man rushed up, stepped on his right arm, leaned over and pulled his right hand out of his pocket, and at the same time took away the pistol in his right hand.

"Who are you? Don't kill me. I have money and can give you more."

Paimon spoke in fear, he could clearly sense the man's murderous intent.

At this time, another boatman came out of the cabin.

"Where are the things you brought out from Lanli?"

Paimon shook his head and said, "Don't kill me, I'll tell you."

The man kicked Paimeng in the face, causing him to bleed all over and one of his front teeth to be knocked out.

"If you don't tell me, I will cut off pieces of your flesh and feed them to the sharks here. You will have to watch helplessly as the sharks eat your flesh..."

The man said this sinisterly, pointing the knife in his hand at little Paimon's position.

Paimon never thought that one day he would be treated like this.

He was so frightened that his soul had gone, and he cried out: "I say, I say, don't kill me, please, don't kill me..."

"Tell me, where is the thing?"

“I sent it to Mark.”

"Which Mark?"

"It's Mark, the boss of Space Exploration, Zlatan, and Tui!"

"You think I'm a child, yes, you must think I'm a child..."

"Ah--" Paimon screamed, and a piece of flesh on his thigh along with his pants had been cut off.

The man threw it into the sea.

Paimon screamed in pain. At this moment, he really hated that mysterious object. If it weren't for it, would he have ended up in this situation today?

Why can't I resist its temptation at all? What kind of devil is it?
"I'll give you another chance, tell me!"

Paimon shouted, "I'm telling the truth. That mysterious object is a devil. It can bewitch people's minds. I was bewitched by it and stole it out of the blue particle.

Then I was bewitched by it and came to the market to send it to Mark.

I don't know what it is, but it speaks to me in my head and makes me listen to it involuntarily!
Please let me go, every word I said is true."

The man with the knife looked at the tattooed man, who was about to speak.

With a "bang", his head exploded.

The man with the knife was so frightened that he quickly lay down on the deck and blocked Paimon in the direction of the gunshot.

Even without sticking his head out over the side of the ship, he could see a ship that was larger than his motor sailer approaching silently from the darkness.

Damn, there are really people who want to rob their fellow thieves.

In this vast ocean, it seems that there is no way to survive.

The man holding the knife thought about it, and suddenly raised his knife and cut the throat of Paimon who was standing in front of him.

Paimon's blood spurted out like an arrow.

Paimon raised his left hand and wanted to cover his neck. He never expected that this man would kill him without saying a word.

Brother, this is a bit unsportsmanlike of you!

The light in Paimon's eyes gradually dimmed.

The man with the knife pushed Paimon away and picked up the tattooed man's gun.

At this moment, he heard the sound of someone jumping onto the deck, and without even looking, he opened fire in the direction of the sound.

"Bang bang bang" a series of gunshots rang out.

"Damn it, you are surrounded, surrender now!"

The other side seemed to want to keep the person alive and started shouting.

The man holding the knife didn't say anything, and suddenly two things were thrown at him from the opposite side.

Thick smoke came out with a "hissing" sound.

The man holding the knife was shocked and realized that it was tear gas. Even though this was at sea, the sea breeze was not strong at the moment, but the smoke from the two smoke canisters was a lot and very thick.

The man with the knife suddenly stood up, flipped over and was about to jump into the sea, when a burst of gunfire was heard from the opposite side.

The man holding the knife was obviously shot, but his body was still pushed into the sea by inertia.

In the thick smoke, someone came hurriedly from the stern.

Looking at their attire, they are fully armed, and the assault rifles in their hands have green laser beams emitted from the laser sights.

At this time, they saw Paimon with his throat cut on the deck.

Someone exclaimed, "Sheet, Chief Slater is dead."

"Quick, search the cabin to see if there is that thing."

"What does that thing look like?"

"I don't know, let's see if there are any boxes."

"There is a box, but there is nothing special in it except personal belongings."

"Could it be that the guy just now jumped into the sea with the stuff?"

"Let's turn on the lights on our ship and search the sea!"

(End of this chapter)

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