Chapter 19: Fox Hunting
Li Qin's face was solemn, and he said in a low voice:

"We solved a big case a few years ago, but unfortunately, one of the main culprits escaped during the arrest and injured one of my colleagues. I have always wanted to catch him."

Xu Cheng was a little surprised. "Since he has already escaped, he must have run as far as he could. He can't be still in the upper city, right?"

"Two reasons. First, he is good at disguise. According to the arrested accomplices, no one has ever seen his true face. Perhaps he will rely on this to continue staying in Shangdu.

Secondly, his accomplices confessed that they had not received a large sum of money this time. I judged that he would run away only after he got the money.

And the money should be hidden somewhere in the city center, so I coordinated grassroots police to strengthen patrols in the city, and maybe he didn't have time to take the money away."

Li Tang frowned and asked, "How long has it been since he escaped?"

"It's been nine days..."

A hint of anxiety flashed across Li Qin's eyes, but she remained calm. She didn't want her brother to get anxious.

"Nine days?" Li Tang calculated:
“Whether or not we have received the advance payment, we will start the deployment today and work all night to debug the software and strive to complete the comparison of the video footage from the last nine days.

Make sure the connection is up and running at 9am tomorrow to cover all six districts!
Brother Cheng, please inform all your colleagues in Shangdu to come to work early. I will take an hour tonight for training.

Then they can go to the Skynet sub-centers in the six districts to install and upload our program. I will deploy the server at the Skynet center of the municipal bureau and connect and debug with them.”

Then, Li Tang turned to Li Qin:

"Sister, you have to go inform Director Xu and ask him to coordinate with the relevant departments of Skynet to retain personnel and equipment for coordination!"

"Tang Tang, can we really complete the deployment tonight?"

"It's a must!" Li Tang affirmed:

"If we deploy the equipment one minute earlier, we can catch that guy one minute earlier."

Xu Cheng immediately began contacting the newly recruited employees by phone.

Most of them were acquaintances he had employed since he started his business as an undergraduate. As long as they were in Shangdu, there would be no problem in asking them to come to work early.

Li Qin also left in a hurry and rushed back to the bureau to find Director Xu to coordinate manpower and equipment and make preparations for deployment.

Li Tang returned to the office, turned on his computer, and made the final modification to the "Human Behavior Feature Capture" software.

A remote control module was added, and an artificial intelligence basic algorithm library was added.

This ensures that the software has excellent intelligent indexing and speeds up matching and comparison.

At the same time, the software operation interface has been optimized to make it more convenient for operators to add personnel feature materials that need to be captured at any time.

The last part is beautification. Although Li Tang is not good at this, he now has size zero.

Since the database was imported on New Year's Eve, Zero has grown at an astonishing rate.

In addition, Li Tang has completed several basic algorithm libraries in the past few days.

This allows Zero to search for relevant information online and enrich its self-growing database.

It is growing at an exponential rate, becoming smarter and more talented.

By the time Li Tang finished his work, Xu Cheng had already called all the new employees who were still in Shangdu.

There weren't many people, only five in total.

Three programmers, one materials assistant researcher, and one human resources and administrative staff.

Although it is a company, what Li Tang actually established is actually a research institute. From an architectural perspective, it is currently divided into three parts: the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, the New Materials Research Institute, and the Precision Equipment Research Institute.

The artificial intelligence side has the largest number of people, led by Fat Liu, with a total of seven people.

The New Materials Research Institute is led by Chen Xue and consists of four people.

The Precision Equipment Research Institute was led by Li Tang himself, with a total of three people, plus the company's finance, administration and other functional departments led by Xu Cheng, a total of five people.

The total number of people in the entire company is less than 20. Of course, after the holiday, Li Tang asked Xu Cheng to continue to expand the recruitment.

Although the company has not officially opened yet, we had an annual meeting before the holiday and we already know each other.

Li Tang didn't waste any time and directly trained six people including Xu Cheng in the conference room.

"The mission for the six of you is to take our software installation discs to the Skynet sub-centers in the six districts of the city center and install the software on the servers they provide.

Because this is the police's internal network, I will remotely connect with you at the Municipal Bureau's Skynet Center to assist you in completing software deployment and online debugging.

After the deployment is completed, you need to stay there and follow up on the comparison of existing data after the software is running to ensure that no camera data is missed.

The process can only be concluded and the company withdrawn after the new data is officially linked and connected at 9 o'clock tomorrow and no problems occur.

Now, we start training.”

In fact, software deployment is not complicated.

The most troublesome and time-consuming process is actually the nine-day data comparison process of all the cameras connected to Skynet.

If an error occurs, it needs to be reported to the police in a timely manner and someone needs to be arranged to check on site whether the corresponding camera is actually malfunctioning.

Of course, the main reason is that the police paid a lot of money, so the company also had to provide super service.

What's more, in order to help Li Qin catch the person as soon as possible, an emergency deployment was made, and the scene had to make the police feel that it was worth it!

After the training was completed, Li Tang immediately went to various places with everyone else.

The deployment curtain slowly opens!

Time passed by minute by minute.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day, which was also the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, at 8:58 in the morning.

Municipal Bureau Skynet Command Center.

"Director Xu, I have accomplished my mission. The software deployment is complete and everything is ready. Now please activate the Skynet 'Fox Hunting' software in the six districts!"

"Haha, what a great 'Fox Hunting' software! The net of heaven is vast and nothing can escape it. No matter how cunning the fox is, it cannot escape the hunter's pursuit!"

Director Xu looked proud and smiled as he pressed the "Enter" key on a keyboard.

"Click", this moment was captured by a staff from the Publicity Section of the Municipal Bureau with a camera.

Of course, a lot of videos were shot.

The time is just right, nine o'clock.

After an all-night comparison last night, all the Skynet camera data from the previous nine days were compared, and the fugitive was actually captured by Skynet.

The "Fox Hunting" software found the fugitive's figure from 29 cameras in three districts in the past nine days of Skynet data.

After identification by the entire Li Qin task force, it is certain that it is him!
At this time, Li Qin had led the police to set up three encirclements within the radiation range of 29 cameras.

As long as this person goes out again today, he will be locked by the "Fox Hunting" software and can be arrested immediately.

No more time for the fugitives to escape.

At this moment, Director Xu was sitting in the center giving orders, his eyes fixed on the large screen in the center.

It shows the images sent back by the 29 cameras.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when "Fox Hunter" shows his power.

 I am currently doing a recommendation PK, and I urgently need all book lovers to read more (don’t keep the books for now), and vote for more monthly tickets and recommendation tickets to help make the data look better!
(End of this chapter)

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